Whass up?

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Back to normal

After having spent a couple of days sleeping in daytime, wide awake at three or six in the morning (check the blog and you will see) I am now more or less back to normal. Whatever normal is.

Had a very interesting evening. First I met with a new friend from the last class I attended. He turned out to be difficult. One of these who said "I'd like to keep in touch with you" and then made no effort whatsoever to do so. Little did he know. So I kinda forced him to through emailing saying when are we meeting? Eventually he caved in (yes, I can be very persuasive when I want to). A bit like my ex-boss said when we met in Dallas...everything was fine as long as I agreed with you...YES! Smart man, he learned...that's probably why we worked so well together :)

So I met up with this guy from the course. And I knew that we would get along fine. I have a great sense for people. Even though he was driving (ok, we have to work on that) he managed to stay in town until 1.30 in the morning. Not bad for a first-timer :)...being out with me (the pro).

Finally I decided it was time to send him on his way (after all, I didn't want to wear him out the first time) I decided I would pop into my usual place for a "one-for-the-road". And met this guy, who was a fantastic dancer. And a fantastic singer. Had lotsa fun, and stayed out later than planned...yeah ok, I hear you, not the first time. But why go home when you have fun? The only "problem" being that the guys who work there protect me...sometimes too much. Anybody try to do something not allowed, they are there like watch dogs. Even though I would allow it :)...what's so bad with touching my ass :) ??

PS. I do appreciate the guarding, and you guys certainly stop me from doing something I would regret. Thanks...ish :)


  • At 12:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    man. the fun topic no. one. oh, i appriciate what you could do on the class mate, since he was sooo serious :-)
    the other one...the touchy dancer... had another chance to listen carefully to the nice song from pink which i like very much "u and ur hand" :-)))

    but still, sex once in a while .... would`nt be the worsest choice to spend an evening on, right? just needs to get hold of the right bloke...

  • At 4:12 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    The right bloke...oxymoron?


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