About Me
- Name: Annika
- Location: Zürich, Switzerland
I am somebody who on good days feel pretty special, and on bad days feel like something unmentionable you scrape off the carpet. I.e. rather normal. Check out the blog, see if you like it. Feel free to comment!
At 11:46 PM,
Walter said…
What does it mean? Maybe you shouldn't eat spicy spaghetti just before going to bed. :P
At 11:49 PM,
Annika said…
Eating spicy spaghetti equals seeing lemurs in your dreams? Hey, which planet do you live on? Ah, yes, forgot, you're American :)
At 5:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
I aint American, and I'm pretty sure I'm from the same planet as you (unless youve been hiding antennae or something), but I do know that too much cheese before bed gives you very wierd dreams, although mine havent involved lemurs til now. Did you watch Madagascar recently?
At 10:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe you just miss having a flatmate;-)
The country girl
At 12:37 PM,
Annika said…
No, is Madagascar a movie?
HAHAHA, a lemur as flatmate...that's a good one.
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