Here we follow ze rules
Funny that the Swiss consider themselves very much more open and friendly than the Germans. For me coming from abroad, I think the Swiss are the mini-Germans. God forbid you would ever confuse the two (trust me on this one, I did in the beginning).
Swiss are very much people who at all times follow "ze rules". They like things organized, they don't understand when things don't follow a schedule, they like to have things spelled out for them. It is more important to a Swiss person to understand the way to a goal, than actually getting there.
This frustrates the hell out of me at times, I tell you. On the other hand, when you get a Swiss person on your side, they'll stay. So on one hand you have the "artificial" Americans (and I know I will get grief for this, but I only have 3 American good friends, so I'll take my chances), and on the other hand the introvert Swiss.
Since I live in Switzerland I know where my vote will have to go :) But I have to add, friends are friends wherever they live. And for you who are my friends, you are there forever (good thing none of you are Hungarians, because there I draw the line :)
Swiss are very much people who at all times follow "ze rules". They like things organized, they don't understand when things don't follow a schedule, they like to have things spelled out for them. It is more important to a Swiss person to understand the way to a goal, than actually getting there.
This frustrates the hell out of me at times, I tell you. On the other hand, when you get a Swiss person on your side, they'll stay. So on one hand you have the "artificial" Americans (and I know I will get grief for this, but I only have 3 American good friends, so I'll take my chances), and on the other hand the introvert Swiss.
Since I live in Switzerland I know where my vote will have to go :) But I have to add, friends are friends wherever they live. And for you who are my friends, you are there forever (good thing none of you are Hungarians, because there I draw the line :)
At 4:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Since Budapest, have you ever met Hungarians on a privat basis out of that country?
If so, no differences??? ;-))))
At 4:27 PM,
Annika said…
Don't think I have actually. Are Hungarians different outside their own country?
At 5:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't know. I was just curious about it since you report from so many different nations which (I suppose) you recently have met in Zürich.
Why not a nice Hungarian ....or is that a contradiction in terms? "
At 5:25 PM,
Annika said…
Because I was unfortunate enough to have to spend 5 months working in Budapest. Worst project of my life. Unfriendly and unprofessional was my opinion. Maybe I just met the wrong people?
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