Whass up?

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


No Action Talk Only. I know lots of people with this mentality. "I planned to do", "I was thinking about it", "I was meaning to".

Next time, perhaps just do it? Just a thought.

Flat ass study

This will require more work than I anticipated. Because you cannot know if they have a character until you talk to them. A flat ass is easily observed, but the personality? Takes time, doesn't it? Don't judge a book by its cover, right?

Which is a bit contradictory to the saying of trusting the first impression.

The latter I only got wrong once. Met this man in 1988 (yeah, I know, long time ago), disliked him immediately. He is now one of my best friends.

So, does that mean that I do not have to perform this study? I don't think so. I look forward to make research on this subject :)

A free dog

There is a dog "on sale". The family who currently has him, are leaving Switzerland. They are looking for a new home (for the dog). It's apparently a "Handsome, healthy and athletic black labrador". Not sure why you would want a dog to be athletic, but my guess is that the "sellers" are American.

They offer to pay dog food for 4 months plus the paraphernalia, and the dog itself is for free. If anybody is interested, I can send you their email.

Attention deficit?

I am just as bad as everyone else. When you blog on blogspot (like I do), you can see the others who blog. Well, at least you can see who updated last, and what the favourite blogs are (I don't know how they are picked).

Sometimes I pick one randomly, guess based on blog name (like mine is Whass up?), and I cannot spark an interest. And yet, I am so picky about people not reading mine.

What is wrong in this picture :) ? I ought to be interested in other people who make an effort. Wrong topics? Wrong side of the world? Or just attention deficit.

Think it has to do with interests. If I could find a blogger who did my type of topics (which are they?) I would read. Or would I? Am I just interested in me?

Questions, questions, and no right answer :)

Manor - big no-no

Manor is a department store here in Zürich. They sold me a soda machine about half a year ago. This device makes bubbles in water, so instead of having to buy heavy pet-bottles with fizzy water you make it yourself with tap water and the soda machine.

Now, the thingy inside, actually producing the bubbles, needs to be changed after 90 liters of water. Fair enough.

When bought I was told that the thingy could be changed at the place where I normally shop food. Not any more.

LB was sent to Manor to enquire. Turns out they can indeed order the replacement thingy, but only for another 6 months. What an excellent business idea! Sell something. And then don't make the parts that need replacing. Guess what? You need to buy a new one. Whatever it is.

Think I'm buying the next one at Manor :) ?? Think again.


Tomorrow (well, today technically) I am going salsaing. I have waited a long time for this. Last time I had a plan, the guy stood me up. First time that happened to me. We had met a couple of times. He promised to take me to salsa classes. We had a date. Guess what? The guy didn't show.

About a month later, he phones. Like nothing happened. You can imagine the conversation. I was like, "I don't think I want to ever see you again in my life". He said something like "oh please, I was in hospital". Me: "for a month?". Him: "no, for 5 days". I leave it up to you to figure out the rest.

He then pursued me. Kept on calling. Couldn't understand why I didn't want to see him again. Good thing I changed my mobile number :)

When it's bad it's bad

I am very close to being tone-deaf. As much as I enjoy singing (I know, not a pretty sight, or ear??), I just cannot. If there was one talent I would like to acquire, singing would be it.

But even I, as tone-deaf as I am, realized that last weeks band in my (normally) fav place was really crap. Went there Wednesday evening in order to check (I knew it was a new band, playing for the first time in this place). Thought maybe I'd bring the party I had on Thursday there for an after-party. Not a chance. Besides, the last guest left at about 3.30 in the morning (a bit hazy on details here :), and the place closed at 1.30 so a bit late.

Anyway, went back on Saturday evening to this place. I know, bad judgment, but can you blame me? I normally have a fab time there, and it was Saturday. I left my drink, and for you who know me, that's when it's really, really bad :)

Ended up in a piano bar, talking to a guy in orange trousers. What can I say? You can't succeed every time, and besides he did have a personality and not a flat ass. Just not the personality I was looking for :)

Monday, February 27, 2006

Ab fab

There is a re-run on Absolutely fabulous on BBC Prime here in Switzerland. Just love the comment from Eddie's Mum talking about Patsy's sister. "She was a member of this group, now was it Beatles or Beach Boys"? Answer from Eddie: "NO, it was the Baader Meinhof you moron" :)


This country has popped up on the agenda again. Seems like there is one good thing about this country after all. Dentistry is cheaper than elsewhere. Apparently a flight, accommodation and dentist work beats the prices here in Switzerland.

So, no cloud without a silver lining I guess :)


Invested some money today. CHF 3,20 to be exact. I think there is something like 43 million euro in the pot. That's an excellent return on investment. If you win :) Imagine the odds?

Me and fashion?

This is an oxymoron. I have never understood the importance of appearance (other than in others of course :) It's just that I am so uninterested in spending time choosing clothes, trying them on, doing make-up etc.

However, when I do, I do feel good about myself. Especially if I get compliments. And I do appreciate when others dress up.

Perhaps I should start making an effort?

Hurray I got a present

Funny that, how little it takes to make me happy sometimes. Been donating blood again, and because it was the 5th time, I got a pen inscribed with something unimaginative like "for 5 times donating blood". And yet it gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling. Silly, aren't I?

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Sense of humour

When push comes to shove, I think this is the trait I treasure most. Both with women and with men. Without it, how can you survive? I need to laugh. Often.

And I do. Or at least try. Life is a joke in itself, so why not?

A sweet thing this evening. LB left, parting sentence was: "call me if you have a problem". Nice I thought, the caring type. And then: "or call Houston" :).

For those of you less gifted in the English-speaking department, it was a travesty on "Houston, we have a problem".

I love a sense of humour, not LB, just so that there is no confusion :)

The Swiss vs the English

Back to one of my favourite topics, nationalities. Basically it boils down to being direct. The Swiss are to the point, the English are not in case you got confused there.

A direct question? Whereas the Swiss would go "no", the English would say something like "I would love to, but really cannot make it just now, but please let's next time". And FYI, the Americans would say "can I take a rain check?".

Again, just different, but have to admit in this case the English (or American) way is nicer...wouldn't you agree?

Those who wait for something good...

sometimes wait too long. The spaghetti carbonara that was promised to me by LB ages ago, is finally gonna happen this evening. It better be good.

And not take too long time to prepare. I have a flat ass study to perform :)

Touchy-feely stuff

Another area where women and gay men have something in common. And straight men don't. Few of them have a clue. Feelings? Talk about them? Why?

For me this is the most interesting I can think of. Hard facts? I don't think so. The softer the better (well, with one obvious exception :).

Men, get over your fear of feelings (any sort), start talk about them, start recognize them, start act on them. Well, just a thought.


Fortunately I am not. I love my gay friends (have to admit though that I only know gay men). Saw somebody the other day though, who definitely was (homophobic i.e.).

Picture this: a straight man (trust me on this one) puts his arm around another straight man's shoulders, pretending he was about to give him a kiss on the cheek. I have never seen anybody pull away so quickly and with such a disgusted look on his face. Shame on you! First of all it was a joke, secondly what does it matter?

I often hug and kiss my women (and men) friends on the cheek. It's a term of endearment, ya hear?

Or perhaps it just shows that you are not sure of your sexuality??

International big time

Had a party the other evening. These were the nationalities present:

UK, Ireland, Peru, Sweden, Italy, Philippines, Russia, Australia, Bulgaria and even a few from Switzerland but one French-speaking, one Italian-speaking and (get this!) one German-speaking. Lotsa languages and lotsa interesting discussions.

Can't be more diverse than that! And not more fun either :)...great party. Thanks all for being here.

Interesting job

Have a friend who once worked in a dating agency. Kind of a sexy job I would think. Think about matching people together, and work with human relations and on top get paid for it. Time for a career change?

Anyhow, there was a twist to this particular story, when my friends father showed up as an applicant. How do you deal with that? Hey, that's my father here looking for a new girlfriend. Awkward to say the least.

Flat ass - flat character?

Heard this interesting theory about men the other day (well, night to be honest :). Must say, this is new to me but was told that men with flat asses have equally flat characters.

Will have to observe this for a while, and get back to you on findings, but already have a feeling there could be something to it.

Is also an excellent reason for going out tonight...

Men - bin?

Another one of these mysteries with men. How come men can step over the bin bag on the way out the door, and just leave it there? When the bin is full I close the bag, place it in front of the door, so the next person leaving will take it with them to the container outside the house.

Why is this difficult to understand? I have yet to meet a woman who would just leave it there for the next person. Do men think the bin bag is there for decoration? Or that it will walk itself out?

Here in Zürich we have special bin bags, so there is no chance of mistaking it for something else than trash.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

A blow to your ego

Yes, it happened to me. After 20 years of speaking and writing English I pride myself on being fairly good. Apparently not. Or let's put it this way: not perfect.

I wrote a letter. Sent it to an (English) friend for feedback. Got it back with little feedback on content but big time red with remarks on spelling.

Just goes to show that you will never be "perfect" in another language. And also that the better you are, the more the natives will correct you.

This is a compliment, and we should never make the mistake of not trying because natives will correct our talking or spelling when they think we can take it.

PS. I am a woman, everything you criticize about me I will take personally :)

Strawberries in February?

Got home a little while ago. LB was sleeping. I went on blogging (sad, I know...I'm working on getting a life :)...so went to the fridge to get some water. There was a bowl of fresh strawberries. Where does one get strawberries in February?

Like I said, the "perfect" transit man? Perfect in quotes of course, since it otherwise would be an oxymoron...hahahahahaha :)


Was having a fag during a break today. As you do. There was an ashtray, one of these things fixed to the wall that you cannot empty. It was burning, like on fire, smelling like shit.

One of the guys were making a gesture like he was going to pee in the ashtray, in order to kill the fire. He then left. Another guy was taking him up on it and at the time it was just me and him and a woman we didn't know.

He made the gesture, and said "will you girls please move a bit", meaning we couldn't watch when he was peeing. I said "no way, we're staying" (wouldn't you have done?). So, he took a step back and indicated that he was so well hung so he wouldn't be able to pee so close to the ashtray. My response? "well, at least you don't have to work on your self-esteem :)"

Good thing I have a sense of humour, because the other (Swiss) woman just didn't get it. However, she kept on asking "what is the fun? please tell me". Conclusion: The Swiss are willing but not able :)...challenges welcome :)

Love-hate relationship

I am attending a course. After 9 days together we (the participants) have gotten to know each other really well (or at least as well as can be expected)...and for you who know me, there have been a few "beer events" after class, ok?

Last week two people who really by default do not get along (Swiss and American) were put together for a role-play. The animosity was palpable.

However, today they were brave enough to choose each other for another session of role-play. The American stood up, undid his belt and started to do the S&M-thing, smashing the belt on the table.

The Swiss woman was totally into it (they had prepared of course, a Swiss person cannot be spontaneous by default :) and I am by no means implying that Swiss people are kinky...that would be for the English)...and she couldn't stop laughing. The funny thing was that the Swiss teacher didn't know what to do with himself. He wasn't prepared at all, and lost the initiative. Which of course made it ever so much more funny.

One day I wish that people would know enough about my home country to make fun of me!


Well, it can happen to anyone. Tonight I was out (yeah, I know, not a big surprise). In the course of a conversation between a woman, a man and myself I heard the statement "how old was I when I was 12?". Interesting, isn't it? I scratched my head, and said (taking a wild chance): were you perhaps 12?

It's funny how conversations go when you had a few, but at the time it seemed to, well, perhaps not intelligent, but ever so funny. Sometimes it doesn't take much...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


There is a saying: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink". I think this fits perfectly with my blog. I have told all my friends, and every time I speak to them they have an excuse for not reading it. I am not angry here, because even I understand that people have a life (other than my blog, imagine that?).

But I like the saying. Guess it's a cliche, but like said before, a cliche is a cliche because there is a truth to it.

And apart from my blog (yeah I know, I'm egoistic, focusing only on me...because nobody else is :), this is true in life. You can show somebody what to do, talk to them, argue and inform but it still is not going to make them do any differently than what they wanted in the first place.

Guess we all have to make our own mistakes.

Monday, February 20, 2006

My talent(s)?

My aunt thinks that I have a talent in that I always have a man doing things for me. Guess everything is relative, since she only had (has) one man in her life. But I guess she has a point.

I think differently though on this subject. For me it just happened to be men. Could just as well have been a woman. Only the things I do need help with are more muscle-related. Like carrying stuff, putting together IKEA furniture, doing technical things. And I must admit, men do that better than women (and this is probably the only non-feminist remark you will get out of me, ok?).

So, hurray for men (with muscles :)...and women too (but for other reasons).

Reading between the lines

Interesting topic, isn't it? Lots of it going on in this country. I'm not too shabby myself in this department I would argue.

And as any leadership course would tell you, back it up with examples:

1. Noticed when I got home today, that LB had been playing classical music on my dvd-player. (shows taste)

2. He had eaten something out of the fridge, and cleaned the dishes. Doesn't want to impose. (shows he's not used to dish-washers, which I accidentally have...well one)

3. Left a message with me, fresh pineapple in the fridge (thoughtful)

A perfect transit man if you ask me. Feel free to voice another opinion :)


This is funny, but I don't think scientifically proven. When you (in this case I) have met a transit man, all others (men thank you very much) flock around you. I meet a lot of men. I won't deny that. Very seldom though that somebody is actually interesting to me.

However, now that I have LB staying here, I met another one. LB and I went separate ways on Saturday going out. He was meeting a friend in another bar, and I have my fav place. We decided to meet later.

Only in the meantime I came across a man that sparked my interest. Which put me in a funny position. "No, I cannot go for another drink with you, I have a "friend" staying with me".

I think once you're in a relationship you radiate something that makes you interesting to other men (un-availability?). Now, why is that?


I think I am. Happened to come across a person who beats me on this. Today he started his new job. Yesterday he made the effort of actually travelling to his new office (timing how long the bus and tram would take to get him there).

Anybody who would do this I would employ (had I had a company :). Or maybe he just did it in order to know how long he could sleep in the morning. I don't care, I think it shows commitment. And that I like.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


I have a cousin. Most people have. This cousin is special though, in the way that he is very direct. A few examples "I'm very busy, I don't have time to talk", "I'm very busy, I have other people in my life" and so on.

But guess what? When he does have time to talk, he's really good to talk to. Good advice, good rapport, and follow-up ability. When he promises something, he does it, he is as good as his word. As supposed to lots of other people I could mention (but won't).

So, I guess you get the relatives you deserve. I apparently deserved him :)...lucky me!

Ant vs aunt

Coming back to one of my favourite topics: communication. Got an sms this evening from a friend, saying she'll meet me downtown and she'll bring her ant. Of course I understood what she meant, but it is nevertheless funny. And she is the type of person who will understand the joke.

I just love people who try. Sometimes they (I?) get it wrong, but nothing beats trying. Communication is everything.

Here we follow ze rules

Funny that the Swiss consider themselves very much more open and friendly than the Germans. For me coming from abroad, I think the Swiss are the mini-Germans. God forbid you would ever confuse the two (trust me on this one, I did in the beginning).

Swiss are very much people who at all times follow "ze rules". They like things organized, they don't understand when things don't follow a schedule, they like to have things spelled out for them. It is more important to a Swiss person to understand the way to a goal, than actually getting there.

This frustrates the hell out of me at times, I tell you. On the other hand, when you get a Swiss person on your side, they'll stay. So on one hand you have the "artificial" Americans (and I know I will get grief for this, but I only have 3 American good friends, so I'll take my chances), and on the other hand the introvert Swiss.

Since I live in Switzerland I know where my vote will have to go :) But I have to add, friends are friends wherever they live. And for you who are my friends, you are there forever (good thing none of you are Hungarians, because there I draw the line :)

Vivaldi - stripping?

LB has only been here like half a day, and has already come up with a business idea. He is just about to step into a bath. In order to help him relax, I lit a candle in the bathroom and put on some Vivaldi on the player.

Guess he got inspired, since he came into the living room, shaking his butt, only clad in a towel. Works for me :)

The idea being opening up a place with classical music only, waiters dressed in well-as-little-as-possible I guess. Some light striptease and flirting. Guess how full that place would be?


Here's what I don't get. Why is it that the people not doing it, are most interested in sports? How come millions and millions of people think that 22 players fighting about one ball, is interesting? I can understand people who do sports themselves. That it could be satisfying and challenging. But to just watch it?

My advice? Get a life.

Flattery will take you everywhere

I'm a sucker for flattery, well who isn't? People (and you will have to make a qualified guess here :) who come to you with flowers, saying "gosh, you look good today, have you lost weight"? are on plus in my book.

Just a small tip for all you men out there :)


Had a meeting yesterday. Was a bit anxious, since you never know in this country whether they speak English or not. Needn't worry though. Turns out the guy was Dutch, had just moved to Zürich a month ago, and had spent a couple of years in my home country. He spoke all the languages I do (3).

This confirms my belief that if you worry in advance, you will possible worry twice (before and when it happens). Stop worrying, and chances are you will not have to worry at all.

PS. We held the meeting in English :)

Interesting development on LB

Well, he called me up last week with a question. Turns out he has got a job here in Zürich. This is good, nobody wants a loser without a job. With such short notice though, he wasn't able to find a place to stay for the week that didn't charge an arm and a leg.

In a very shy voice he asked if he could maybe, possibly etc etc stay in my guest room. Against pay of course.

So, now he's here. We've just been food shopping. He carried all the stuff. I have my personal carrier, my personal masseur and live-in LB. Which he pays for. Who's the winner here?

PS. He's also B-neg :)

Friday, February 17, 2006

B neg

I recently discovered that I have an unusual blood type, B neg. A few weeks ago I met with a new friend, who is (I think) closing in on being an LTF (life-time friend). We got to talk about blood-groups (why? your guess is as good as mine) and it turned out we are the same. I have been told that about 1% of the population has this blood-group.

True? Not sure. Doesn't matter. I have become a blood donor and she hasn't. Too skinny. Try hugging her, which I did. She is fantastic, but bodywise there is nothing there. She still has a fantastic personality though. And I'm proud. We share a blood-group and a view of life. How often do you come across a new true friend?


It does take a lot of courage in order to perform in a band in "lederhosen". This is a kind of Austrian outfit, entailing leather shorts. Imagine a man, in leather shorts, with knee-high socks and tacky sandals/shoes. There you have it.

I think they must be very sure of their masculinity in order to show themselves in public like that. They have my full admiration.

+ most of them play really good music. Not only the tacky type, but good ol rock'n'roll...

What type are you?

For men there are three types: leg men, breast men or butt men. Well, actually there is a fourth. He's commonly known as "I-take-what-I-can-get-man".

For women it is slightly different (notice the word slightly :). We are more into eyes, hands, ok then butts, but perhaps a bit more "package"-oriented.

However, that didn't stop me from noticing this guy in casual trousers, that he seemed to be hung-like-a-horse. Guess my interest peeked a bit. Just a bit, ok :) ?

So, who are you?

My 1,000 visitor? Looking at the stat's I don't believe them though...they don't tie...but who cares? Without any advertising whatsoever I had over 4 months 1,000 visitors! Wow!

I feel proud of myself. I think. I am a woman, so it's hard to take positive criticism in, I am more like maybe it isn't true, maybe the stat's fool me, maybe maybe maybe. I know, I have to learn, when you're right you're right, when you have succeeded you have succeeded. So, in the end I think I have. And you, whoever you are, my 1,000 visitor, WELCOME to my blog!

Yeaaah! Hurray!


Total 1,000
Average Per Day 9
Average Visit Length 5:45
Last Hour 3
Today 6
This Week 66


Total 1,722
Average Per Day 15
Average Per Visit 1.6
Last Hour 9
Today 14
This Week 106

Closing in...go people go!


Total 999
Average Per Day 9
Average Visit Length 5:45
Last Hour 3
Today 5
This Week 66


Total 1,719
Average Per Day 15
Average Per Visit 1.6
Last Hour 9
Today 11
This Week 106

1 m beer

Interesting concept that I have only twice come across. One time in Stockholm, where they have a stand-up-comedy club where they serve 1 m beer (meaning they come to your table with 1 m of plank of wood with holes in it to accomodate for the beer glasses). You then get a leaflet telling you about the different sorts of beer. But you're kind of supposed to drink and guess, before reading it.

Here in Switzerland they are more direct (and less imaginative), they serve you 1 m of beer. All the same. Period.

Think in the end it doesn't matter. The point is to drink, isn't it?


Happened to come across a psychologist today. It sort of enhanced my belief: people only get to go into that business because they feel a need to, i.e. kind of psycho's themselves.

Can you believe that we had to spend 15 min sitting on a chair today, "meditating". What a friggin waste of time that was (for me). The purpose was to "de-stress". For me it stressed me out. Imagine me having to be quiet for 15 min?

But she did have a point. Maybe meditation isn't for everybody? Bloody right, it isn't :)

Personally I think psycho people are their own best patients!


Have to come back to this topic. Saw a man tonight. Nothing special. Nobody you would even consider. BUT. He had the moves. He was dancing like a god. Guess it tells me, that if you have a talent, explore and exploit it. It will take you everywhere.

Biz card

A new friend of mine is a designer. And I recently had the need of new biz cards. He made me a very nice draft, which I like. However, my favourite card would look like this:

Imagine a card that when you tilt it would show a fantastically beautiful blond woman, tilting it another way would show a real witch. The text in the middle would be: what you see is what you get.

All I would add would be my hotmail-address and my mobile. Doubt it would be successful in the biz world though :)

Three meanings

Twice I have come across a word that has three meanings.

1. In Holland an Amsterdammer can mean three things.

a) a beer-glass slightly bigger than a "fleutje" (ignore spelling, ok?), meaning very much smaller than a pint but bigger than a fleutje (fyi a fleutje is an extremely small glass, which they dip into a sort of dishwasher liquid and then turn around, meaning that a fourth of the glass still contains the liquid and the rest is beer). The Dutch love this. I still think it tastes mostly like dishwasher-water.

b)An Amsterdammer is also a pole with three crosses. It symbolizes Amsterdam as a city.

c)Thirdly, it is a man from Amsterdam.

I remember an evening in Amsterdam, sitting outside at a bar at Leidseplein, looking at the waiter and ordering an "Amsterdammer". He said, "that would be me". I said, "yes, that'll do". He was goodlooking, ok?

The second example is a "stange". Here in Switzerland it means:

a) a glass of beer

b) 10 packs of cigs

c) and I learned this only today after having spent 3,5 years in this city...a hard-on.

If only the Swiss had the same sense of humour as the Dutch!

Shame on you!

Ok, so I'm up to 994 visitors, and now that I started blogging late means that all I will get is viewers from the US. Time difference, right? Guess my "something special for the 1000 reader" meant nothing to you Europeans.

Think I have to revise my view of Americans, at least you are out there present when I'm awake :)

OK, here's the big one for you. How will I know who is the 1,000 reader? I only get to see stats. Will you let yourself be known? Pls comment, and give me a chance.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Men's favourite pastime? I still remember when a Scottish male friend of mine told my ex the "farting-in-the-face"-joke. Well, with the Scottish it wasn't a joke really, and I have to say to my ex's defense that he never actually tried it on me.

What he did try though was farting under the duvet, an art which he almost perfected. I learned that the trick is to do it quietly. It then takes a few seconds to take effect, and woooaaah! I now understand the beauty of separate bedrooms.

Got back at him though, unknowingly I must add. It was an early morning, and he was up while I was still in bed. I felt the need, and did what I had to do (having learned from the master). Little did I know that he was coming back into the bedroom to kiss me goodbye. Hahahaha! Last time he ever did that :) (think I must have had cheese or something the day before).


Today was the big day in the course, doing presentations in front of 12 people and a camera. We had to prepare for three scenarios, but we didn't know beforehand which one we were doing. Fortunately I got to do my favourite: "tell me something about yourself". Can't think of a better topic, to be paid to talk about yourself :)...and thinking of me doing this for free here on the blog!

There were two people doing the same thing before me. We were instructed to keep it within 3-7 minutes (I think). Both of them ended up doing almost the maximum, so when it was my turn, all I had in my head was to keep it short. More is less, kind of thinking.

Did it in 3.56 min, which was much shorter than I normally would do. But guess what? I wasn't exactly nervous before, more tense and concentrated. And as soon as I was in the "hot seat" I started to shake. Weird, isn't it? I then had to endure to see the whole thing again on camera. Gosh, I hate this. I didn't look like me, I didn't sound like me, yet it apparently was me.

Anyway, got good feedback (can this be trusted?) and people even laughed. Got some "constructive" feedback as well, but have forgotten already. Perhaps I'm turning into a man (criticism on a man, water of a duck's back)?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Todays statement


How can you help somebody who doesn't want to be helped? Even though you "know" they need it. Tricky to say the least. I'll give you a couple of examples.

1. Many years ago I advised my friend not to get married. "You will never be happy with this guy". Guess what? They married, and have gone through a nasty divorce. Then you advise "the best way to get over a man is not to get under another" (well, at least not immediately :)...and so on. What do you think happened?

2. Another friend has an asshole of a boyfriend (see previous blog item). She loves him. She spends at least 15 min every time we chat to talk about how fantastic he is. And I get a bit hazy here, because for her sake i really want her to be happy finally. I just feel in my heart that she will never be with this guy.

3. More general. Has to do with the men I meet. Ever heard the phrase "my wife doesn't understand me"? I gag and then puke. Can't even be bothered to listen any more.

Am I aggressive? Compassionate? Caring? Or just plain irritating? You tell me.

Cig, men and rock'n'roll

As supposed to sex, drugs and rock'n'roll I guess. Or coming to think of it, not as supposed to, just modified to fit me. Or like a word I've recently learned: positioning. Which basically means to modify something to fit me. And the recipient, i.e. the market. Whatever the market might be.

Three of my favourite things to do. I smoke, I love men and live music. Not necessarily in that order :), so guess that is my positioning. With the diversification to include friends.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Am having a little gathering at my place next week. Nothing fancy. All I promised was a few nibbles and some drinks, but tonight an ever better idea came up. I will do catering. The idea of not having to shop, prepare or even think about it is great.

And it just so happens it is a friend of a friend who offered. He will just be at my place and serve the stuff. I don't even know what will be prepared.

One of the guests is Irish. She has promised to provide the Irish coffees. I have vivid memories of having them about a week ago. Was it 3, 8 or 14 of them I had? Guess the memory was less vivid in the end of the evening :)


Contrary to what you might think this is not a rat house, but German for governmental building, like council building. It is also a tram stop in Zürich.

Normally the tram drivers are quite dull, announcing the stations in the same toneless voice (yes, most trams are not that computerized yet, so still done "manually"). This one really made an effort:

"Nächste halte (next stop), Belllllevuuue, almost singing it".
A few stops later:
"Nächste halte: Ceeeentraaaal, this time really singing it".
And so on.

Made the journey quite enjoyable I must say.

And here comes the but. There is always one, isn't it? This tall, quite big, 50+ man gets on. Sits across the aisle from me. Naturally. I'm a freak magnet for some reason. He wouldn't stop talking. Not to me, mind you. To himself. And to the world. What do I know?

But you recognize the feeling. There is a weirdo about, and nobody wants to recognize him. Everybody is very busy looking out the window, reading, or doing something that doesn't involve eye-contact with the freak. Who knows? He may be violent, and in these cases I'm quite wimpy. Sorry.


Met a deaf man today. What struck me most is how well they communicate. There is lots to learn there.

My German is half-assed to say the least. This man didn't speak English at all. Yet, we managed to have a conversation. I spoke slow and easy German (the only kind I know), he lipread and signed, plus that he was able to pronounce the words, well kind of. The only thing easy to forget is that you had to look at him while talking, and wait for him to look at you before speaking.

I also envy their sign language. Think how easy it would be for everybody in the whole wide world to speak the same language. They do, we hearing people don't.

This guy had spent 8 years in a school just learning how to communicate. I don't even think this subject is taught in hearing schools, is it? Not only can they do the sign language, but they read people. What a competitive advantage in the corporate world that would be!!!

So, now I have a learned to sign a few words...and most of them are intuitive and easy to understand. However, not sure how the hearing world will look at me when I go out trying :)

Nipple thingy

The furthest I would go on piercing is the ears. A pair of nice ear rings is fine. Other people have other views. Came across one the other day whose nipple piercing thingy had tilted a bit. Apparently this is not a good thing. It has to be in a straight line (which, considering that he is gay is a little bit contradictory, wouldn't you say?).

Anyway, all of us naturally had to gather around and have a good look. Nothing like empirical experience, right? Well hang on a minute, think I will pass on the circumcision previously mentioned though:)

So, his plan is now to remove it and get another one in. Straight, of course :)


Where I come from we say that a dear child has many names. The same goes for cheers when you clink glasses before you drink. I think this is a word I can say in most languages. Only here in Switzerland the following are commonly used (and never mind the spelling, ok?):

zum voll! (z prolonged, like in a wasp buzzing)

prost! (sounds VERY German to me, makes me feel like I have to stand up and salute)

pröstli! (pronounced pröschtli, Swiss diminutive version to make it sound cuter, you judge)

gesundheit! (meaning good health to you)

viva! (from Graubunden?)

salute! (guess it comes from the Italian-speaking part)

Challenge to the readers, what more?

Lover boy update

Haven't heard from him in weeks, but felt mellow this morning when sending off all those Valentine-greetings, so included him in the list. He immediately called back. This is not the first time it happened, that I make contact via sms and he phones up, kind of a reactive approach.

Says he's coming to Zürich in three weeks time to stay. So need advice. Should I dump him now, or give him another go?

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sent off a bunch of Valentine's greetings this morning, and have gotten equally many back! Sometimes you just have to give people a little shove :)...mind you, it was really early. A time when I usually have a date with the pillow.

And hurray! I got flowers. Guzmania mit Herzstecker (your guess is as good as mine!).

And a special greeting to a friend of a friend, who is alone at home with a glass of gin & tonic. Must say though, when we spoke on the phone earlier, he didn't sound too depressed. OK well, you judge. This is how it went:

"Please marry me, I haven't had sex for three weeks!" My response? "I don't think so, not that desperate yet". I guess you should know that he is gay, in case you didn't realize already :)

Monday, February 13, 2006


Not a good word. But I am. However, after clicking on a few of the links checking out other bloggers, I am not very impressed. Which means, that I am not as good as I thought. Otherwise I would have been there.

Could have something to do with different interests, though :)...funny, you always find an excuse.


Todays word: pzazz

pizzazz, pzazz
the quality of noticeable and energetic excitement:
Their performance was full of pizzazz.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

What a waste!

As a straight woman, you come across an awful lot of gays in this city. Many of them are gorgeous. I can't help but thinking, what a waste! But the joke is on me, since I'm sure they all have equally gorgeous boyfriends.

Checked one out this evening, but have learned to read the signs. One of them is when they laugh at you, and not with you. Bad, bad sign :)

Yes we have no bananas

Funny tonight at my fav place. One of the waiters was taking a bite of a banana, at the same time he put his arm around me, asking if I wanted a bite too. I said: "no, I'm a woman, I eat bananas differently". When he stopped choking, he couldn't stop laughing.

A while later, a woman next to me order an Underberger. This is a schnapps that comes in a miniature bottle. And in a paper wrapping. When he peeled off the paper of the bottle, I winked. That set him off again. Not to talk about the woman, she spilled most of the schnapps :)

What a waste :)...but again maybe not. A good laugh is worth a lot.

Bone doctor

When I was out last Friday a had a guy approaching me and my friend. In English of course. We chatted for a little while, and I realized that there was an accent somewhere that I recognized. Turns out he was from my home country :) A bone doctor, so I took the opportunity to discuss my previous toe problem with him...

Personally I hate when people want to talk shop while out with me, but it didn't stop him from pursuing.

So, we chatted along the whole evening, and I got to use my mother tongue. Excellent. In case you wondered, I got home at 5 in the morning. Alone :)

Todays word: butt

butt (BOTTOM)
noun [C]
US SLANG FOR bottom:
She told him to get off his butt and do something useful.

A brave man

The other evening I was out with four women and one man. The women got chatting away on girly things, as we do, until the brave man cut in. "In my country they circumcise boys when they are eleven". He then proceeded to give a very graphic review of the procedure with the help of a bottle and a napkin.

I tell you, I can't remember when I laughed so much. Guess it shouldn't be funny, but the way he told the story it was. I can only assume he went through the business himself at eleven :)

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Todays word: infectious

1 able to infect:
an infectious disease/patient

2 describes something that has an effect on everyone who is present and makes them want to join in:
an infectious laugh
infectious enthusiasm

Friday, February 10, 2006

Swiss people vs generations

I was born without the sense-of-direction-gene. I just don't find my way around. I can look at a map, and think I know where I'm going. Not.

This evening, I was kind of sure where I was going to meet the biz-people. Got off the tram (here in Switzerland you are a loser driving a car, everybody goes by public transportation), and walked in the direction I thought was right.

After about 2 min I stopped and asked two young girls if they knew where it was (not that stupid, ok, had the address written down on a post-it). Turned out that the girls were part of a group. Of about 10 youngsters. They all stopped, discussed and one of them pulled out a map. Felt kind of funny, them making all that fuss.

Found the place, and what can I tell you? I like the young Swiss better than the old? At least they are more helpful.


A few years ago I had a birthday party. I am lucky with friends, since most of them flew in to celebrate with me. We were 26 people (incl myself) from 9 different countries.

I stood up and promised all of them that I will have a party in 10 years time. In Spain. I have changed my mind.

I will not wait for 10 years. I will have it this year. Here in Zürich. Will still do the party in Spain, but do not want to wait for 10 years. Who knows if I will still be alive by then?


I know I blogged about this topic before, but gotta say...wow! I phoned an old friend this evening, we hadn't talked for something about 6 months. We kind of have this connection, that we think about each other, and then one of us calls. Usually about 2-4 times a year.

I phoned this evening, we had a good half-hour-talk. I was then getting ready to go to this biz-network-meeting. When on my way there my mobile rings. Her. "Just wanted to say how much I appreciated you calling, love ya".

For me it makes the life worth living!

Todays word: fool

fool (PERSON)
noun [C]
1 a person who behaves in a silly way without thinking:
[as form of address] You fool, you've missed your chance!
He's a fool if he thinks she still loves him.
[+ to infinitive] He's a fool to think she still loves him.
He's fool enough to think she still loves him.
My fool of a (= silly) husband has gone out and taken my keys!

2 in the past, a person who was employed in the court of a king or queen to make them laugh by telling jokes and doing amusing things

Friend of a friend

Well, not exactly that, but remember the guy with the chewing gum? Tonight I befriended his friend. Or he befriended me. Who cares?

Anyway, we got to talk. Turns out he has a brain. Surprise. He also has a girlfriend from Finland. So when push came to shove, (and I was tempted I admit), I sent him home.

Aren't I good? The thing is I will never get a thank you from the Finnish girlfriend. I just felt it wasn't right.

But again, who's fooling who? If I was the Finnish girlfriend, would I really want a guy who has it in for somebody else?

What a great business idea!

As said in previous blog, I joined the businessnomads network. The cost is EUR 70 per year. Turns out all they do is having drinks (that you yourself have to pay for) in a bar (different every week I guess).

I asked the man in charge about the network in London (since according to their website they have one) and was told "not much happening there".

Apparently 60-100 people show up every week. The woman in charge (I asked) cashes in 70 EUR per year for the people joining this network. And guess what? She couldn't be bothered to show up herself.

What a fantastic idea. Cash in, and don't do any work yourself. Wish I would have come up with that!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Business nomads

I have joined a network called businessnomads, http://www.businessnomads.com/

This is apparently a network for mainly expats that exists in Zürich and London.

On Thursday nights they have a drink in a local bar. Hey, that's tonight! So I might go. I will take the opportunity to practice my social skills, since I don't know anybody there. I will walk in with my head held high, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Will it be fun? I'll keep you posted.

TGIF - tomorrow

Time for dinner with friends again. This is what I will make tomorrow:

Starter: the traditional salad with dressing. Only here in CH people always eat salad after the main course. Sometimes the Swiss are strange. Doesn't stop me from serving it as a starter though.

Main course: chicken wings in a stew kind of way with mushroom, pepper, onion and carrots. Brussels sprouts served on the side. Potatoes (cut french-fries-wise) in the oven with salt, olive oil and rosmarin (from my balcony).

Dessert: a cambozola (will walk by itself from the kitchen to the dining table :)

Coffee. Anything from the bar.

Lotsa wine of course. Does it sound good?

Tips for socially challenged

This topic came up in a comment, and thought I'd share my experience.

1. Always remember that most people are more shy than yourself.

2. Few people are rejected trying to befriend others (exception: drunks or rude).

3. A sparkle in the eye is very attractive.

4. Don't be afraid to say something to break the ice. A compliment always works. (Oh, these are nice shoes, where did you buy them? - flattery will take you everywhere).

5. Smile a lot. Chances are people will smile back.

6. A bar is a good example of where to befriend people, but these tips also work in an office, at the bus stop, in a shop etc etc.

7. Be helpful. Not common these days, therefore will be remembered.

8. And the obvious, don't judge a book by its cover. There may be more than the looks (and the ugly ones are usually best in bed :)

Todays word: perception

perception (BELIEF)
noun [C]
a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on appearances:
We have to change the public's perception that money is being wasted.
These photographs will affect people's perceptions of war.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Business, management, focus, goal, objective, project, consulting, restructuring, recognition, performance, strategic, corporation, development, concept, proposal, growth, leader, designer etc etc.

Fantastic buzzwords and words that the "business community" gets off on. What does it tell you? Absolutely nothing.

So I propose a consulting restructuring program for conceptual leaders in strategic growth of a leader consulting corporation...

S'cuse me, I just gonna take a break and throw-up :)


My view on brainstorming is that everything is allowed. Today I learned that not everything is. Words like no, not possible, ain't never gonna work and the likes are not allowed in a brainstorming session.

I made an ass out of you and me (assume), that this was not allowed, but didn't have the ability to phrase it. Even if I knew that before, I now also have the ability to put it in words.

Again, isn't it great? You learn something new every day.


Not sure, but think this is something women need more than men. Remember my comment about "water off a duck's back" when it comes to men taking criticism. I meant it.

I need lots of feedback. And I am a woman. Doesn't mean that every woman needs it, but in general I think it's true.

Why? Guess part of it is that you want confirmation that whatever you have done is good (hopefully), that you are appreciated and that you are liked by other people.

For men this doesn't seem to be so important. I wonder why? I try very hard to be hard (on the outside as well as the inside) but I don't seem to succeed any more.

Personally I think this is a good thing, finally realizing that you are "human". Not playing the corporate game any more. Will I succeed in the market? Of course not.

Still a man's world out there...and until we women decide to really fight it, nothing will change. Which is why it's taking forever for men to realize that women are a force to be reckoned with!

I do have to admit it is starting (about 30 years too late in my mind) because of the purchasing power. Women are nowadays the ones making the decisions about what to buy. It just takes a bit of time for the men to keep up :)


This is something I am usually very good at. I can talk to most people. But I think that I this evening have met the master (mistress? - was a woman), meaning somebody better than me (I?) on this subject (ouch!). Remember when I was listing the three different types of men. Well, if you don't you have to read the blog more carefully :)

Anyway, the number three category included the kebab man, which my Aussie friend today befriended big time. Not in a "I-want-to-sleep-with-you"-way, but more in like "I-want-to-know-all-about-you-in-a-research-type-of-way". They were biting like fish out of the water.

So ok, it might have helped that she is young and beautiful, but still she expresses a real interest. And I can tell you, that next time she is hungry for a falafel, they will remember her.

The Aussie's

Have I blogged about this nationality before? Don't think so. But I'd like to say it is a fantastically nice country. As well as the people who come from there. Had the fortune of going out with one of them tonight. So easy, so friendly, so open.

Got me thinking about why I left my home country. And these are the reasons:

Too cold
Too narrow-minded
Too high taxes
Too snobbish
Too racist

You need more reasons? Let me know.

Todays word: fun

noun [U]
pleasure, enjoyment, amusement:
Have fun (= Enjoy yourself)!
Having fun (= Are you enjoying yourself)?
I really enjoyed your party - it was such good fun.
She's great fun to be with.
Mark was ill for most of the holiday so that took all the fun out of it.
It's no fun/not much fun (= not enjoyable) having to work on Saturdays.
a fun-loving girl
"We're going on a picnic at the weekend." "What fun (= how enjoyable)!"
The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
See usage note at funny (AMUSING).

Another milestone

Look at the stats...there'll will be a special something for the 1000 visitor...


Total 900
Average Per Day 9
Average Visit Length 4:36
Last Hour 0
Today 0
This Week 66


Total 1,562
Average Per Day 19
Average Per Visit 2.0
Last Hour 0
Today 0
This Week 132

Monday, February 06, 2006

The touch

Guess I haven't lost the touch. Got chatted up by a 24-year-old this evening. Not sure if he was desperate, or just lonely. He tried the line: "I am not looking for love, I just want you". Right.

Told him to go back to the kindergarten he came from :)

Todays word: hypocrisy

noun [U]
when someone pretends to believe something that they do not really believe or that is the opposite of what they do or say at another time:
There's one rule for her and another rule for everyone else and it's sheer hypocrisy.


There is always one in a relationship that has more power than the other one. What is the power? It may be that one loves the other more, it may be money and therefore the decision power, it may be that one has more initiative than the other, whatever it may be, it is always one over the other.

How do people stay together for a long time? Beats me. One of my friends is almost 80. She has been married for 55+ years. How do you do it? We have talked, and I guess there was no advice. More like "you have to learn to compromize". Do I want it?

You guessed it :)...no.


This is fun. I use the msn messenger, but that is not the point. What is funny is that when you chat with two or more people at a time. Sometimes difficult to keep track of the conversations. Especially if they are in different languages.

This can lead to funny situations. More on this later.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Crank call - again

Remember my previous blog item about the person who called and said nothing, the breather. I wrote the number down, looked him up on the net, and kept the data. Only I threw the note away, since it was months ago.

Yesterday at noon, I had a caller again. Twice, and no talking. I happen to think it's the same one, since when I looked it up on telsearch (you know, it saves previous numbers you have checked) it was the same. Only this time you couldn't see who it was (protected number).

The advice from my friend was to ring the police. I am reluctant. I think I would rather phone this person and tell him off. What would you do?


What do you do when one of your best friends has a boyfriend who is an asshole? Because they are never gonna listen to you when in love. You know, and everybody else know, that it won't last, but what can you do?

Not much, other than supporting the friend. And when their life falls apart, you just have to be there for them.

But it does make life difficult. You so much wanna love or at least like the other half of a friend. When you just don't? Again, you support.

Rent a german


What can I say? Words unnecessary...

Todays word: relaxation

1 [U] the feeling of being relaxed:
I go fishing for relaxation.

2 [C] a pleasant activity which makes you become calm and less worried:
Yoga is one of my favourite relaxations.

3 [U] the act of making rules or the control of something less severe:
I cannot allow any relaxation in/of the rules.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Something weird going on

Guess blogspot isn't perfect. FYI blogspot is the free space where I blog. Just posted an item on Zürich. Was told that there was "an error" so posted it again. Now there are two items saying the same thing. Which I noticed. So deleted one of them. It's just that it didn't happen. I can still see the same item twice.

Perhaps I just had too much to drink...more likely blogspot will sort themselves out and be what they are supposed to be, a provider.

Zürich - a little big city

Zürich is great. I have lived in 5 countries and more cities than I care to remember, but Zürich has managed to grab my heart. I love it. I know I bitch a lot about the country, but like said before it's a love-hate-relationship. I guess with focus on love.

Where else in the world can you find a city that is so small (less than 400K people) and yet so international? You have everything here, a quality lifestyle, an international environment, central location, and yet, a city that you can actually walk around and see everything in an hour. Challenge for you readers. Where else in the world will you find this?

Todays word: idiot

noun [C]
a stupid person or someone who is behaving in a stupid way:
Some idiot left the tap running in the bathroom and there's water everywhere.
[as form of address] You stupid idiot - that's a month's work you've lost!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Jobs I will never have

1. gynaecologist (who would like to stare at women's "reproductive" organs all day?)

2. lorry driver (I don't have the patience for long-distance)

3. pathologist (for obvious reasons)

4. any type of job in the service industry (why would I humiliate myself and have to be pleasant at all times?)

5. prostitute (nice money apparently but not worth it)

6. repair-person of black/white-telly-sets (not a big market)

7. parking ticket controller (they really have to get a life)

8. politician (I like people who stay true to their word)

Another oxymoron

Men who understand women. I have yet to meet one. The clever men realize this, the younger and inexperienced ones do not. For us women it is easy. Men are always about one thing (I know I'm pushing it here, but challenge me!). A nice pair of boobs before competence. Some nice legs before brain. A smile preferred instead of an "intelligent" conversation.

All women know this, yet we still try so hard to compete in a man's market. Perhaps I'm naive, but I still think we can make it. We just have to get enough women in leadership positions. My contribution? I'm working on it, ok?

Pretty woman

Comfort movie, comfort music. In a bad mood? Watch the movie. I have yet to meet a woman who doesn't love it. When I hear the music, I can see Julia Roberts walking down Rodeo Drive, telling the shop assistants off. You're on commission? Big, huge, mistake. Fantastic!

I just hate high-and-mighty people. They get on my nerves. And I am not afraid of saying so. Perhaps I'm related to the Irish? Guess the shyness-gene jumped my generation :)

The Irish

You gotta love'em. They have a lot in common with the English (and god forbid you would ever confuse the two, that will render you a "fist in the face" type of thing, but in a much nicer way, because they are Irish), with the difference that the Irish are not shy.

Today I was invited to a lunch cum project work at 1.00 o'clock. I just got home. 9 hours later. Sure, we did the project work. For about 2 hours. The rest of the time we had lunch, an innumerable amount of Irish coffee (made by the Irish...yum!).

There were four of us coming from yes, you guessed it, Ireland, and then the UK and the Philippines. And I of course. Diversity in a nutshell. Can't remember when I had such a pleasant day.

So, hurray for the Irish! A good lot.

"Druginduced" love

I'm an observer. Most of the time. It means that I observe people, one of my favourite "hobbies". Very often, when out, I see people who take to each other under the influence of one drug or another. Alco, nicotine, other drugs (?)...

I am not disapproving of this. On the contrary, which I mentioned before, I think that sometimes drugs are favourable. Especially for shy people. How else would they meet somebody?

I am not condoning the use of drugs, but sometimes I think it is justified. After all, where would the world be without Viagra? :)


I have a thing with various dialects. Nothing that I am aware of, but I adapt easily. People can hear when I have been to a place, since I apparently have an ability to adapt easily. When in Australia, I end up speaking Aussie English. When mixing a lot with "yankees" I go American, when seeing English friends I turn to "the queens English".

Not sure if it's a strength or a weakness :)...it's just me I guess.


This is a nationality I have not blogged about before. In my (somewhat limited) experience they are very direct.

Had a conversation with a guy from there. We got to talk about what we do. He said: "I had an accident a couple of years ago, so I don't work". Fine I thought, but since he looked ok and healthy I was kind of wondering. He continued "but it doesn't stop me from having sex". Right.

Got the message. Sometimes I really appreciate the Swiss shyness!

Guten abend mitenand

This is a phrase often used here in Switzerland, it means Good evening everybody. When I first heard it, it sounded to me like Guten abend Mitterand (the former French president). And I thought, why is the former French president greeted in person? Guess I'm not the smartest person in the world, huh...? :)

Strengths vs weaknesses

I don't know if you have ever been to a seminar/course/training/whatever where they test you. I have. Many times. The thing that strikes me is that when you "measure" strengths vs weaknesses is that they are related.

What is in certain situations considered a strength, is in other situations a weakness and vice versa.

Let's say I am independent as an example. That would sound good in a cv, or in a situation where you have to be able to take care of yourself. In another situation it would mean that you are not good in teamwork, and have difficulties listening to others.

Here in Switzerland, it is a lot of reading between the lines going on. What is a poor foreigner to do? My advice, and what I do, is to ignore all this and just be myself. Am I successful? I don't know, but what else could I do?

Learning German

This is bloody difficult if you live in Switzerland. All Swiss people will tell you that they speak "high" German. Trust me, they don't. I have tried (semi-) hard to learn, but the problem is when you try to speak, they answer you in "Swiss German". Funny thing is, that Swiss German is not even a recognized language. But it is so different from "high" (proper) German that not even ze Germans understand it.

Not only that. The Swiss (funnily enough, since the country is so small) have dialects...so there is Züri-dütch, Bern-dütch, Basel-dütch and whatever town you can think of -dütch.

And yet, us foreigners are not well looked upon unless we speak their kind of dütch!

Guess I have a kind of love-and-hate relationship with the people in this country.

And yes, yet I have chosen to live here. So, who's fooling who?

Todays word: bastard

bastard (UNPLEASANT)
an unpleasant person:
He was a bastard to his wife.
You lied to me, you bastard!
HUMOROUS You won again? You lucky bastard (= I don't think you deserve it)!
This crossword's a bastard (= very difficult).

Mr Youlldo

Ever heard of him? Mr You will do until something better comes along? FYI there are different categories of men:

1. The definitely possible maybe for the future.

2. The transit man, also known as Mr Youlldo.

3. The aspiring man, who can never ever join category 1 and 2.


1. In my case, lover boy. Unfortunately he turned out to be not reliable, so automatically he was put into category 2. Meaning good-looking (brain and body) enough to qualify for a one-nighter or maybe two. Or three.

2. Transit man, I met tonight. Too young to be of any use mentally, but with a nice body and a nice smile. Too needy and too inexperienced. Typical example of a Mr Youlldo.

3. The single guy who sells me kebab's when on the way home after a drunken night out. A definite no. Not even for sex. He's cute, but if you spend your life selling kebab's...I don't think so.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Am going out

Now, there is a surprising topic! Just feel like a wee trip to town tonight. Some good music (hopefully) and a few drinks. There are worse things you could do on a Thursday night.

If I feel inspired when home again, I might blog an item or two so watch out! And again, feel free to comment!

Todays word: mood

noun [C]
the way you feel at a particular time:
She's in a good/bad mood.
Her mood seemed to change during the course of the conversation.
The drink had put him in an amiable mood.
The public mood changed dramatically after the bombing.
The mood of the crowd suddenly turned (= The crowd suddenly became) aggressive.

Minor languages

Interesting debate in papers today. Should all minor languages be scrapped, and one of the major languages (English I guess) be compulsory?

On one hand I realize that this'll not happen in my lifetime, but I think we are moving in that direction, since on the other hand languages are there for us in order to communicate. And how do we do that? Through understanding each other of course.

With increasing travel in the world, and with communication skills more sought after than ever, I think it is unavoidable that minor languages will over time disappear. It happens already.

If you want to succeed in today's world, you need to speak multiple languages. Including the ever so important body language :)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Todays word: jump

jump to conclusions
to guess the facts about a situation without having enough information:
Don't jump to conclusions! Perhaps it was his daughter he was dancing with.