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Monday, November 06, 2006

Car accident

Heard a story today which I have trouble believing, but here goes:

A few years ago this guy crashed his car, while driving under influence. Since the car ended up being a danger to traffic, he himself called the police. They arrived at the scene, removed the car and questioned the guy. He readily admitted that he had been driving with too much alcohol in his blood. This was apparently unheard of. That somebody admitted at once and reported himself. So unheard of that the police decided to let him off the hook for several reasons. 1. He reported himself 2. He was reasonable and not too drunky-drunky 3. He took responsibility for his actions and 4. It was late in the evening/early in the morning and the policeman wanted to go home :)

As a side-story the insurance company paid him 17K while the car had only cost him 11K :) (I can only speculate on this, but probably because insurance companies use fixed prices when paying out.)

Conclusion: it pays to be honest?

PS. Spoke to the guy himself, so second-hand info since I wasn't there, but it sounded true...you judge, but since it happened in the French-speaking part of Switzerland I tend to believe him.


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