Whass up?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Regular vs time to time

I had an email from somebody I know, who said "I enjoyed visiting your blog. I'm probably not the kind of person that will read it on a regular basis, but it will be fun to check on you from time to time."

Now, to me this reads "I couldn't care less". What does it read to you? Comments welcome.

And what is the difference between regular and time to time?


  • At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I would think it quite harsh, to say From time to time means "I couldn't care less". I guess the person meant, he or she couldn't read it like every day or every week at the same time. That would mean "regular". From time to time to me means when I find the time or I just come to think of it, but still every other day or week.
    I like Your "Today's Word". Some interesting items You found there:-)


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