Whass up?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


How can you help somebody who doesn't want to be helped? Even though you "know" they need it. Tricky to say the least. I'll give you a couple of examples.

1. Many years ago I advised my friend not to get married. "You will never be happy with this guy". Guess what? They married, and have gone through a nasty divorce. Then you advise "the best way to get over a man is not to get under another" (well, at least not immediately :)...and so on. What do you think happened?

2. Another friend has an asshole of a boyfriend (see previous blog item). She loves him. She spends at least 15 min every time we chat to talk about how fantastic he is. And I get a bit hazy here, because for her sake i really want her to be happy finally. I just feel in my heart that she will never be with this guy.

3. More general. Has to do with the men I meet. Ever heard the phrase "my wife doesn't understand me"? I gag and then puke. Can't even be bothered to listen any more.

Am I aggressive? Compassionate? Caring? Or just plain irritating? You tell me.


  • At 1:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Relations are always relations. Sometimes you which you could be the other person looking from the outside. But when you are in it you can not.

    I finally got out from the inside and looked back how destructive my relation was. I have now a hard job to get my life back on tack again. And Annika, I do understand you.

  • At 1:13 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    You're a survivor, you can do it!


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