Whass up?

Monday, November 13, 2006


Tomorrow is the last day of this "fantastic" course I have enjoyed/endured (take your pick :). This afternoon I was pulled aside by the teacher. Thought oh-oh, what have I done now? Turns out she wanted to give me her evaluation of me, since my German is not perfect she wanted to give me a chance to read it at home, and to correct anything I didn't agree with (well, not anything-anything, but you know). How very nice indeed. Thoughtful people? A surprise every time.

So, now I'm home reading an evaluation of myself. Or rather, as somebody else sees me. Always interesting. And I like the topic :)


  • At 6:00 PM, Blogger Walter said…

    Can't post the evaluation or it's highlights here?

  • At 6:07 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    Hmmm, you're asking me to get personal here but tell you what. I'll compromize and post something from a previous course I did. Watch out!


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