Whass up?

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I love getting comments on my blog items. It is so inspiring that somebody actually bothers to read what you write. And further on, even takes the time and effort to make a comment. Great!

One comment made from somebody I knew on the Friends vs relatives blog item (I had a feeling we had met!), was made clear today. Of course I remember :)

Another comment was made on the Girls night out item, which interestingly enough came from a 13-year old girl (who chose to display her profile). Wow, what couldn't I have made of myself, having this insight so early in life. On the other hand, would it have made a difference?


  • At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Comments - December 2005

    And what about those amazing, almost awe-inspiring comments that you're getting from that rather fascinating American bloke currently living in Germany? I mean, how cool is that?!

    (Sometimes I can use a pat on the ole back ... even if it is by my own hand...) ;-)


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