Whass up?

Monday, November 13, 2006

Fantastically arrogant

Was just watching Desperate Housewives. Excellent series. There is this scene where a guy is visiting an dying older man in the hospital. They are not exactly friends. The older one says "You coming to visit me again?". The guy responds "You plan on having an open casket?".

I think it's funny because it's such a bad thing to say, so you don't expect anybody to really say irl. Therefore it becomes funny. A bit like Borat.


  • At 2:37 AM, Blogger Walter said…

    Like Borat? So the two guys ended up fighting and wrestling each other naked?

  • At 9:56 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    Haven't seen the Borat movie yet, but look forward...


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