Whass up?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Turned out to be something good on telly after all. A series called Medium on French tv. About a woman who works in a DA's office and has dreams about coming crimes. Which they surprisingly enough listens to, and she ends up preventing murders and stuff to happen. Actually quite good, better than it sounds.

Was just thinking if I had dreams like that. Would prefer to dream about next weeks Lotto numbers or similar...


  • At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hmmm, I have to say I never watched it because the premise sounded too stupid and annoying but maybe I should give it a go.
    One of my relatives (a distant one I hasten to add) is apparantley a medium, she's always communicating with deceased family members and even says dead artists paints pictures etc through her as she has no artistic talent herself. I've seen the artwork, but, well, apparantley I'm too cynical to believe my own eyes.
    Her talents were of a lot of use to her when her husband died recently though, 'cos she can still talk to him.

  • At 10:08 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    Agree with you. I don't believe in this stuff either, but hey, it was only a tv program...

    Btw, what does the artwork look like?


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