Whass up?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

When in Rome

I thought that everybody knew what this meant. I was wrong. English-speaking community realizes this means "when in Rome do like the Romans"...essentially meaning you adopt whatever habits they have where you are (ok, don't even think about commenting about my German here :)

Was trying to explain this to my two witch friendgirls tonight, and was met with two blank faces. Since I'm not a quitter I proceeded to talk about sayings. Which led to oxymorons. You know like military intelligence or German sense of humour. Guess what? Blank faces.

Few things are as disappointing as people not understanding a joke. But I guess it goes both ways, since one of them tried to tell me about how funny it was when this guy was wearing a t-shirt saying something about the invisible border between France and Switzerland. It sounds funny to you? See? It wasn't.


  • At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    of course,
    germans are all fat.
    they don`t have a sense of humour a.s.o.

    Gäääääähhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnn. Come on, Anni-kaa, baby,
    give me something new, refreshing!

    ze teacher-from-hell

  • At 2:13 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    They also eat lots of wurst & sauerkraut :)


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