Whass up?

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Mad cow

Economic Models explained with cows

SOCIALISM: You have 2 cows, and you give one to your neighbour.

COMMUNISM: You have 2 cows. The State takes both and gives you some milk.

FASCISM: You have 2 cows. The State takes both and sells you some milk.

NAZISM: You have 2 cows. The State takes both and shoots you.

BUREAUCRATISM: You have 2 cows. The State takes both, shoots one, milks the other, then throws the milk away...

TRADITIONAL CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income.

AN AMERICAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows. Later, you hire a consultant to analyse why the cow has dropped dead.

ENRON VENTURE CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows. The milk rights of the six cows are transferred via an intermediary to a Cayman Island company secretly owned by the majority shareholder who sells the rights to all seven cows back to your listed company. The annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more. Sell one cow to buy a new president of the United States, leaving you with nine cows. No balance sheet provided with the release. The public buys your bull.

THE ANDERSEN MODEL: You have two cows. You shred them.

A FRENCH CORPORATION: You have two cows. You go on strike, organise a riot, and block the roads, because you want three cows.

A JAPANESE CORPORATION: You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You then create a clever cow cartoon image called Cowkimon and market it worldwide.

A GERMAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You re-engineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a month, and milk themselves.

AN ITALIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows, but you don't know where they are. You decide to have lunch.

A RUSSIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You count them and learn you have five cows. You count them again and learn you have 42 cows. You count them again and learn you have 2 cows. You stop counting cows and open another bottle of vodka.

A SWISS CORPORATION: You have 5000 cows. None of them belongs to you. You charge the owners for storing them.

A CHINESE CORPORATION: You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim that you have full employment, and high bovine productivity, and arrest the journalist who reported the real situation.

AN INDIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You worship them.

A BRITISH CORPORATION: You have two cows. Both are mad.

AN IRAQI CORPORATION: Everyone thinks you have lots of cows. You tell them that you have none. No-one believes you, so they bomb the shit out of you and invade your country. You still have no cows, but at least now you are part of a Democracy.

HONG KONG CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell 3 of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank. Then you execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all 4 cows back, with a tax deduction for keeping 5 cows. The milk rights of 6 cows are transferred via a Panamanian intermediary to a Cayman Islands company secretly owned by the majority shareholder. He sells the rights to all 7 cows' milk back to the listed company, and proceeds from the sale are deferred. The annual report says that the company owns 8 cows, with an option on one more. Meanwhile, you kill the 2 cows because the feng shui is bad.

WELSH CORPORATION: You have two cows. The one on the left looks very attractive.

AUSTRALIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. Business seems pretty good. You close the office and go for a few beers.

SURREALISM: You have two giraffes. One is blue, the other green. The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.


The wife was unsatisfied with her car and was complaining to her husband:

"I want you to buy me a surprise present for my birthday, which in 4 seconds or less goes from 0 to 100". "And I prefer it to be blue".

Full of expectations she opened her present on her birthday...

According to the rumours the husband didn't survive!

Practical joke

I admit, there are a lot of more fun things to do, but sometimes you have to work with what you have. So this evening, when 'the Chef' brought food I suggested that he'd take the leftovers back (you know butter, olive oil that kinda thing). For the mushroom soup starter he brought bread, and I consequently suggested he'd take the rest with him home. At which time he said "I cannot live without bread".

Hmmm. That got me the idea. I had a bag full of 1-2 months old bread that I was planning to give to the birds in the river. You can guess the rest. I packed it in his rucksack. Seemed very funny at the time :)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The chef

Remember that course I was attending? The really bad one? At least until the sorta funny teacher showed up. Anyway this course. This evening we had a get-together with the funny attendances.

We had talked about it many times, since one of the guys was a chef. Or claimed to be. When he had delayed the dinner he promised us about 3 times, we changed our opinion of him and thought it was because he couldn't cook. Guess we were wrong.

Only, he claimed he had no real kitchen so I invited the people to my place. Said you can cook here. So the people arrived. But the chef didn't. We agreed to give him an hour, and then calling the pizza-courier. Good thing we didn't have to in the end.

He did show up, carrying food. Which he mostly prepared at home (so much for not having a kitchen, huh?).

So finally we had mushroom soup, beef with pepper sauce and "spätzli" (a local so called speciality) and icecream with hot berry sauce. Not bad if I may say so myself. And he certainly did :)...

As a plus he didn't destroy my kitchen. Only added a few spots on my already spotted carpet...berry sauce and pepper sauce. But hey, that's what gives a kitchen "personality", right?


Found this interesting link when I was looking for a lemur.


I had a dream

V. weird. I was dreaming that there was a lemur in my living room! You know the animal with the long stripy tail. What does that mean?


So I always gotten gifts when I left (oh gee, that should tell me something, right?). But when I left other countries I got something like books, cd's or coming to think of it a really great send-off in a restaurant.

This was an ex-boss of mine who invited something like 20 colleagues to a meal. Before I arrived he ordered wine. Which kept on coming. Of course the staff grabbed the opportunity, and kept on delivering the same very very expensive wine. He choked when the bill arrived, but no worries. It was on expenses :)

Anyway, it was a great meal and a great send-off. And I still have a few gifts from that evening. A book about great beers in Benelux (remind me to get back to you on that one!) and two candle-holders in the shape of tulips (yes, I was moving to "Holland"). Still have them.

So where was I going with this item? Don't really know, but was kinda thinking if I would leave Switzerland. What would the send-off be? A wave? A book? A remark like "it-was-nice-to-meet-you-but-we're-happy-you're-leaving"?

Oh dear, I'm fishing, aren't I :)?

The Netherlands

You see, I'm a correct type of person using the right epithet :)...just when talking about "my" cats I got a bit teary-eyed thinking about my send-off. I got two photo albums when I left "Holland".

One with pics taken by friends and where they'd written text underneath the photos like "this was the bus you took to work", "this was where your bike was stolen", "this was your favourite bar" and "this was the hotel you stayed in before you moved here".

They had also asked every person I worked with to write something for the other album. I got everything from copied P&L's (yes, I was in Finance - so shoot me!) to paintings to even poems. This was one of them called "Ballad of Annika":

"Her countenance is fair, this Viking lass can swear, like a sailor while guzzling a beer.

She spins her dark spell, as Nederlands tell, of a vrouw forever strikes fear.

Her mind may be quick, her humor too sick, for the average Jan de Boer.

But to all who opposed her, the pain of this rose were, thorns of wit pricking them sore.

Although quite psychotic, she thinks she's erotic, and twists men in knots to a fit.

And when she has finished, and they are diminished, she'd says "Just like a man - full of shit!"

Is it a wonder that I sometimes miss "Holland" :) ??

Arthur, Felix and Major cont'd

So Arthur was the first one to arrive. We became friends. He used to sit on the terrace when I got home, waiting for me to open the door and for him to get straight to park his butt next to the fridge.

Arthur in Dutch is pronounced "achtuhr", also meaning eight o'clock. But the name was actually given to him by an English friend of mine. And that was because he was eating with his paw. And I'm not joking. He was. And because they had an ad on telly in Britain with a cat eating with his paw he was subsequently named Arthur. My spaghetti and meat-sauce was his favourite! And my meat-sauce contains lots of spices. How can you not love a cat who eats that?

Felix was a young cat. He was named by me since he looked exactly like an ad for cat food. Black-and-white and playful.

Major was also named by my English friend, because he was so grey. For the younger audience here, Major was a prime minister in England WAY back :). Major was shy. The cat I mean. Maybe the prime minister was too, but I didn't know him personally.

They were all lovely cats in their own right, but they didn't get along with each other. So I made up "beds" on my terrace so that they didn't have to fight. Most of the time Arthur and Felix were sleeping outside waiting for me to get home. It was then a matter of whom got in first. Of course Arthur did. He was the biggest and the boldest (takes one to know one, right :)?).

Not to make this blog too long...just want you to see the pics of my "darlings".

Arthur, Felix and Major

Was out a little bit this evening, and I don't why I got to think about my cats. Well actually, they were not my cats, they were my visiting cats.

Quite a few years ago I lived in Holland (or as the correct expression is 'the Netherlands' - Holland is actually just an area stretching in between Amsterdam, Rotterdam, the Hague and Utrecht...ok, I finished the teaching now :).

So I lived in this house. Yes it was actually a house with three floors. In the Netherlands they have so little space so they have to build up and not out. Meaning the stairs between floors are not really stairs, but ladders. You're lucky if you can place your whole foot on it (and I have small feet).

Back to the cats. Arthur was a lovely fellow. Big and red. My friends claimed he was fat. He was not! He was just big-boned with a thick fur. And he hated people. Except for me of course. Might have had a little something to do with me feeding him, but I chose to think he really loved me. We used to take naps together on the sofa.

My house had a big terrace and that's where the cats came in. In to get fed, to receive a cuddle, to have some piece and quiet. Yet today, I have no clue where they really came from.

And this blog item is getting long, so will continue on the next...(since I know y'all have a short attention span :)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


So candidate 1 turned up. She wanted a room to rent for a longer period. She spent 5 min looking around, and then left. Don't think she'd be the ideal candidate anyway, since I don't think we shared one interest. But she was nice in a "working-for-non-profit-org's"-kinda way. And she had spent 4 years in Eastern Europe! See? Not one interest in common.

Candidate No 2 was interesting. A 28-year-old guy from India. He only wants a room for 2 weeks, since he's moving into his own flat after that. So he will move in on Saturday. He was very nice, and stayed 50 min. Nice conversation, nice guy. Have a feeling my friends were right (ouch, that hurts!). But since I never really before was actively looking for a flatmate (it just happened), I think I'm excused.

Spam call

Just had another spam call from an insurance company. Applied a new technique. When she asked me my name (compulsory I suppose since they always do) I said "ja". Then she went on for a long time with the pre-prepared speech. When she finally ran out of breath I said in a nice voice "sorry, but I don't speak Switze-dutch and I don't want any insurance from you".

She got so startled that she just hung up :). The fact that I actually understood most of what she said, doesn't sink in until later I guess :)...at least if she understood English which is not necessarily the case.

Considering the amount of foreigners though in Switzerland, shouldn't that be a requirement? It's they who want to sell to me, not the other way around in case somebody here feels inclined to comment on my German :)

Rent a room

Even though I don't have the best experience I have decided to rent out my guest room once again. My friends have told me that I have picked up the wrong guys in the wrong place (or perhaps just the wrong guys OR the wrong place?).

Anyway, have now found a website where people are looking for rooms to rent. Have responded to a few ads, and expect two candidates to show up this evening.

Story to be cont'd...

Ze girls

Since nobody has objected to being made public on my blog, here's a pic of ze girls from Friday/Saturday :)


Turned out to be something good on telly after all. A series called Medium on French tv. About a woman who works in a DA's office and has dreams about coming crimes. Which they surprisingly enough listens to, and she ends up preventing murders and stuff to happen. Actually quite good, better than it sounds.

Was just thinking if I had dreams like that. Would prefer to dream about next weeks Lotto numbers or similar...

Monday, November 27, 2006

Bunch of crap

Really tried to watch this movie, but boy is that a loada crap! Funnily enough it is exactly what would appeal to my ex. And you wonder why we broke up :) ?

Starsky & Hutch

Was just browsing the tv programs...there is absolutely nothing. Starsky & Hutch on the French channel. Wasn't that a series that went on like 30 years ago? But guess it's a new version. OK, gonna check it out.

November and Monday. Can it be worse?

Sunday, November 26, 2006


So today it was my turn to be invited for dinner. It was lovely. Had a soup as a starter (not sure what was in it, but it was kinda vegetable-tasting) with bread. Then tandoori-grilled turkey (!), that was certainly a new one for me but mmmmm. That was served with brussel sprouts, grilled red pepper, broccoli and roasted potatoes.

And for dessert the left-over chocolate mousse from Friday. Yum!

22 Nov

I missed it! My 1-year jubilee as a blogger! Imagine that. Over 1,200 blog items in a year, who would have thought?

I'm happy to have you readers out there, checking my blog every so often. Without you, there would be no point in writing! But knowing me, I probably would write anyway :)

So thank you for your interest in my life and my thoughts. It's fun every time I log on and check your comments...keep it up!


Perhaps I'm not very girly, since I never bring a handbag when going out. I just stick some money, the key and ciggies in my pockets and off I go. This was not the case when going out on Friday. All of them had bags. Which of course we had to keep track of during the evening. Especially when they went off dancing, without so much as a glance to their bags...good thing one of us was sober(-ish) :)

Funnily enough one of the girls kept on asking us to look after her Coop-card! Turned out she had money, credit cards and other valuables in her bag, and all she was worried about was the Coop-card. Which hasn't even got any money on it, it's just a card to collect bonus points. V. weird.

But as far as I know, no valuables got lost that evening. Only a pair of glasses got semi-broken :)

Time flies

Time flies when you're having fun. Another cliché that is indeed true. On Friday the girls arrived at seven. We had a drink (or three) while chatting. Some of them had not met before. That's a thing I really like. To introduce people to each other, and find out that they get along fine. As I thought, because I only have nice friends :)

We had dinner, some more wine and talked a lot. As you do. All of a sudden it was midnight! Where did the time go?

Two of the girls decided it was time to go home (one of them is still very young and still in training when it comes to party :). The rest of us decided that now was a very good time indeed to continue the party in town.

And so we did. Until 7 in the morning! And it felt like only an hour. Of course we ended up in the trashy bar, for the sole reason that it's the only one that is open. But gosh, was it fun! I have vague memories of a lot of guys trying to hit on us. After all, four good-looking girls in their best age (or so we felt at the time :).

Anyway, it was a long time ago I stayed up that late, and must admit, yesterday was pretty quiet to the point of being half comatose the whole day. But it was worth it!

Saturday, November 25, 2006


That was me tonight. The girls (wrongfully) accused me of always getting them drunk and disorderly. Hmmm. Would I ever?

Well, what can I say. Just got home. It's after 7 in the morning. And I'd like to point out that it wasn't my idea to stay out this late. Just FYI.

More to follow...but now I REALLY have to sleep :)

Friday, November 24, 2006

The menu

Got questioned this evening about what i will serve tomorrow. I'm sure it had nothing to do with my friend having a "friendgirl" for dinner tomorrow. When I asked him about what he felt he said "I like her, she's becoming a friend". Meaning he'd like to f... her. Men are so easy...but don't tell him I said that :)

Anyway this is the menu for tomorrow:

Starter: Prosecco and potato chips.

Main: Chili chicken, potatoes in the oven and a fried mix of peppers, onion, courchette and mushroom.

Dessert: surprise, one of my guests will bring.

Drinks: Prosecco, white wine (Sancerre) and red wine (Shiraz).

And if we're really lucky my Irish friend will make Irish coffees...

I should know better

...than making an appointment with an Aussie at six in the evening, thinking it would be an early night. Hmmm. First we met, then we ran into a drunkie person who didn't realize he was unwanted. He kept on talking to us, making no sense whatsoever, so Annika (the boss) had to step in and say: "go away please", but in a nice way of course :).

Then we observed the woman serving drinks, having the biggest boobs I've come across in a long time (size? Not sure the bra size exists).

Then we went to another place and observed these people. Mature guy, two younger women. Women dancing. Guy watching. Hmmm, pedo-warning. But I was kinda bald, and asked who he was. An Irish guy. There with his two employees. And they were really happy. Dancing, singing, drinking. The guy told me he never saw them like that before. I bet. A manager who doesn't know his employees. Hey, where have I heard that before?

Ah yes, from every male manager...

PS. Told him that as a manager it's his responsibility to get the girls home safe. He said he would, but I wouldn't trust him with my...hmmm what? money, chastity (ok too late), trust...yeah ok whatever...he probably didn't listen anyway!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Translation needed

I must translate a document to German. Any kind soul out there with time and skill?

Ah, I know. Will ask the girls tomorrow. First I give them some prosecco, food and wine, and then ask. How can they refuse :) ?

Miracles happen

I was eventually able to find a date which suited all the girls for dinner. Tomorrow! Excellent. Now I just must go food shopping, and make sure I got enough drinks at home. Knowing them, there will be a few bottles of wine needed :)

So look forward to have them here. It'll be lots of girls talk. The only worry I have since all of them are fluent in Switzedutch, is that I won't be able to follow. Fortunately I wrote in the invitation that this particular dialect is forbidden. But did they read and understand, I wonder :)

Tomorrow we will see...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


And when I've won the lottery I will purchase a flat here:



So went to IKEA today. It was relatively quick and painless. Had a meal of Swedish (??) meatballs in the restaurant. Gosh, it's cheap. CHF 11,25 for a full meal and a soft drink with free refills. A bargain.

Came home with candles, a blanket, hangers, some bowls, you know the usual stuff. And some delicious Swedish food, incl that gluhwein they have in Sweden.

Every time I'm there I get new ideas for interior design. Just too bad I have a rental flat. I urge for a new kitchen! I'd like to take down the wall between the kitchen and the living room, have a kitchen island and modern design. Now I just gonna run down to the kiosk and buy a euro-million lottery ticket!

Reasons to stop drinking

I really don't know why the pic's don't show, you just have to click on them.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Rich on time

As a comment suggested, Switzerland gets rich on time:


among other things :)

Gay life


One of my favourite shops. If only I didn't have to go there. Have this love-hate relationship with it. Love what they offer, but always get tired/irritated/wanna-get-out-of-there type of feeling when actually visiting.

Only to be happy again when home, because they do actually have good stuff. And cheap! Am a sucker for cheap.

And always when there, I come home with MUCH more than planned. They are geniuses when it comes to marketing. A pack of serviettes, an extra candle, a towel I didn't know I needed, a plant. Because it's so cheap, it's criminal not to buy. Like I said, geniuses.

And they have that Swedish food shop just outside, with all sorts of delicious goodies.

I can feel an IKEA-moment coming right up!

Absolutely necessary

I now know what I have missed all my life. A kitchen accessoire. A spaghetti thingie (gungeli for the Swiss). A device which has four different-sized holes in it, to measure how much spaghetti to cook for 1, 2, 3 and guess what? 4 people. You simply stick the (un-cooked) spaghetti in the hole and voila! There you have it.

Mind you, it doesn't say how hungry you have to be. If it's mini, medium or large portions. Well I guess, no device is perfect :)

I really don't know how I have lived all my life without it!

Jack Schitt

I know I posted this earlier, but worth seeing again:


Living life backwards

I want to live my next life backwards:

You start out dead and get that out of the way.

Then you wake up in an old age home feeling better every day.

Then you get kicked out for being too healthy.

Enjoy your retirement and collect your pension.

Then when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day.

You work 40 years until you're too young to work.

You get ready for High School: drink alcohol, party, and you're
generally promiscuous.

Then you go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, and you have
no responsibilities.

Then you become a baby, and then...

You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, in spa-like

conditions - central heating, room service on tap, and then...

You finish off as an orgasm.

I rest my case.

The last supper


Today my friend is having an operation. Made me think of a few years ago when I also had minor surgery made.

I went to the hospital to have all the tests made, and got information about what was going to happen the next day. Since the hospital is near to my place I got permission to sleep at home, but to be back early the next day. Provided I stayed away from food, drinks and cigs after midnight. HA! They obviously didn't know me.

So got home around 3 in the morning after a night on the town. Slept a few hours. Dragged myself out of bed, and went again to the hospital. Found the bed assigned to me, and promptly fell asleep. Was woken up half an hour later, they wanted to give me a pill to relax :). Fell asleep again, and woke up by them wheeling me down to the operating theatre.

Got needles stuck into me, remember saying "I don't feel a thing", and then I really didn't. Was anaesthetized.

Next thing I knew I woke up feeling really dozy and slept on and off the whole day. Begged them to give me water. Finally got it. And then dinner in the evening. Took one bite and then promptly threw half a liter of water up on the tray, on the bed and all over myself. Charming!

Well, I recovered and was as good as new in a few weeks. Hope my friend will do the same.

A little something

...to feast your eyes on:

This is a lot of seamen :)

What on earth

...am I doing up this early? It sure beats me, but just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. So here I am, at 6.15 in the morning, having a cup of coffee and of course a cig. My type of breakfast!

Have a glorious day everybody!

Monday, November 20, 2006


Would you do this? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/health/healthmain.html?in_article_id=416211&in_page_id=1774

Actually, I have once dipped myself into a hole in the ice in a lake on New Year's Day. Why? Was probably too hangover to say no :)


Most Swiss are by nature shy (read introvert :). Last Saturday the following theory was presented to me by a Swiss:

In order for things to sound less threatening the Swiss often add the ending -li to words, which in Swiss German makes the word diminutive = less "dangerous". For example Feldschlösschli (small beer), hexeli (small witch), gungeli (small thingie) etc.

Personally I also think that the Swiss have found ways around it by having so many festivals where they dress up, wear masks and that type of thing, which means they can live out their exhibitionism living inside them without actually showing it's them.

Challenges, anyone?

Interest groups

There surely are interest groups for everything these days. Read their mission statement: "The mission of the Global Orgasm is to effect change in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest possible surge of human energy". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!



My friend is just back from 2 weeks holiday in http://www.fuerteventura.com/. Tomorrow evening we'll have dinner, and I will hear all about it. Excellent! Since I haven't had holiday in a long time myself, I have to live on other people's memories :)

But in a month I'm going on vacation myself. Can't wait!


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Pearls before swine

This is how I felt tonight trying to "explain" humor. Which of course was another saying that didn't make sense to ze Swiss :)

But seeing how they were interacting and laughing, I kinda think that I'm the one missing out.

Ah Gad, do I really have to learn Swiss German :)

When in Rome

I thought that everybody knew what this meant. I was wrong. English-speaking community realizes this means "when in Rome do like the Romans"...essentially meaning you adopt whatever habits they have where you are (ok, don't even think about commenting about my German here :)

Was trying to explain this to my two witch friendgirls tonight, and was met with two blank faces. Since I'm not a quitter I proceeded to talk about sayings. Which led to oxymorons. You know like military intelligence or German sense of humour. Guess what? Blank faces.

Few things are as disappointing as people not understanding a joke. But I guess it goes both ways, since one of them tried to tell me about how funny it was when this guy was wearing a t-shirt saying something about the invisible border between France and Switzerland. It sounds funny to you? See? It wasn't.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Small phrase book

Some useful words in German:

Auf Wiedersehen – We "see us" again.

Chocolate – Schoggi (Swiss German), not to be mixed up with jogging, which is an activity I despise.

Chuchichästli – Swiss German for kitchen cupboard and the first word they will ask you to pronounce. Always followed by a laugh when you fail. Which is easy to do, since pronunciation inevitably involves spitting.

Entschuldigung – sorry, excuse me (try and pronounce that when sober!).

Fernseher – telly, tv set (actually means seeing something from a distance).

Grüezi – Swiss German greeting word, very hard to explain pronunciation but is a must to say to everybody, at all occasions. Preferably repeatedly, so if you meet the same person after 5 minutes you must say it again.

Saufen – networking.

Juke Box Favourites

Somebody has left a cd behind, called Juke Box Favourites. I don't mind keeping it, but since it isn't mine I'd just like to know who did it.

Also, I have a bottle of Danish "Gammeldansk" that somebody has ordered through tax-free, and for my life I cannot remember who. Any takers?

FYI there are also a few toothbrushes left behind. Guess there are no takers for those :) ??

10 languages

A friendgirl from Finland just called. She comes from the 6% of the Finnish population (in Finland obviously) who has Swedish as a first language. That is weird in itself. To live in a country and not speak the language. Which is completely wrong, she has told me, since Finland has two official languages (Swedish and Finnish...this clarification for my Aussie friend :).

But coming to think of it, Switzerland has four official languages (German, Italian, French and Romanisch), so it's not that strange.

Anyway, my friend told me that she only learned Finnish in school. So growing up speaking only Swedish, but now she speaks also Finnish, English and French.

She also told me she just met a guy who speaks no less than 10!!! languages. I haven't met him, but I already hate him. How is that possible?

I mean I can get by more or less fluently in three languages and understand three more + possibly some tourist-Italian and Spanish. But fluent in 10 languages? He ought to be shot. And not only that. He apparently is good-looking too. And has a high-flying job. Hmmm, I wonder though. There surely must be something wrong with him? I'd like to think he likes to walk around in diapers when home, or has un unhealthy interest in mechanical devices or whatever.

Well, apparently he isn't perfect (travelling too much) so my friendgirl had a plan B lined up for tonight...good for her! Wish her all the best...because she's worth it :)


Was funny the other evening when I got home. Received a letter (you know the paper one that you still get once in a while that isn't a bill) in my mailbox. It was so nice, I was planning on scanning it and send it to somebody. Only my frigging scanner wasn't working. I have a combined printer/copier/scanner and the thing always runs out of ink, and it cost about CHF 100 to replace the four colours which is as much as I paid for the whole printer thingie itself.

But scanning always worked until this particular time. Darn.

It was only when I woke up the next morning I realized that perhaps I had forgot to connect the cable :)...hmmm, my excuse is that it was after 4 in the morning after the end of the course celebration. Why I was trying to scan a document after four in the morning? Beats me.


Language-wise there are lots of traps to fall into. I'm sure I've done most of them trying my German, but since this is my blog and my English is kinda fluent I want to heckle the Swiss instead :)...since it's so much more fun.

Some of the things the Swiss use in English is save for safe. I think it has to do with the letter v being pronounced "fau" in German. So somehow they think v sounds like f. How v. weird.

The most obvious one is of course the inability to pronounce the. It always sounds like "ze". Which is one of the reasons it's so easy making fun of ze Swiss (and ze Germans of course :)

When we meet in English we meet. In German they meet each other (wir treffen uns), so I often get sms's saying "when will we meet us?". Which sounds very strange. Who else would I meet if not you who sms'd? Are you interested in other people I plan to meet or what?

Last one I just heard is "hi together", which I assume comes from "hallo zusammen" actually meaning hello everybody. But hey, isn’t that what makes it fun in the world?

Diversity, I'm all for it!!! Just wish the Swiss were the same :)

Eastwick moment

I feel we have an Eastwick moment coming up tonight. Just got an sms saying that both my blackhaired and redhead friendgirls will show up tonight. Oh dear. This can get real ugly ;)...

The only question is: witch time do we meet (pun really intended :)


For somebody with so much money he doesn't spend a lot on fashion. Cool guy! He is enough just being himself.

According to the press he could buy 1,4 billion book-shelves Billy. If all of them were stashed on top of each other they would reach back and forth to the moon 3,6 times. Or he could buy 11,5 million IKEA-kitchens.

Or he could invite everybody on earth for a meal of meatballs. Including coffee and icecream afterwards.

Wonder what it feels like being that rich? But again, he doesn't seem to care :)...I think mega-cool is the word.

Annika's Angels

Something made me think of this. About 10 years ago I was living and working in Holland. And one day we had an event. An outdoor thing in a great big park with competitions. Some were sportlike, and some were just fun. My team was called Annika's Angels, and won the trophy for best team. Mind you, not for the best in sports but for the team who made the best effort and worked best together.

I'm very proud of this trophy, considering that we were about 1,000 people. And if you don't believe me, see for yourself!

Walter, where are you?

One of my most frequent commentators has gone awol. Well, since you said you had a hot date yesterday I suppose you're recovering just now. Anything you care to share with us? Since I didn't go out yesterday, perhaps I can nick a story from you?


Yes, sometimes I am. Went shopping today and this lady offered me to taste some prosciutto. She proceeded to explain to me exactly how this ham was made, and when I after a little while told her that I only understand high German, she didn't miss a beat but continued so that I could follow. What happened? I had to buy of course :)...nothing like a good saleswoman (or man for that matter).

Also on sale was batteries (yes I know what you're thinking but don't go there :), so bought a stack just because they gave you a digital thermometer "for free". So for those of you who are interested (!) I have exactly 21,3°C in my living room.

Don't sweat the small stuff

And yet this is exactly what I do most of the time. Ok, sometimes I take a zen-like attitude, mostly when I'm too tired to care, but there are so many little things that irritate me.

Like people who block the escalator, so that I cannot walk past them.

Like when I just miss the bus, although another one is coming in 6 minutes.

Like when I choose the wrong cash counter, and the clerk is either new or annoyingly slow or both.

Like when I try to open boxes, packages or similar and manage to break the thing before I get the package up. Not only are they child-protected, they are Annika-protected. Patience like a mosquito, that's me people.

Like when I wanna watch a movie and it turns out to be only in Italian, German or French.

And on and on and on it goes. I know, the big picture is good so why do I spend time and energy on this? Or horrible thought, am I just human :) ??


Garfield, the philosophical guru once said: "I'm not overweight, just undertall". Apropos me just buying some more chocolate :)


The leafsucker man is back. This is a man whos job is to suck leaves from the streets and areas around houses. And to his help he has this noisy machine. Extremely annoying.

I've been told that they even do this in forests here in Switzerland. Hello?? Where I come from leaves are regarded as a natural part of nature.

I wanna tell this man to get a real job. And I want to use my water pistol shooting him, the one I normally reserve for the birds. Think it'll help?


One of the advantages of staying home in the evening, is that you wake up bright-eyed and bushytailed and ready for another day. Have a heavy agenda today: food- and drink-shopping, blogging, telephone calls to make and yes, mustn't forget, to go out in the evening :)

Hurray for Saturdays!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Friendgirls gone awol

It's Friday and everybody's off doing something else like being sick (how dare they!), being out of town (how inconsiderate!) or similar. What the heck am I supposed to do then? Staying home? Hmmm, yes it is Desperate Housewives on Italian telly (in English).

It's just not the same to go out with guys, unless gays (and yes, they are out of town too). Dilemma. Could go out on my own of course, have a tendency to always meet people. Worth thinking about :)


Just did some easy cooking. And managed to make it a tad hot. Well, I guess I have to go easy on the cheyenne-pepper and hot chilisauce next time. Mouth burning.

And no chocolate at home to cool it down with :)...I wish somebody would ring my door just now and bring a bag of Sprüngli-goodies...anybody?

Back to the roots

In this part of the world they estimate the new big Christmas present to be...what? No new techie thing, but books. The type that you buy on dvd, and listen to.

Is this because kids cannot read anymore? Or is it for adults who have no time to read a book? Or why? I really cannot figure this one out. Even Amazon has hooked onto this new "trend".

V. weird.


Ok, gonna have a go at the Swiss again. Just looked at my stat's and I have indeed quite a few Swiss readers (well, I live here so why not?) but most of them do not comment.

If I could give the Swiss one advice it would be: don't be so afraid of everything that is new. It's not gonna bite. And not everything is so friggin serious. This for example is just a blog, ok?

I think one of the reasons that you do not comment so often is your lack of confidence in English. Well hey? My German kinda stinks. But that doesn't stop me from trying.

Change is good, remember that :)


One thing I like very much about "my" place downtown is that they never hesitate to throw out idiots. They can deal with all sorts of "funny/strange" people (and trust me, there are a lot there :) but idiots are not welcome.

Another drama today when one of them entered. Good thing most of the waiters are fairly big. He was at first gently shown to the door, when that didn't work they got more forceful. And the people who work there always back each other up. So eventually the guy was out, and that without violence. It takes some skill, I tell you.

I have one or two friends who can learn from that :) (compare "Drama cont'd" blog from Oct 18).


Was out a little bit this evening as you know. Realized I hadn't heard from a friendgirl for some time and sms'd her. Turned out she's been sick from a cold for like 3 weeks. And last time we spoke she was just going to a spa weekend.

Told her to stay with drinks and cigs, and stay away from sports. Well, except for horizontal surfing obviously :)

That's my tip, and guess what? I'm almost never sick...

Suitable replacement

Apparently that's me. Am going to the US of A for a week over Christmas, and since I have a few friends there, I was trying to arrange to meet them. This is one of the emails on the subject: Annika's coming into town.

"I was looking for Santa Claus, but you're a suitable replacement!

I'm flying out from D on the 22nd, so that means if I'm going to see you, it will have to be the 21st, which also happens to be a workday for me. Therefore, if I'm going to see you, it will have to be on the night of the 21st!

That's not so bad, except that A is a long friggin' way from P!! It's about an hour drive or more, especially given the traffic after work....it could be closer to 1.5 hours. But...I'm willing to make the journey! :-)

You'll have to give me some help on where we can catch up."

My answer:

"All the best parties take place at night, and I will try to meet you halfway (ah gee, have I become a comprimizing type?). Have asked my friend to suggest a place between A and P, and of course you're "willing to make the journey"!! It's been what? 10 years?

I hope you haven't become old, since I haven't aged a day :)

Will get back to you when I found someplace (the things you have to organize for the locals!).

Hmmm regards,
The suitable replacement"

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Was just changing into my "going-out-clothes" and noticed that I've become sloppy now when the bikini season is over. Gosh, I'm furry like ALF on my legs. Coming to think of it, I should probably check other areas as well :)

But tomorrow is another day, and have no time now. Always postpone as much as you can, right?


OK, so I think it is soon time to take a little trip downtown. Just to see if anything fun is happening you know. And to get some input for more blog items. So you see, I do this all for you :)

Girls dinner

I'm trying to get four girls together for a dinner at my place before Christmas. This is like pulling teeth I tell you. How come people are so busy-busy-busy? I'm never busy when it comes to parties...

Person A cannot do these dates, and then she tells me almost every weekend for the next two months. Person B cannot then and then and then. And so forth.

It's not like my dinner parties are exactly boring :). So sent an email giving them two alternative dates. Let's see what happens...


To go out or not go out, that is the question. Alternatively keep on blogging, watch Sommersby on telly (tried for half an hour, got bored), have a glass of wine, smoke a ciggie or go out. I suppose I could do a combination of some alternatives :)

Hmm, will make a phone call. Then decide.

Fliege in scheisse

This is about as happy as I am right now, having finished this jxfu%"£ course. What it means? Happy as a fly in shit :)


Got me another breather. Somebody who phones all sorts of different times. Cannot see the number. Cannot even hear what he says, since he whispers. Have learned to just hang up immediately, since shouting pervert or I'll call the police doesn't seem to help.

What's wrong with these people?

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Express train

So, the express train finally reached its destination. Us. Was a bit funny today, since we had waited forever for this course to end, and today it actually happened. A bit of an anticlimax actually.

You know like when you puncture a balloon. V. strange.

Anyway, being the persistant type (along with most of the group) we decided to continue. Meaning going to a bar, have a few drinks and take it from there. Group dynamic changed a bit when the teacher joined. Ok, if you haven't followed the blog you may not be totally up to date with developments (shame on you! :) but the first teacher we "fired", the second one was "not accepted" and this third one was funny. That's the one who joined us this evening.

Guess conclusion is (and this is bloody late here in Europe, so no complaints about profundity "bitte" :) that sometimes people surprise you. Fortunately this one didn't dance on the table naked :)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Means train in English. The whole class has been counting the days to the end for several weeks now. I phrased it like: I'm seeing the light in the end of the tunnel". And then adding: "but it's an express-train".

Which has now become a joke in class. Today I got an sms, saying the train is really close. To which I responded: yes, but it's coming at us at 250 km/h!

Hmmmm. Tomorrow is the last day. I really prefer Scarlett O'Haras view: tomorrow is another day. Far more promising and less threatening :)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Fantastically arrogant

Was just watching Desperate Housewives. Excellent series. There is this scene where a guy is visiting an dying older man in the hospital. They are not exactly friends. The older one says "You coming to visit me again?". The guy responds "You plan on having an open casket?".

I think it's funny because it's such a bad thing to say, so you don't expect anybody to really say irl. Therefore it becomes funny. A bit like Borat.

Being a good listener

This is an area where I always thought I could better myself. But judging by results, I'm not too bad at it.

extremely visible: II
clearly visible: II
visible: IIIII
mediocre: I
very weak:
extreme weak:

My own rating of myself: mediocre.

And that my friends, conclude the votes of the Scandinavian jury :)...enough about me. Now I'm gonna go back to writing about other people. Well, my thoughts about other people that is :)


Love team-work. Let's see if it shows?

extremely visible: IIII
clearly visible: IIII
visible: II
mediocre: I
very weak: I
extreme weak:

I really would like to know who the person so negative towards me is?

My rating: clearly visible.

Willing to compromise

Room for improvement?

extremely visible:
clearly visible: I
visible: IIII
mediocre: II
weak: I
very weak: I
extreme weak:

My grade: visible.


Guess I am. A bit :)

extremely visible: IIIII
clearly visible: III
weak: I
very weak:
extreme weak:

My own rating: clearly visible


Fairly so I would say. Whether the decision is always right was not part of the questionnaire :)

extremely visible: II
clearly visible: IIIIIII
visible: II
mediocre: I
weak: I
very weak:
extreme weak:

My rating: clearly visible.

Able to take stress

Yeah ok, everybody's view is different.

extremely visible: II
clearly visible: IIII
visible: III
very weak: II
extreme weak:

My grading: visible. It's interesting how differently you are perceived by people.


Hmmm, this'll be interesting.

extremely visible:
clearly visible: II
visible: III
mediocre: IIII
weak: II
very weak: I
extreme weak:

My grading: mediocre. Just surprised that some people find me patient!


Assertive: describes someone who behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or believe.

extremely visible: III
clearly visible: III
visible: I
mediocre: III
very weak:
extreme weak:

My own grading: clearly visible. And yes, I usually say what I think. Just have to remember to think first sometimes :)

Accepting criticism

extremely visible:
clearly visible: III
visible: I
mediocre: IIII
very weak: I
extreme weak:

Own grading: mediocre. I'm kinda bad on this. If you criticise what I do or say, you criticise me as a person. Have a feeling this is a bit womanly. Men are more like water off a ducks back with criticism. Am I right or am I right?

Being critical

Next one.

extremely visible: I
clearly visible: IIIIIII
visible: I
mediocre: I
weak: I
very weak:
extreme weak:

My own grading? Clearly visible. OK, so I'm a tad critical. Point taken :)


Had the most wonderful idea, followed by that request of my traits. I just do one at a time, which means I get 10 blog items out of one idea! Excellent. AND I get to talk about myself on request. Hang on, it's my blog :)

So the exercise was about 10 different traits and then you were supposed to grade them for other people and for yourself. So in the end you had a matrix showing what you thought about yourself, vs how other people saw you. Very interesting.

First one was flexible. And the grades were:
extremely visible: I
clearly visible: I
visible: IIII
mediocre: IIII
very weak: I
extreme weak:

We were twelve people in total, but since a few of them didn't get that you have to do grades for all traits and all people, not all have a total of twelve. Get it?

My own grading was visible.

Home sweet home

Well, not today since Monday seems to be the big day for all sorts of weird phone calls. In the last half hour I had two. One insurance/pension company who wanted me to give them money. Politely declined. Second one from a course institute (haven't I had enough of them by now?) wanting to offer a Windows-course. HAHAHA. Who in their right mind does these things in year 2006? Windows? That was invented last century and is today what everybody uses. Right?

And yet I'm stupid enough to answer all calls. After all, it might be somebody interesting next time...well, here's hoping.


So, blogger doesn't like Excel. It would've been so much easier to upload a matrix from Excel re earlier request of my traits. Ah well. Will have to think of another way. To blog directly making a matrix, does not show it properly I don't think. Ideas anyone?


Tomorrow is the last day of this "fantastic" course I have enjoyed/endured (take your pick :). This afternoon I was pulled aside by the teacher. Thought oh-oh, what have I done now? Turns out she wanted to give me her evaluation of me, since my German is not perfect she wanted to give me a chance to read it at home, and to correct anything I didn't agree with (well, not anything-anything, but you know). How very nice indeed. Thoughtful people? A surprise every time.

So, now I'm home reading an evaluation of myself. Or rather, as somebody else sees me. Always interesting. And I like the topic :)

Sunday, November 12, 2006


One of the acquaintances we made tonight were kinda transvestites. Meaning the man was clad in a brides outfit, but only on top. His bottom was dressed in trousers. The woman was dressed like a man complete with a moustache topwise, but with the bride's skirt bottomwise.

Not sure I described it properly, but it was funny to see. Along with the fact that the "Guggenmusik"-people didn't stop playing at 11.11 pm...


OK, so I'm still waiting for my friend to get home safely. Got an sms, saying she's on the way but have to do something semi-useful in the meantime. So here goes. Languages spoken of my readers (and this is statistics so don't even go there).

Sorry, not languages, countries...(I'm confused :), well, can you blame me after a day like this??)

This thing

When I grew up we always had this thing of waving people off. Seeing them off to wherever they were going. I do this with all my friends here in Zürich. They don't understand why. Meaning I walk them to their car, train, bus whatever. To see them off. Some of them laugh, and most of them find it strange. But it's my thing ok?

Tonight though, I was told off. Take the last bus!!! Ok, so I caved in. And now I'm here blogging waiting for her to sms me that she's home safely.

It's gonna be a make or break situation. Because if she doesn't tonight, I will never ever let her go to the train alone again!

It's my thing ok, let it go :)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

My own private Guggenmusik

Reason for carnival

The First World War lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11.11am on 11 November 1918. Funnily enough I was informed about this from an American today. Which is possibly the reason for this carnival going on here in Zürich right now. Starting at 11.11 on 11.11. Anyone?

More Guggenmusik from Zürich today


11.11 at 11.11 remember? Off to town soon to look at this (click on pic).

Friday, November 10, 2006


Not sure exactly when this is, but I'm sure some American will tell me :). Just got this email:

"I was looking for some Thanksgiving recipes and came across this one for lemon breasted turkey that looked really good and thought I would share it with you.


1 whole turkey (weight is dependent on how many servings are required)
1 large lemon, cut into halves
sprig of rosemary
salt and pepper to taste
butter or olive oil, whichever you prefer

Heat oven to 350 degrees.

Rub butter or oil over the skin of the turkey until it is completely coated.

Take a knife and gently separate the skin from the breast meat; slide lemon halves under the skin with the peel side up.

This way the juice from the lemon will infuse the breast.

Season skin of turkey to your preference; place sprig of rosemary into the turkey.

Cover and place in oven for 30-40 minutes.

Remove cover and continue to roast until juices run clear, basting every 15-20 minutes, depending on size of the bird.

If you've followed these steps correctly, your turkey should look like the one in the picture. Bon Appetit!"

The Da Vinci code

Just bought it today. And it's like it usually is, the book is better and more detailed but it's a matter of what they can cram into a movie I suppose. But the movie was ok actually. Like Tom Hanks.

Suppose it helps if you have read the book though, it's a lotta religious type terminology.


A friend called me the other day. Turns out he has prostate cancer. Not something you exactly laugh about. But he was totally cool with it. Had known about it for more than half a year. Did his research, and finally decided that taking the whole thing out was the thing to do. Which he will do in a couple of weeks.

Now, I have heard about prostates before, but to be honest I wasn’t entirely sure what this organ actually does. And what it does to you when it’s removed. I know now. The prostate apparently produces semen. Ok, I can understand that. So after the prostate is removed, you can still have an orgasm but all it does is "poof". No sharp bullets so to speak. Good thing my friend is beyond the child-producing age.

And you know what he was most worried about? The urethra (the thing you piss through) goes right through the prostate and therefore has to be cut in the removal operation. Meaning they have to sew it together and that takes about 10 days to heal. Which in turn means that he has to have a catheter for these 10 days.

I’m still not sure that it was only thing he was worried about, but that was the way he was presenting it. And he had a dinner party planned for the day after the operation. Denial? Or just wanting to play it down?

Nevertheless, I will worry. He’s dear to me. But I do honestly believe that he’ll be fine. He must be!

PS. One way of reducing the risk for prostate cancer is to sit down and pee!

11 11 11 11

On Saturday it's 11.11 (for my Aussie reader: 11 of Nov :). And at 11.11 (that's the time :) the carnival starts. What carnival? No clue, but it's another one of these Zürich things that always seem to happen. And who am I to question another party?

So, promised a friendgirl that I'll be there. Only, 11.11 on Saturday morning is not really me. So said I'll be there but later. Ok, if I could choose very very much later, but they only play until 14.00 so guess I'll have to get out of bed early-ish on Saturday.

The things you do for your friends :)

Current status

...of languages reading my blog.

Another one

Ok, just another pic for the yanks, since they seem to like'm. Not THAT funny, but semi :)

Ferrero Rocher

Like cliches. One of them is: Never, ever go shopping when hungry. Well, you can guess the rest. I did. So after the ordeal with watering plants I went shopping. Big, huge mistake (but they weren't on commission - compare Pretty woman). So couldn't resist the tiny discount that Migros had on Ferrero Rocher. CHF 9,90 instead of 11,40. What is that? Like 1%...ok, don't go all anal on me here, telling me the exact percentage because I can count too. If I must :)

But still, discount wasn't too big, and I really shouldn't. Those extra kilos on my hips and belly need to go. But hey? I prefer to enjoy. Life. And food. Especially chocolate (or schoggi as they say here). Me really like :)

But have been good so far. Haven't opened the box. Yet...

It stinks

Literally. There is something down the drain in my kitchen that stinks mouldy. I keep on having the water running but it doesn't seem to help. Good thing that Putz-Peter sms'd today that he's coming on Saturday. Surely he'll know what to do, because f if I do :)

Signed, the housewife :)


Thursday, November 09, 2006


Aren't we all ambassadors for the countries we represent? Still in these days I think we are, whether we like it or not. Some of us have left our countries voluntarily, and don't wanna go back. Like myself. Often people ask me why, since their impression of my country is much better than the one I have myself. And trust me, I know it. They often have not set foot in my home country.

Funny that, isn't it? Perception again. Means a lot. Facts of less importance. Food for thought, isn't it?

As much as I can make fun of Switzerland and the Swiss in particular (and this is easy to do :), I really do like both the country and the Swiss. They have such a wonderful view of themselves being difficult people, and yes sometimes they are indeed, but guess what? So are other nationalities. They also believe themselves to be pretty special, but again, guess what? So are others.

Conclusion? Oh dear, I have to revert to cliches again. We're all human beings, but still different. I'm gagging here...but don't know how to say it otherwise. Anybody?

Blogger problems

Again!! Just so that you know blogger is experiencing problems right now. To be honest, more the bloggers than blogger itself. It has been like this very often lately, so be patient with blog items and comments.

But like the terminator: I'll be back (you can count on it :)


Just been at my friends place, watering plants. Although I've been there numerous times, I never really noticed how friggin many plants he has. And many of them are orchids, meaning you have to be very careful watering them not leaving any water in the pots. Just after an eternity when I thought I was done, and was leaving, I realized I forgot the stairs. Two flight of stairs full of plants as well!

And to top it all off I had another flat to see to plantwise too. Ok, so it wasn't a big chore, I'm happy to do it. It was just a bit overwhelming doing it in a flat you're not used to. Or two flats actually.

But I got gifts :)...chocolate and chocolate and guess what? A Cock O'lada. Well, I hadn't seen this before either, but it's a tropic erotic resfreshing softdrink with pina colada, lychee- and cocos flavour. In the shape of you-can-guess :)

Think I will keep it just for fun...


Just got an sms from ex-flatmate. Apparently he has now left my jacket in the mailbox. About time I say.

Will certainly be more cautious when (and if) taking in the next flatmate. But being the eternal optimist, I still believe in the good in people (blue-eyed? certainly, in more way than one, naive? probably, stupid? certainly not :).

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Karaoke From Hell

This is actually a place in Zürich. Which I very recently heard of. Now, I ought to know better than to listen to a 29-year-old recommending it. But hey, I'm open for things. So this is where we ended up tonight (after that interesting bus ride :).

I managed to steal a song list. This is what they provide (karaoke, remember?):

Black Sabbath: War pigs
The Hives: Hate to say I told you so
Metallica: Seek and destroy
Napalm death: You suffer
Nirvana: Smells like teen spirit
Rage against the machine: Killing in the name
Saint vitus: I bleed black
Turbonegro: I got erection

Ok, so I like sing-alongs. Not necessarily the above I must say. What in the hell is wrong with normal songs? Or normal names of bands?

Yes ok, there were a few I knew like "smoke on the water" and "born to be wild". Question is, am I getting old or are people just getting weirder?

I can't live without you

Had a really interesting evening with a new friendgirl tonight. Turns out that she is tone-deaf like me. Which by no means stopped her from trying. A big part of the evening was spent "singing"...ok, "singing" is stretching it. And I'm trying to find the right word here. Think making noise is the best I can do.

"I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU"...and since none of us knew the rest we kept on going. To the mild amusement of the neighbours I'm sure :).

Got even funnier when we got down to the bus station. There were four people waiting for the bus. It got there. My friend was first in the queue. She paused. And you know, when it's like almost minus-degrees you're eager to get on. She didn't. After a little while I asked why. She said: "he has to open the door". Me: "the door is open". She went: "oh". And promptly stepped in. And no, of course she didn't have a drink before :)

My contribution was a remark to the bus driver: "If you're really lucky she won't sing to you". To which he gave me half a smile. Ok, he wasn't there to "enjoy" the prelude and he most certainly was Swiss, but still. I thought it was hilarious. At the time :)

Freak magnet

Think I said it before, but it's worth saying again. I attract strange/interesting/funny people. Probably because I am one myself. Too late to say everything about tonight (will save that for later) but one example:

Swiss friend: "In Denmark if you're not married when you're 25 people pour cinnamon over you. If you're still not married when you're 30 they pour pepper over you."

I have lived in Denmark for 3 years and never ever heard this story before. Mind you, I was over 30 when I lived there, and marriage was never on the agenda. Perhaps I was just lucky?

PS. Mental note, must ask Danish friends about this peculiar "hobby".

Monday, November 06, 2006


Trustworthy, me? Apparently, since I am currently the proud holder of two sets of keys for two flats here in the neighbourhood. Anybody needs a free flat? Watering of plants required :)


In Zürich there is a rowing club called "Nordiska" (which btw means Nordic). On their website they announce: "Welcome to Nordiska, the best Nordic rowing club in Zürich". Cool. I bet it is also the only one :)

The only prerequisite to be a member is that you speak a Nordic language. Not necessarily that you are one. Me like.

This can also be seen on the website, since it is a mix between the Nordic languages (yeah, ok with the exception of Finnish which nobody understands. Except the Finnish I would assume:).



Yes, chew on this one if you don't live in Central Europe. This is a beer brand, best pronounced when under the influence (how very fitting!). And when pronounced when sober, it does indeed sound like you're drunk anyway :)

I just browsed their website (why? because I met a guy who works in the Feldschlösschen strategy group...whatever that is?...surely the strategy must be to sell more to beer-drinking people...how difficult can it be?)...and saw this little flaw. Which in a way I do not understand if you're a big company. Flaw being German and beverages misspelled (ok, had to look misspelled up myself :)

"More details about Feldschlösschen Bevarges Ltd: see geman site". Isn't it sweet? Or just unprofessional? Probably both. So anybody who looks for a job...they are in dire need of somebody who's fluent in German and English :)



Didn't get a response to my sms last week about my missing jacket, so sent a new sms today. To which he responded! Yes, he had indeed taken my jacket with him by mistake. Claimed he has a similar one. Very much doubt he has, since mine has a company logo on it :)

He promised to deliver it this evening. I'm still waiting...

Car accident

Heard a story today which I have trouble believing, but here goes:

A few years ago this guy crashed his car, while driving under influence. Since the car ended up being a danger to traffic, he himself called the police. They arrived at the scene, removed the car and questioned the guy. He readily admitted that he had been driving with too much alcohol in his blood. This was apparently unheard of. That somebody admitted at once and reported himself. So unheard of that the police decided to let him off the hook for several reasons. 1. He reported himself 2. He was reasonable and not too drunky-drunky 3. He took responsibility for his actions and 4. It was late in the evening/early in the morning and the policeman wanted to go home :)

As a side-story the insurance company paid him 17K while the car had only cost him 11K :) (I can only speculate on this, but probably because insurance companies use fixed prices when paying out.)

Conclusion: it pays to be honest?

PS. Spoke to the guy himself, so second-hand info since I wasn't there, but it sounded true...you judge, but since it happened in the French-speaking part of Switzerland I tend to believe him.

Swings and carousels

Monday 18.00.
Where I come from we say what you lose on the swings you gain on the carousels. Meaning you can always make up for a loss on something else.

Got to think about this right now, since my computer is playing up again. After restarting a couple of times I caved in and called Bluewin, my provider. And to my great surprise got an answer after only waiting a minute! Ok, so not the answer I was expecting, "it’s not your computer, it’s the entire network". In a way I was relieved, because frankly I’m not looking forward to spend a lot of money on a new computer right now. But I was less impressed when the agent told me "we don’t know when it’ll be fixed, but probably today". Hello? It’s still six hours left on today.

The support is only open until 22.00, after that you’re on your own. Service? Not in this country I’m afraid. So I said I’m looking forward to the discount on my next bill. She laughed nervously, in fact not sure she understood what I said. And ok, not her decision.
Conclusion: What I lose on the swings, Bluewin will gain on the carousels :)

PS. Seems we’re up and running again...for how long? Ask Bluewin :)

5,5 days left

Only 5,5 days left on this course. I think I get full points for endurance and persistence. Probably should have left ages ago, but that's not me. And there are two good things that have come out of this. 1. Have gotten to know new fun people and 2. Have been forced to listen to and speak German on a daily basis. As much as I hate to admit it, it has probably done me good. Or at least my German :)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Spain - Wien

This is a bit of an oxymoron...http://www.spanische-reitschule.com/...but I saw them many years ago back in a my home country. Very impressive. So when I read that they were coming to Zürich I made a small dance (on my own...I know, sad but you get the picture). Then I sent an email to some of my friends, asking if they would come with me. No answers. Well, I know I always go on about my good friends but I think that the Swiss ones have problems dealing with no's. They just don't like to say no. Or they don't know how. Which is why they ignored it...compare other friend who likes sweeping problems under the carpet :)

OK, so nobody wanted to join. But tonight, late, just before I left, I ran into an old acquaintance who I know like horses. So now it's up to me to find tickets for next Friday. Which I'm sure will be next to impossible. But I will try. I really really want to see this again.

Why didn't I book a ticket for myself? Well, it's just not the same doing it alone, is it?


Vaduz is the capital of Liechtenstein. You know that little so called country embedded in Switzerland. Where you can bury your money. And that has a monarch. Mainly they are known for having post-box companies, that probably rip off people (but that's a personal reflection).

I was there ages ago, when travelling around Europe. And what I mostly remember is that I got a stamp in my passport (yes, those were the days!). Had to wait since the office handling this were closed for lunch, and then had to pay something like a franc. But the stamp was beautiful (well, at least in comparison to all the other I had).

According to wikipedia Vaduz has around 5,000 citizens, but they are quick to point out that there is a bigger city in the country. HAHAHA! In my opinion 5,000 people doesn't make a city. It makes at a stretch a big village :)



Saw a man dancing in a wheelchair tonight. Cool. Strong upper body, but skinny legs. I admire people who can deal with what they have, and enjoy it. And trust me, he did. So did the girl he was dancing with.

Fuck disabilities, learn to live with them, and do the best you can. Think we can all learn lots from that...ah gosh, it's late and I'm getting profound. But still mean it :)


I really love alco. Tonight I met this man, who wouldn't let go of me. Despite the fact that another woman was all over him. I wasn't. Probably that's why he was into me. I was young, beautiful and in desperate need of a man. According to him.

I was politely thanking him for his interest, and remained aloof and distant. Didn't stop him.

On the other hand I'd like to think that from drunks and children you hear the truth. Me young? Absolutely. (Well, everything is relative, right?). Beautiful? (Of course, have another glass of alco). Desperate need of a man? (Hmmm, even if I was it wouldn't be him :).

Alco is a girl's best friend...if she has past 29+ HAHAHA!


Totally confusing this with informal and formal addressing here in Switzerland. Where I come from we have one word for addressing people in singular and one for plural (i.e. more than one person...this is for my Aussie friend who likes to elaborate on things :)

In English, as you know, you is you. You can be one or several people. Easy-peasy.

Now, in German, as I have just learned (ok, this is basic but difficult to learn) you have two versions for singular (informal and formal). This particular part I didn't get. Which means if you wanna say "what are you doing (up to) over the weekend?", you can say it either like "was machen Sie über das wochenende?" or "was macht ihr über das wochenende?". Formal vs informal.

Why is it that ze Germans want to make it so difficult for themselves? Not to mention for us foreigners?

Saturday, November 04, 2006


I am pretty good at convincing myself. Was very lazy today, not feeling like going out at all. So cold and dark. But now I've poured myself a glass of white, changed clothes (from the baggy pants and extremely old sweater with pink socks :)...I know, fashion is not my thing), and put on some music. And all of a sudden the world seems brighter and more promising.

Yes, you guessed it, some more blogging and then going out. Or perhaps I'll save it for later :)


I really like good service, it makes me happy when people who are in service-professions really enjoy to give good service. Unfortunately it is not very often you see that, unless you go to really posh and expensive places and not even there you can be sure.

Was in a bar the other afternoon (!). Yes, we had a beer after class. Actually I had white wine, but that doesn't matter. Had to go to the "klo" after a while, and in none of the three toilets there were paper. So went back upstairs to point this fact out to the staff. In the meantime a friendly classmate gave me some tissues.

About 1,5 hours later I had to go again. Guess what? Still no paper! And this is supposedly a popular place!?!

Nah, better stick to my favourite place. The service there is excellent. They have been trained by me for years :)


Winter is a'coming. I hate it. It's cold in the morning, it's cold during the day and very cold during the night. It's dark, it's miserable in general. I even have to talk myself into going out in the evening! Hello?

November, a favourite month? Not mine!!!

And my poor chili plants were freezing, so are now safely moved into my living room, where they seem to like it. And as long as they keep on producing I like them too :)

Friday, November 03, 2006


You need any help with photography, or marketing of something? This is the place to contact: http://www.flysign.ch/ (site in German or French only).


Don't know why you cannot see the pic, but just click on it :)


I know I'm late about blogging about this, but hey, I'm a busy woman. First of all I made my first Halloween-pumpkin, still have yellow fingers from carving this thing. It ain't easy, in case you haven't tried.

Second, I heard this joke: "you know it's Austria's national day today?". I said no. They went "Hallo Wien!". Ok, I got it. So told the joke to my Austrian friends in the evening. They didn't get it. Maybe it was my accent, or maybe the Austrians are little brothers and sisters of Germany. They just don't get jokes :) ?

Fucking A

OK, for the English-speaking readers this is a good thing, but this particular headline is for a German-speaking friendgirl of mine, who is sorta in love with "A" and he doesn't act like it's mutual. She is a really good girl, and he just doesn't appreciate what he has...well, had! So fuck the A!

PS. I'm always loyal with my friends...(and this particular A I never liked in the first place).


Got a fairly new neighbour downstairs. A woman with a kid. Think the kid is something like 3 years old, and she screams. This evening I thought she was abused or similar when I left, the way she was going on. So, had bad thoughts in general about new neighbour.

However, just came home now around 1 o'clock in the morning. There was music, talk, sounding like a party in that particular flat. And the only thing I could think about, why wasn't I invited?

PS. Forget the "abused" child, probably asleep by now :)

Time difference

Yes, I admit I have problems with this at times (pun intended!), but look at this email from a friend :) "I said I'd let you know if/when I'd be home over the weekend. I'll most likely be out on Friday night. I'll be home 'til about noon on Saturday morning, but as thats friday night for you its probably a bad time. No plans for sunday as yet but I'll probably be home in the morning out in the afternoon and home in the evening. Sunday evening, which is sunday morning for you, is probably a good bet. B is 9 hours ahead of Zurich. (12 noon in Zurich = 9pm in B)".

OK, I'm still not confused about the time difference, but very much confused over her movements over the weekend :)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Ungrateful bstrd

OK, so flatmate has now moved out. He came home yesterday, and I said we need to talk. He said no, packed his stuff and left without saying thank you. After all I did for him! No respect, impolite and in general not a good friend. Which may explain why he has so few?

I also believe he by accident took my jacket with him. Sent him an sms this morning asking, but haven't gotten a reply. Hmmm.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Nothing beats it. But the thing is that you don't wanna be older than you are either. Meaning, you (me?) wanna look young but still have the experience. If I honestly wanted to answer the question "do you wanna be younger?" I would say no. I am saying no. Purely because I don't wanna go through the "growing-up" experience again, doing the dog-years careerwise, being overlooked as being too young. I am frankly quite happy being who I am, AND being my age. Imagine that?

And I still think that diversity rocks. Older, younger, black, white, "farmers", academics, all of us have to live in this world and we should all learn to work together towards a better world/life. Naive, me? Nah, too old and experienced :)


In case you missed it, I LOVE rock'n'roll. Yes, some of the songs were before my time but still, this is good shit man :)

Funny though with age this, I happen to have a young friendgirl. Whenever we listen to music together I sometimes say things like "I love this song, I used to dance to it in the 80's". She usually looks at me with an empty face...youngsters, they just don't get it, do they :) ?

Worst thing was when we listened to Beatles, and I said that this is the stuff that my parents were dancing to. She added: "so did my grandparents" :)...HAHAHA!