Whass up?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Met a deaf man today. What struck me most is how well they communicate. There is lots to learn there.

My German is half-assed to say the least. This man didn't speak English at all. Yet, we managed to have a conversation. I spoke slow and easy German (the only kind I know), he lipread and signed, plus that he was able to pronounce the words, well kind of. The only thing easy to forget is that you had to look at him while talking, and wait for him to look at you before speaking.

I also envy their sign language. Think how easy it would be for everybody in the whole wide world to speak the same language. They do, we hearing people don't.

This guy had spent 8 years in a school just learning how to communicate. I don't even think this subject is taught in hearing schools, is it? Not only can they do the sign language, but they read people. What a competitive advantage in the corporate world that would be!!!

So, now I have a learned to sign a few words...and most of them are intuitive and easy to understand. However, not sure how the hearing world will look at me when I go out trying :)


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