Whass up?

Monday, November 13, 2006

Home sweet home

Well, not today since Monday seems to be the big day for all sorts of weird phone calls. In the last half hour I had two. One insurance/pension company who wanted me to give them money. Politely declined. Second one from a course institute (haven't I had enough of them by now?) wanting to offer a Windows-course. HAHAHA. Who in their right mind does these things in year 2006? Windows? That was invented last century and is today what everybody uses. Right?

And yet I'm stupid enough to answer all calls. After all, it might be somebody interesting next time...well, here's hoping.


  • At 2:26 AM, Blogger Walter said…

    It's okay to answer calls, or just let your answering machine screen it, but whenever I inadvertently pick up a tele marketing call I like to handle in one of the three following manners:

    1) Act senile and yell into the phone
    2) Act like a pervert and ask the guy to talk dirty to me
    3) Act like I'm breaking down before hanging up

  • At 9:46 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    Indeed very good advice!


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