Whass up?

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Don't sweat the small stuff

And yet this is exactly what I do most of the time. Ok, sometimes I take a zen-like attitude, mostly when I'm too tired to care, but there are so many little things that irritate me.

Like people who block the escalator, so that I cannot walk past them.

Like when I just miss the bus, although another one is coming in 6 minutes.

Like when I choose the wrong cash counter, and the clerk is either new or annoyingly slow or both.

Like when I try to open boxes, packages or similar and manage to break the thing before I get the package up. Not only are they child-protected, they are Annika-protected. Patience like a mosquito, that's me people.

Like when I wanna watch a movie and it turns out to be only in Italian, German or French.

And on and on and on it goes. I know, the big picture is good so why do I spend time and energy on this? Or horrible thought, am I just human :) ??


  • At 2:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Topic: Don't sweat the small stuff

    well, at that moment it feels good - thats the most important

    Ze German


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