Whass up?

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Perhaps I'm not very girly, since I never bring a handbag when going out. I just stick some money, the key and ciggies in my pockets and off I go. This was not the case when going out on Friday. All of them had bags. Which of course we had to keep track of during the evening. Especially when they went off dancing, without so much as a glance to their bags...good thing one of us was sober(-ish) :)

Funnily enough one of the girls kept on asking us to look after her Coop-card! Turned out she had money, credit cards and other valuables in her bag, and all she was worried about was the Coop-card. Which hasn't even got any money on it, it's just a card to collect bonus points. V. weird.

But as far as I know, no valuables got lost that evening. Only a pair of glasses got semi-broken :)


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