Whass up?

Friday, November 24, 2006

I should know better

...than making an appointment with an Aussie at six in the evening, thinking it would be an early night. Hmmm. First we met, then we ran into a drunkie person who didn't realize he was unwanted. He kept on talking to us, making no sense whatsoever, so Annika (the boss) had to step in and say: "go away please", but in a nice way of course :).

Then we observed the woman serving drinks, having the biggest boobs I've come across in a long time (size? Not sure the bra size exists).

Then we went to another place and observed these people. Mature guy, two younger women. Women dancing. Guy watching. Hmmm, pedo-warning. But I was kinda bald, and asked who he was. An Irish guy. There with his two employees. And they were really happy. Dancing, singing, drinking. The guy told me he never saw them like that before. I bet. A manager who doesn't know his employees. Hey, where have I heard that before?

Ah yes, from every male manager...

PS. Told him that as a manager it's his responsibility to get the girls home safe. He said he would, but I wouldn't trust him with my...hmmm what? money, chastity (ok too late), trust...yeah ok whatever...he probably didn't listen anyway!


  • At 7:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "I should know better"

    ... and I still want to play with those boobs! :-)

  • At 8:04 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    Ah, so now you're into 60-yearold women too...;)


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