Whass up?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Not sure, but think this is something women need more than men. Remember my comment about "water off a duck's back" when it comes to men taking criticism. I meant it.

I need lots of feedback. And I am a woman. Doesn't mean that every woman needs it, but in general I think it's true.

Why? Guess part of it is that you want confirmation that whatever you have done is good (hopefully), that you are appreciated and that you are liked by other people.

For men this doesn't seem to be so important. I wonder why? I try very hard to be hard (on the outside as well as the inside) but I don't seem to succeed any more.

Personally I think this is a good thing, finally realizing that you are "human". Not playing the corporate game any more. Will I succeed in the market? Of course not.

Still a man's world out there...and until we women decide to really fight it, nothing will change. Which is why it's taking forever for men to realize that women are a force to be reckoned with!

I do have to admit it is starting (about 30 years too late in my mind) because of the purchasing power. Women are nowadays the ones making the decisions about what to buy. It just takes a bit of time for the men to keep up :)


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