Whass up?

Saturday, December 24, 2005


A part of the evening was spent talking to my brother and his friend. They are 33 resp 29 years old. Now I am just a little bit older (and certainly more experienced :)...just FYI. The point I'm trying to make is that they are sooooo naive. They expect love to just arrive and stay fantastic forever. Which they are still waiting for I might add. This ain't gonna happen if you ask me. Every "successful" marriage/long-lasting relationship I've come across (oxymoron again!), is hard work. People are people, and with that emotions. People change.

We were talking about Elton John getting married, and refusing to sign a prenup. Fine. Guess you can do that when you have gazillions of money. For the rest of us, not a good idea. Something like 40-50% of marriages end in divorces. The odds for making it last? Slim at best.

So am I pathetic and sad in thinking so? Or are they (Bro and friend) the ones who are right? You tell me.


  • At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I agree with both of you. I do expect love to just happen, I do think I will meet a man and and that we will just talk and talk and talk and talk (and do some other stuff as well :-) and just know it's right. However, to keep on talking (and doing the other stuff as well) I believe it requires a lot of hard work, patience and an ability to be humble and also strong. I think having a great relationship is one of the hardest things in life and also one of the most rewarding things if you make it.
    This friend of your brother, is he any cute?

    Blog on!

    Hugs from Eva

  • At 5:55 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    He is pretty cute, and the right age for you :) but lives in Switzerland. Guess you gonna have to work really hard to make a long-distance relationship work.


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