Whass up?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Contrary to what you might think this is not a rat house, but German for governmental building, like council building. It is also a tram stop in Zürich.

Normally the tram drivers are quite dull, announcing the stations in the same toneless voice (yes, most trams are not that computerized yet, so still done "manually"). This one really made an effort:

"Nächste halte (next stop), Belllllevuuue, almost singing it".
A few stops later:
"Nächste halte: Ceeeentraaaal, this time really singing it".
And so on.

Made the journey quite enjoyable I must say.

And here comes the but. There is always one, isn't it? This tall, quite big, 50+ man gets on. Sits across the aisle from me. Naturally. I'm a freak magnet for some reason. He wouldn't stop talking. Not to me, mind you. To himself. And to the world. What do I know?

But you recognize the feeling. There is a weirdo about, and nobody wants to recognize him. Everybody is very busy looking out the window, reading, or doing something that doesn't involve eye-contact with the freak. Who knows? He may be violent, and in these cases I'm quite wimpy. Sorry.


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