Whass up?

Saturday, November 18, 2006


The leafsucker man is back. This is a man whos job is to suck leaves from the streets and areas around houses. And to his help he has this noisy machine. Extremely annoying.

I've been told that they even do this in forests here in Switzerland. Hello?? Where I come from leaves are regarded as a natural part of nature.

I wanna tell this man to get a real job. And I want to use my water pistol shooting him, the one I normally reserve for the birds. Think it'll help?


  • At 2:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Topic: Leafsucker

    had this in Wiesbaden (German town) at approx 7am !!!!!!!

    Answer to your question: doen't help - just close the windows and pull the pillow over your head.

    Ze German

  • At 10:18 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    Problem is that it's also annoying at four in the afternoon!


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