Whass up?

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Todays word: tipsy

adjective INFORMAL
slightly drunk:
Auntie Pat is getting a little tipsy again.

Just thought it was slightly appropriate considering it is New Year's Eve soon :)


Does it classify as gossip if you talk to a friend of a friend, about a common friend. I know it sounds confusing, but if you care about somebody, and you are worried, and you talk to somebody close to this person, is it gossip? Or just caring?

I think it shows that you care about this person. The problem is, will this person (if she ever hears about it) believe it is caring? Probably not. She will most probably put it down as "gossip". But what else can you do?

I personally would love it if people cared enough to talk about me. To care. To decide what to do to cheer me up.

But that's me. And I have learned that we are not all the same...it would be so much easier (and so much more boring) if people were like me:).


I didn't hear it tonight...the 2nd worst pick-up line. Good. Sometimes I just wanna go out, listen to music, relax. It was good doing just that tonight. Am still hung up on lover boy, so happy that nobody else tempted me. Not that I cannot say no, ya hear :)...but still.

Shortly I will blog about my fav place here in Zürich. I know that some of you have waited for this, but those who wait for something good...(will always wait too long:)

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

What's your name?

Second worst pick-up line. Am going out tonight. You wanna bet I will hear it again?


I would like to give you something to think about, and look forward to responses. What is class? When you say that a person has class, what do you really mean? I have an opinion, which I will share with you when I get back, but would like input.

So, have a think, and comment on the blog. I will answer next year.

You learn something new every day

Today I learned that my own visits to this blog was being recorded. Since I blog a lot, it dawned on me that the statistics shown previously in this blog are not accurate with regards to visitors other than myself. What a disappointment!

Now, I have reset the meter to only include visitors, so hope to see you out there.

Look forward to comments!


Got a lovely email from the ex's Mum. She had not forgotten that we made a trade some time ago. I promised to help her with her computer, and she was gonna sew curtains for my bedroom (I know, but I only lived here for 3,5 years).

So now she and I are going shopping for fabric. And because of it, I gave her my new mobile No. Which is something she now has, but her son not :)


Turns out lover boy resents being called lover boy. He said "in my language that sounds like gigolo". So I agreed to stop calling him that. To his face :)

According to Cambridge:
noun [C]
1 the person with whom you are having a sexual relationship, but are not married to:
They were friends before they became lovers.
She had a string of lovers before her marriage finally broke up.

noun [C] plural gigolos OLD-FASHIONED
a man who is paid by a woman to be her lover and companion.

Alzheimer light

I am convinced that this is what I have. Was so sure I was off today for the New Year's celebrations. Good thing I checked my ticket before going to the airport. It is tomorrow, so still blogging today.

And cool, got an email from the airline allowing me to check in electronically and print my boarding card up to 30 hours before the flight. Fantastic not having to queue for checking-in. And this without being a frequent flyer and having a loyalty card with this airline. Hurray for technology!

Happy New Year !!!

I wish you all a Happy New Year. Let's hope 2006 will be better than this year.

I will be back blogging even more enthusiastically next year.

Todays word: festivities

plural noun
the parties, meals and other social activities with which people celebrate a special occasion:
"Come in and join the festivities - what will you have to drink?"

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Where are you from?

I can't think of a worse pick-up-line...and yet I hear it too often. Why is it that men have no imagination? Guys, get with it...think of something more modern, ok?

Had the question raised tonight (again). My answer was "not from here". You would think that it would stop him from going further. Wrong.

Next question "where are you from"? is when I realize he's a tad drunk. My answer? since I like not to repeat myself is: "from Europe". I then get a lecture of how Switzerland is not Europe. I go "excuse me, but last time I looked at a map, Switzerland was still there". No go, the guy was not into it. I tried to explain that Switzerland was still in Europe, but not EU, but didn't get through.

I guess there is still no cure against stupidity :)


Hard vs soft

Just had a heart-to-heart with somebody close to me. Turns out that I am hard on the outside, and soft on the inside. He, on the other hand, is soft on the outside and hard on the inside.

Preference? Just different I suppose.


Still waiting for you folks to offer your opinion about visits vs page views. These are the votes from Europe (l'Europa):


Total 388
Average Per Day 12
Average Visit Length 4:04
Last Hour 1
Today 2
This Week 81


Total 661
Average Per Day 20
Average Per Visit 1.7
Last Hour 1
Today 2
This Week 140

Electronic vs paper

Since it has just been Christmas, I would like to offer my opinion. Electronic Christmas cards are really better than paper ones. It is indeed nice when people take the time to write a paper card. The problem comes when you need to save it. I am the type of person who never, ever have thrown away a paper card or letter.

Imagine how many I have?


About a year ago I had a wart on my forehead. Not a very convenient place. I had to visit the doctor for another reason and took the opportunity to ask about it. He looked at it, stated that is was indeed a wart, and remitted me to a dermatologist. Got an appointment 3 weeks later.

In the meantime, I had a chat with my aunt (an older and wise woman), and she told me to put garlic on the wart. So I did. And for about two weeks I looked like Gorbatjov (remember him?). 3 weeks later, I went to see the dermatologist. I no longer needed to, but I'm the type of person who keeps promises and appointments.

The doctor told me that there was no sign whatsoever of a wart. I have never been fond of garlic, but am now.

Todays word: excited

This is for my Norwegian friend:

feeling very happy and enthusiastic:
Are you getting excited about your holiday?
An excited crowd waited for the singer to arrive.

I have found that lots of people confuse exited and excited. Not sure exactly what exited means, but I guess it's something like I have left, I'm gone, I am no longer here. So, for this friend only, here's excited :)

Monday, December 26, 2005

Are all men the same?

The obvious answer here would be no. But then again, are there common factors? And are there differences between hetero and homo guys? I would argue yes. To quite an extent.

Men in general, according to my opinion (which is purely based on empirical studies of hetero men during quite a long time):

* not as able to talk about feelings
* can navigate and have a sense of direction
* quite non-technical when it comes to home appliances
* can only handle one thing at a time
* interested in sports
* unable to see when cleaning is needed
* cannot spend more than 5 minutes on the phone
* can never spend less than 5 minutes on the toilet (the cave according to Men are from Mars, and Women from Venus), unless another beer is awaiting in the bar
* often colour-blind
* have an unnatural interest in vehicles
* are seldom nurses
* quite untidy
* never kiss other men as a way of greeting or goodbye
* seldom hug other men (except for on the football field, which may explain why so many men are into football!)

This is just my personal opinion, and far from all traits of men. And of course, there are exceptions. But not many.

If you think there are, you must be a man :)

Challenge, anyone?


I have noted that people are more inclined to comment on my blog items on the touchy-feely subject (or maybe just the women :) ??). I will have a think, and as the terminator I'll be back!

Stearin candles

A friend of mine claims that if you freeze stearin candles before using them, they last longer. I do this every time, but have yet to get around to do a test. Does anybody know if this really is the case?


It is snowing in Zürich today. Ouch. Don't like it at all. Cold, wet and miserable. Guess it'll be a day for staying in. Can't promise anything for tonight though :)

Todays word: itch

itch to do sth (ALSO itch for sth) INFORMAL
to want to do something very much and as soon as possible:
He was itching to hear the results.
By four o'clock I was itching for the meeting to end.

My interpretation: Annika was itching for the party to start :)

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas holiday

I don't know about you, but I start to itch right about now after having been home for 2 days. I know I'm supposed to enjoy the food, company and taking it easy, and I do. Still, after 2 days of it, I feel it's time for some action.

However, this'll have to wait until tomorrow. Most places in town are closed over the weekend, and having a guest, you cannot always do exactly as you please :O) (so much for hospitality, huh?). But then again, does family count?

So, tonight staying in, enjoying the fantastic Brunello di Montalcino mentioned in a previous blog, and perhaps a movie?

Todays word: tranquillity

tranquillity, US USUALLY tranquility
noun [U]
living in peace and tranquillity
I love the tranquillity of the countryside.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas gift

I got a fondue set! I think somebody wants me to learn cooking :) Fondue is just as social as raclette. Look forward to many nice evenings in the company of friends.


I am pretty hospitable. Everybody who is my friend, or a friend of a friend, is welcome to my place. Mi casa e su casa...which (I think) is Spanish for just that (my house is your house). I have on a few occasions had disappointments in opening my home to people, but in general, I have gained friends and experiences.

However, tonight, while I'm here blogging, I have my brother's friend snoring away in the sofa. Questionable pleasure :)...but still I'm happy to have him. Good guy. And a good friend to my brother.

Friends, worth a lot. Couldn't live without them. Even if they snore :)


The reason my brother (who was supposed to be the main fan of my blog) is never ever gonna read it is that I told him that I write about my "love life". This was the main thing to stop him from even acknowledging I have a blog :)

Family? Guess you love them, but sometimes you wonder why...


A part of the evening was spent talking to my brother and his friend. They are 33 resp 29 years old. Now I am just a little bit older (and certainly more experienced :)...just FYI. The point I'm trying to make is that they are sooooo naive. They expect love to just arrive and stay fantastic forever. Which they are still waiting for I might add. This ain't gonna happen if you ask me. Every "successful" marriage/long-lasting relationship I've come across (oxymoron again!), is hard work. People are people, and with that emotions. People change.

We were talking about Elton John getting married, and refusing to sign a prenup. Fine. Guess you can do that when you have gazillions of money. For the rest of us, not a good idea. Something like 40-50% of marriages end in divorces. The odds for making it last? Slim at best.

So am I pathetic and sad in thinking so? Or are they (Bro and friend) the ones who are right? You tell me.

Todays word: romantic

1 relating to love or a close loving relationship:
a romantic novel/comedy
You used to be so romantic, but now you never tell me that you love me.
See also Romantic at Romanticism.

2 exciting and mysterious and having a strong effect on your emotions:
We thought that Egypt was an incredibly romantic country.

3 SLIGHTLY DISAPPROVING not practical and having a lot of ideas which are not related to real life:
She has a romantic idea of what it's like to be a struggling young artist.


I was out tonight with a bunch of people after the dinner (remember the menu?). Now, when I was leaving to get a taxi, I was approached by a youngster. He suggested we'd go for a beer. Now, at 2 in the morning, I kind of figured there is only one thing on his agenda. The fact that he looked 23, but said he was 25, was certainly not gonna change my mind. I'm not a paedophile. Contrary to what some people think after the ex-boyfriend. So, let's just make this clear. He found me (the ex, not the other), not the other way around, ok? Besides, I've dumped him now. So no issue, ok? Anyway, the 25-year-old is probably still looking :) Good luck to him!

Friday, December 23, 2005

White Christmas?

Todays word: ambiguity

noun [C or U]
We wish to remove any ambiguity (= confusion) concerning our demands.
There are some ambiguities in the legislation.

The catch

I have now discovered the catch (and I knew there was one)...he is too good-looking. Anywhere we go where there are women, they are all over him. And frankly, I cannot be bothered to fight. If the man is not that into me, I don't want him. Simple as that. The problem is I still like his personality...as well as the rest...

Advice, pleeeease...

Thursday, December 22, 2005


I don't take instructions well. Guess it must run in the family, since little bro was asked to let me know before he boarded. Flight delayed. Guess what? He didn't.

Anyway, now he's on his way. For the first time I do not meet him at the airport. He preferred to take the train himself. Independent? Sure. Also runs in the family :)

Little brother

Today little brother is on his way to visit me over Christmas. It'll be nice to have family around.

Tomorrow we plan a little dinner for some friends. The menu will be:

a little of everything like carrot sticks with dip, sausages, meatballs, crackers...

Main course:
pork fillet made in the oven with soya, garlic, spices, served with a potato gratin.

Toblerone mousse


Todays word: sms

noun [U]
ABBREVIATION FOR short message service: a system for sending text messages from one mobile phone (= a telephone that you can carry with you) to another.

This is an invention I really like, and one that works over most of the world. A fantastic little tool that makes it easy to stay in touch with friends. And it's instant, which is good for people like me that have little patience :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Todays word: suave

describes a man who is very polite, charming and usually attractive, often in a way that is slightly false:
He's very suave and sophisticated.

Lover boy

Now, this story has turned into something unexpected. Not at all the once-in-a-while type of encounter I had envisioned. Monday he turns up with a flower. Yesterday with a Christmas arrangement (green and red type of plant thingy). He sends cute little sms's. Now, what is wrong with this picture? I guess nothing, but am still waiting for the catch.

And you know what? I really like him. This cannot be good. Story to be cont'd...


A few days ago I was given Christmas cakes as a gift. At the time I was heading into town, so I said I would come and pick it up yesterday. So I did, and at the same time my friends decided to feed me. Very nice home-cooked meal. Not only that. In the course of the evening we talked about lots of things, and my friends being very helpful, I ended up walking home with: two different sorts of alternative medicine treatment, a liquid to use for polishing copper, a roll of toilet paper (don't ask!)and a book "Ticking along with the Swiss". And the cakes of course.

A nice evening indeed.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Todays word: gravitate towards/to sth/sb

UK phrasal verb (US gravitate toward sth/sb)
to be attracted by or to move in the direction of something or someone:
Susie always gravitates towards the older children in her playgroup.


Now I am totally confused. Here was I thinking of taking on lover boy on a more regular basis, but just for fun and when in party mood. To my great surprise he turns out to actually have a brain. Now what? This is so unwelcome, and will complicate things I'm sure.

Like today. He shows up, we have a great talk. He gives me one of the best massages I have ever had, and then goes to sleep. You know, not even that first.

I am here blogging, because I don't know what to think anymore. Something in this equation is just not right. Where's the catch?

Monday, December 19, 2005

Merry Christmas from Zürich!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Todays word: demeanour

demeanour UK, US demeanor
noun [U] FORMAL
a way of looking and behaving:
There was nothing in his demeanour that suggested he was anxious.
She has the demeanour of a woman who is contented with her life.


What constitutes a good partner? Well, in my book it is somebody who is/has (in no particular order):

sense of humour
good in bed

When these criterias are met you're home free :)...so easy, and yet so difficult...


I have a good friend in Dallas. She just told me to be nice to people (well, actually a specific person), but does that mean I am not nice to people in general? I think I am, or at least try. What do you think?

Todays word: hunk

hunk (MAN)
a tall strong attractive man

(and yes, the one-nighter has turned into a two-nighter...to be cont'd :)

Saturday, December 17, 2005

I did it!

I baked a cake...hurray. I had to improvise a bit though, since the ingredients here are different from where I come from. Nevertheless, it turned out fine and I am so proud of myself. So very domesticated...I must be changing :)

Friday, December 16, 2005


Just had a phone call from a friend at CPH on the way home. She and I used to travel a lot when we both lived (neighbours) in Copenhagen. We both had SAS gold cards, and were usually the only women in the gold lounge. We used to meet up there whenever schedules permitted, many a glass of wine have been shared in this place (obviously not on the way to work but from, and when we travelled privately).

I have very fond memories of my years in Copenhagen. Great city! Nice people, good places for outgoing (Nyhavn, yeah :), lots to do. It should be mandatory to go back at least once a year. Nostalgia? Absolutely.


Friday...great! In a couple of hours time to get started with the evening. Fix myself up a bit, cork up a bottle, a few phone calls with friends, music on the dvd, party mood...yippie!! Later hit town, and check what's available on the meat market :)

Todays word: insomniac

noun [C]
someone who often finds it difficult to sleep

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Baking - me?

Yes, will try tomorrow and bake a cake! Something I haven't done in more years than I care to remember. I am nesting? I don't know. Just got inspired, and will give it a whirl. Keep you posted of outcome.

The terminal

Have you seen this movie? It's hilarious. Especially when they x-ray Viktor. I can highly recommend it.

It doesn't say anywhere in the comments of the movie, but I've heard from friends in the airline industry that this story is sort of true. Happened apparently in CDG in Paris.

Todays word: benefit

give sb the benefit of the doubt
to believe something good about someone, rather than something bad, when you have the possibility of doing either:
I didn't know whether his story was true or not, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Excellent taste

I have excellent taste in men. Dawned on me again today when I ran into the one-nighter mentioned in a previous blog. He is gorgeous. Not that I was sober enough to appreciate it the first time, but now that we've met again twice I have to say...wow!

To prove my point he is about to become a model. Nude. Just because he has such perfect proportions. Found out he's 1.85 tall and 100 kg in weight, so you may think he's a bit porky. Actually most of his weight is around the shoulders. Women, stop drooling here :)

Anyway, this is not a story which gonna end in happily ever after. He's not perfect in other areas. To find a man is easy. To find a good man is looking for the famous needle in a haystack. But it doesn't stop us from trying...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Did you know that:

Antarctica is the only continent without reptiles or snakes.

Hawaii is the only US state that grows coffee.

Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by archaeologists and found edible.

Libra, the Scales, is the only inanimate symbol in the zodiac. (I am a libra, who wants to be an animal or a plant??)

Swans are the only birds with penises.

In 1945 a computer at Harvard malfunctioned and Grace Hopper, who was working on the computer, investigated, found a moth in one of the circuits and removed it. Ever since, when something goes wrong with a computer, it is said to have a bug in it.

No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, and purple.

The "O" when used as a prefix in Irish surnames means "descendant of."

The correct response to the Irish greeting, "Top of the morning to you," is "and the rest of the day to yourself."

The phrase "sleep tight" originated when mattresses were set upon ropes woven through the bed frame. To remedy sagging ropes, one would use a bed key to tighten the rope.

There are roughly 6,500 spoken languages in the world today. However, about 2,000 of those languages have fewer than 1,000 speakers. The most widely spoken language in the world is Mandarin Chinese. There are 885,000,000 people in China that speak that language.

Source: http://www.corsinet.com/trivia/

Hair treatment

This is something I should do more often. Treat my hair to this balsam lotion. And the inventors of this must have given it a lot of thought. It takes exactly the same amount of time as it does to shave your legs. So, at the same time your hair is getting a much-needed treatment, you can de-fur your legs.

What a time-saver for busy people!


If you know me you know that I'm a talker. I can talk forever on the phone (as well as irl). Therefore I was extremely surprised today when I got my phone bill for November. Only 16 calls during the whole month! Whereof 8 to the same person (yes, we always have a lot to share :).

Guess I have to make up for it in December. Tonight I'll make my first Merry Christmas call. To Norway.

Todays word: faint

Faint heart never won fair lady. OLD-FASHIONED SAYING
used to tell someone that they must make a lot of effort if they want to achieve something difficult

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Todays word: wussy

Can't find it in either Cambridge or Oxford, but have been told it means somebody in a mans words: cry, weak, cannot deal with things. I guess that in a womans words translate to in touch with your feelings, admit to weaknesses, and let feelings show.

But what do I know?

Monday, December 12, 2005

Time to get serious

We the Peoples of the United Nations, determined to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small …


Before my time

Cannot wait to publish cognisant...it was so interesting so I had to look it up on google.

A adjective
1 cognizant, cognisant, well_aware(p), aware(p)

(usually followed by `of') having knowledge or understanding; "our youth are cognizant of the law"; "I am well aware of his limitations"

11 and 38

Did you know that No 11 and 38 of l'Oreal's lipgloss have gone out of fashion? I know, it may appear as a bit of useless information but for somebody (me, in fact) who uses very little make-up, this is close to a disaster.

Fortunately, I know somebody related to this particular business, so I've got a stash, but think about everybody else who is completely lost.

I used to use Lancome keracils mascara. Now, after 25 years of being used to this, it has all of a sudden gone out of fashion? Where is the friggin' logic?

Why is it that every company thinks that they have to re-invent themselves every 6 months these days? What is wrong with IKEA's concept? Not that they are perfect, but at least they have a concept they stick to.

This blog ties to the item discussed earlier. Is change always good? Or is change sometimes change because there was a new boss? I know the answer, do you?

Old friend

Just spoke to an old friend. We have known each other since 1988, half a lifetime it feels like. Well, perhaps half of my life time, not his :) You just have to guess which one is older...

This is a guy I play the lottery with since more than 10 years. In the meantime, he has renovated his kitchen, been to several fancy holidays, and yet he claims we have never won. Do I have to tell you that he is in charge of the numbers?

He also tells me he has never heard of my blog? Well, he has now. Look forward to comments.


Yes, I confronted the guy who phoned me at 3.15 the other night. This is how the conversation went the next day in the afternoon:
Me: What exactly were you thinking of when you phoned me last night?
Him: Not much.
Me: You nearly gave me a heart attack, thinking somebody died...
He hung up.

How very mature. What is it with you men? Why is it so difficult to say "I was drunk and stupid, I am sorry". Why is it that men always duck the problem, thinking it'll go away if you don't face it. Anyone?

I'll tell you why

The reason I blog is this: I have always been a trend-setter. Not meaning trend-setter in being the first ever in the world to do things, but in my world, with my friends, relatives etc. And change does not come easy to people. Not to me either, even though I am probably more inclined to accept change than most people. I like to be the first, despite that I've learned the hard way that it is not always good for me. In fact, rather the opposite.

I know this goes against my scaredy-cat first item on this blog, but I'm a woman, and as a womans prerogative I can change my mind at any time, right?

So, back to first sentence. As long as I can remember, I have always done things first (apart from the micro-wave i.e. :). And so, I know you will take your time but I am still convinced you will learn to like my blog. I hope :)

OK, time to get bitchy!

Have tried so hard to get my friends to read my blog...and these are the responses I get:
"Working my little fingers to the bone"
"I have been so busy..."
"Blog, what is that?"
"I tried to make a comment on your blog, but then something went wrong. I couldn't be bothered to try again"
"I will read it when I get the time"

etc etc. Why do I bother?

Not bitchy enough?

I got criticized for not being bitchy enough on this blog. Now I have to better myself (?) and be more bitchy. As far as I can remember this is a trait I have never before been accused of. Makes me think I tell you.

I will try.

Best business card I've ever seen!

Todays word: callous

unkind or cruel; without sympathy or feeling for other people:
It might sound callous, but I don't care if he's homeless. He's not living with me!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Christmas tree - plastic or real?

A dilemma. Plastic is so much easier, but real is always real. Opinions?

Here i Zürich bahnhof they have put up a huge tree, and for decorations there are jewelry. It is truly beautiful (and protected by glass and security guards).

The worst

One of the worst things is when the telephone goes off in the middle of the night. I always think that something really bad happened, and it scares the shit out of me. Last night somebody (I know who you are) called at 3.15. By the time I realized it was the phone, and got up, it stopped ringing. I bet you this person was drunk, and thought it was a good idea at the time. It wasn't.

94 years old

Yesterday I spoke with a friend of the family who is 94 years old next January. He is as clear as me in the head (yes, I know what you think but really) and looks no older than 70. He still drives his car, he has a girlfriend (who is only 75) and talks about his boy who is 70-ish. Isn't it lovely? He is one of the three people I have sent Christmas cards to (you remember the ones you send on paper?) this year, since I doubt he has a computer.


This evening I had the delicious raclette. For those of you who have never tried, it's cheese that you melt on a special grill, and eat together with lots of stuff like small marinated cucumbers, broccoli, peppers, mushroom, garlic, artichoke or whatever you fancy really. It's a very social dish, since you make your meal yourself at the table.

It's mind-boggling to think that the introvert Swiss invented this dish (or was the Germans or the Austrians perhaps?). Not that the Germans are more outgoing :)

Zürich - gay city No 1?

I have been told that Zürich is the gay city of Europe. Just my luck :) On the other hand gays are the best friends. And the funniest. It's basically like going out with women, you can have the best of talks and they are good in giving emotional advice. Have I become a fag-hag?

The gays, the girls and the industry

This famous quote comes from Sex and the city. It means when a new trend is created, the gays are first to embrace it, the girls are the next and after that comes the industry. A good tip is to have gay friends if you want to stay on top of trends :)

Todays word: quip

noun [C]
an amusing and clever remark:
It was Oscar Wilde who made the famous quip about life mimicking art.

verb [I] -pp- MAINLY US
[+ speech] When asked earlier why he seemed to be so relaxed, Mr McCarthy quipped: "It's the drugs".

Saturday, December 10, 2005


What does the dyslexic agnostic say? Is there a dog?


Don't you just love Saturdays? Long sleep-ins, big breakfast, slouching in pyjamas half the day, reading, watching afternoon telly, blogging, just being cozy. My favourite day of the week.

Off to fondue dinner with friends this evening. Nice!

Todays word: revelation

noun [C or U]
1 when something is made known that was secret, or a fact that is made known:
a moment of revelation
[+ that] His wife divorced him after the revelation that he was having an affair.
Shocking revelations about their private life appeared in the papers.

2 come as/be a revelation to be an extremely pleasant surprise:
This book came as a complete revelation to me.

Friday, December 09, 2005


I don't know, and I'm supposed to be familiar with numbers, but this puzzles me. This is apparently my statistics for this website from when I started it a couple of weeks ago. Now would anybody be so kind and tell me what the difference is between visits and page views?

Is this a good result or a bad? Heck if I know :)


Total 181
Average Per Day 10
Average Visit Length 1:59
Last Hour 0
Today 13
This Week 70


Total 313
Average Per Day 16
Average Per Visit 1.6
Last Hour 0
Today 17
This Week 111


I do not have green fingers. In fact last time I looked they were kind of skin-coloured. Joke aside, how do people make plants grow and be happy?

A friend of mine has the habit of telling her plants “grow you bastard or I won’t give you any water”. That seems to do the trick. In fact, I think I might have over-watered two of my plants. Got myself one of those thingies that can measure dampness and even after two months not watering them, it still says “very wet”. Well, the fact that these two plants have survived for more than 2 years in my care, hopefully means I’m not too bad after all.

On the other hand, I’m picking tiny lemons off the floor every day now. I’ll be lucky if one of them stays to become an actual normal-sized lemon.

Perfect relationship = oxymoron

I would like to know if anybody out there thinks there is such a thing as a perfect relationship. From the headline you can probably figure out that I don’t. In fact I think it’s just as much an oxymoron as Swiss sense of humour :)

Comments please.

Swiss authorities - jeez

Today I had to deliver a document to one of the Swiss authorities. Well, apparently this document was due between 10 and 16 Dec, and today is only 9 Dec. The fact that they are closed over the weekend didn't make a difference. And even though it was only 2 hours before closing time today, they wouldn't take it.

I suggested that they put it in an envelope, to be opened on Monday. They were not amused. Now I either have to go back next week, or mail it to them.

Talk about stickler for rules!!

Todays word: weird

very strange and unusual, unexpected or not natural:
He was sitting alone by a window with a weird contraption on the bench in front of him.
Her boyfriend's a bit weird but she's all right.
That's weird - I thought I'd left my keys on the table but they're not there.
There is nothing to rival the weird and wonderful things that come out on the streets at carnival time.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Cleaning lad

Just had my new cleaning lad over, and I think the other one disappeared for a reason. This one is much faster, and as far as I can tell everything looks squeaky clean. Great!

The best excuse ever

About three months ago I had a one-nighter. Very nice indeed, very satisfying (if you’re a woman you know what I mean :). Anyway, this guy promised to come back the next day and cook “spaghetti carbonara” for me. Which he never did. Never saw him again.

Well, until tonight that is. Saw him, said hello, and since we were the only people at the table, we started to talk. Turns out that his daughter died two weeks ago. Wow! What do you say to a statement like that?

When I asked him about “why didn’t you let me know?”, he said, “I just shut down”. But he did have my tel no still saved. Which won’t do him a lot of good since I’ve changed.

Further investigation showed that he didn’t know he had a daughter until two years ago. The kid was conceived in a short relationship 10 years ago. He was never told. Until 2 years ago when the daughter got cancer and needed a bone-marrow transplant. He provided.

I guess it wasn’t enough, since she died two weeks ago. Cancer tumor in brain. 10 years old. What is there to say?

My “problems” diminish in comparison, but we did talk about anger. Lots of it. Anger seems to be directed at no one in particular, and everybody who’s available is to take abuse. He had recently hit somebody physically. I react by being verbally abusive. Difference? Maybe not.

So, best excuse I've ever heard. I don’t want to joke here. I do believe him. And I hope you’ll believe me.

Todays word: elusive

difficult to describe, find, achieve or remember:
The answers to these questions remain as elusive as ever.
Success, however, remained elusive for her.
elusive memories

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Stupid things

Do you ever do totally stupid things? I do. I just went to the bedroom to get my mobile charger, which is lying on the floor next to other useful things. I didn't turn the light on, and got punished immediately. Stuck my thumb into one of the teeth of a hair brush, in between the finger and the nail. Ouch!

Remember another time at my aunt's place. I was also going to charge my mobile. I was leaning down towards the floor where the electric socket is placed, plugged in the cable, and when rising hit my head really hard on the telly shelf above. Twiched (as you do when hurt) and somehow promptly pressed my mouth into the kitchen chair. Ended up with a really thick lip. Ouch again!

Why, oh why?

Glühwein - jawohl!

Have just made my own glühwein, well, not entirely from the beginning of course. I didn't exactly squash the grapes myself, but here's how I do:

1 bottle of cheapo red wine
Glühwein spices (bought ready made in a little thingy)
Dried fruit peel from oranges or similar (make yourself or buy)

Stir and let be for a while. Heat up, drink and enjoy!

Todays word: endeavour

endeavour UK, US endeavor
verb [I + to infinitive]
to try to do something:
Engineers are endeavouring to locate the source of the problem.

endeavour UK, US endeavor
noun [C or U]
an attempt to do something:
In spite of our best endeavours, it has proven impossible to contact her.
Crossing the North Pole on foot was an amazing feat of human endeavour.
artistic endeavour

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Few things make me so happy as a bargain (sad, I know). Today I found Shiraz on half price, so bought a box for Christmas. Also purchased a bottle of Brunello di Montalcino for Christmas eve. Gourmet drink for gourmet drinkers!

PS. Brunello di Montalcino has a smooth, velvety taste and holds good memories of a certain Italian dinner a long time ago.

What a lovely Christmas card (German-ish version)

When the snow falls wunderbar
And the children happy are,
When the Glatteis on the street,
And we all a Glühwein need,
Then you know, es ist soweit: She is here, the Weihnachtszeit

Dear Friends,
here some lines to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas!!! And a Wonderful New Year 2006.
May God bless your homes. We thank you for your friendship and are happy and greatful to have met you along the way.

Houston, we had a problem!

Well, like the headline but actually it's Dallas. I temporarily lost contact with a good friend (actually two) over there, and now it's restablished. Great relief! Hate to not be in touch with great people. And if you're there, welcome to my blog.

Todays word: oblivion

noun [U]
the state of being unconscious:
He sought oblivion in a bottle of whisky.

Monday, December 05, 2005


Did you notice that I learned how to create links that you can just click on, rather than giving you the website only? Pretty impressive, huh?


Check this picture out: http://www.aftonbladet.se/vss/mode/story/0,2789,737266,00.html
Click on "bildspecial Roliga Tokyo" a bit down on the page.

This is my cousins daughter. And yes, it's my eldest cousin (otherwise he wouldn't have a grown-up kid, right?)



He has the same fortune as the revenue from a company I know pretty well.

And yet he still works!

Cleaning lady gone awol

It took me some time to find a cleaning lady when I moved here, but when I found one she turned out to be really, really good. Now however, she's gone awol and I cannot locate her. What to do?

Turn to friends of course, and now through contacts I hired myself a new one. Let's hope he's just as good.

And for those of you who ask, "why doesn't she do it herself?". I just don't, ok?

New Zealand

A friend of mine is off to New Zealand for 3 weeks holiday on Wednesday. Wow! I could use a holiday too now. Remember being there about a year ago. Spent one week in Cook Island here: http://www.rarotonga.pacificresort.com/Rarotonga/Welcome_IDL=8_IDT=104_ID=459_.html

and a couple of weeks in the southern island of New Zealand. This part actually looks a lot like Switzerland with high mountains, lakes and lots of fresh nature.

It's strange going half way around the world, only to see something that looks like home :)

Have a good holiday you!

Todays word: epiphany

noun [C or U] LITERARY
when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become aware of, something that is very important to you or a powerful religious experience

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Todays word: insensitive

1 DISAPPROVING (of a person or their behaviour) not aware of or showing sympathy for other people's feelings, or refusing to give importance to something:
It was a bit insensitive of Fiona to go on so much about fat people when she knows Mandy is desperate to lose weight.
The police have been criticized for being insensitive to complaints from the public.

2 SPECIALIZED not showing the effect of something as a reaction to it, or unable to feel something:
The protective covering must be insensitive to light and heat.
His feet seem to be insensitive to pain.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

A special friend

I have a special friend here in Zürich, who believes in sharing his friends with me. He's the type of nice guy who always looks out for others. A fine trait indeed.

Wish more people could be like him, to be honest probably including myself. Wouldn't life be easier and more fun?

The more we share, the more we get?

Cut the crêpe

This was said to me today at a Christmas market here in cold Switzerland. Obviously it sounds quite a bit different in German, more something like schwiuuzze die pannekoeken or similar :)

PS. Was actually buying a crêpe at the time.

Todays word: diversity

noun [S or U]
when many different types of things or people are included in something:
Does television adequately reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country?
There is a wide diversity of opinion on the question of unilateral disarmament.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Favourite food

One of my (many) favourites is meatballs with mashed potatoes. Comfort food. Food you had as a child. Mmmmm!

In fact, am just about to defrost homemade meatballs and make the mash.

What's your favourite?


Gender: Feminine
Usage: Dutch, Swedish, Finnish
Extra Info: Popularity, Related Names, Name Days, Comments
Options: Contribute Information, Add to List
Dutch, Swedish and Finnish pet form of ANNA

Source: http://www.behindthename.com/

Todays word: tardy

adjective FORMAL
slow or late in happening or arriving:
Dinner was somewhat delayed on account of David's rather tardy arrival.

This word was chosen because of an email received by an old a acquaintance from work, who happens to be called David. Check out yesterday's word!

Source as usual: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/

Regular vs time to time

I had an email from somebody I know, who said "I enjoyed visiting your blog. I'm probably not the kind of person that will read it on a regular basis, but it will be fun to check on you from time to time."

Now, to me this reads "I couldn't care less". What does it read to you? Comments welcome.

And what is the difference between regular and time to time?

Seat vs sit

I have an acquaintance here i CH, who speaks better English than I speak German. She has a problem with seat vs sit. So here's the explanation just for her:

noun [C]
an item of furniture or part of a train, plane etc that has been designed for someone to sit on:

1 [I or T; usually + adverb or preposition] to (cause someone to) be in a position in which the lower part of the body is resting on a seat or other type of support, with the upper part of the body vertical:

I have learned never to laugh about anybody who speaks a language bad. It only means that they speak another language better than you do. My tip is always to encourage people who try another language, not laugh about them trying. Except for when it's funny :)

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I love getting comments on my blog items. It is so inspiring that somebody actually bothers to read what you write. And further on, even takes the time and effort to make a comment. Great!

One comment made from somebody I knew on the Friends vs relatives blog item (I had a feeling we had met!), was made clear today. Of course I remember :)

Another comment was made on the Girls night out item, which interestingly enough came from a 13-year old girl (who chose to display her profile). Wow, what couldn't I have made of myself, having this insight so early in life. On the other hand, would it have made a difference?


Today I learned that when subscribing for a mobile phone (at least with Orange), as a foreigner you have to provide your permit. Passports or other documentation won't do. Not sure how this is supposed to prove that you are a trustworthy person, but if you want a phone, you oblige.

So, had to get home again and get my permit. On the bus I had the questionable pleasure of seeing an old man jerk off. What happened to a time and a place for everything?

Anyhow, now all is well and I have two phones to play with :)

Todays word: coincidence

1 [C] an occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time, especially in a way that is unlikely and surprising:
You chose exactly the same wallpaper as us - what a coincidence!
Is it just a coincidence that the wife of the man who ran the competition won first prize?
a series of strange/amazing coincidences

2 [U] chance or luck:
Just by coincidence, I met my old school-mate again fifty years later.
[+ that] It was pure/sheer coincidence that I remembered his phone number.
By some strange coincidence, he was passing the house just when it happened.

Orange vs Sunrise vs Swisscom

Got myself a new mobile phone and number today. Did my homework so sent identical emails to all three providers beforehand to check out their offers. Now, Orange was quick to answer, Sunrise didn't bother to reply at all and Swisscom wasn't sure so they both called me and sent an email.

Found out that Orange has a subscription that best suits me, so here I am with a brand new number!

For those of you lucky enough to have received it :)...please be aware of that the last four digits is my birthday (hint, hint).