Whass up?

Friday, March 31, 2006

Live music

Am a sucker for it. I am tone-deaf, but I still appreciate music. Big time. This is one of my fav live bands: http://www.wundc.com/Autox.html

Best excuse

Heard it today. Best excuse ever not to read my blog. "My company has installed a firewall that keeps everything out". Meaning he couldn't get into my blog. Yeah, right! If you install a firewall that cannot get you to a "public" site, you can only get to intranet.

And how fun is that :) ?

Pissing on the Swiss

OK, I know what you think reading the headline. But I mean it literally. I have a friend. She is Irish. Married to a Swiss. Their toilet is Swiss, meaning the toilet ring and lid are compiled of Swiss thingies like a Swiss knife, a Swiss flag, Swiss thingies in general.

And you tell me not to piss on the Swiss :) ?


I know, not a very likely thing to blog about at this time of the hour. But believe it or not, just came home, 1.30 my time, and heard this buzz. Yeah, left a window open but so what? It is about 10 plus Celsius degrees. Not a likely time/place/temperature for bugs. Still. It is buzzing. Angrily. And it is f...ing big.

Luckily he/she? seems more interested in the lights than in me. Good. Tried to take a picture to show you, but the thing doesn't stay still long enough. Desperate? Sure.

Makes me think about this theory about bumblebees. Apparently they are not supposed to fly considering their weight, but somebody forgot to tell them, so they do anyway. Hey! That seems like me. I have also done things that I wasn't supposed to.

So, b-bee, fly on, and so will I :)

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Funny that is. The people you least expect to communicate do. And the ones who come across as communicators do not.

Some prefer to do it via email, some prefer telephone and some sms. And other people even send paper letters, or so I've heard :) Never mind how, the good thing is that we nowadays have more tools to do the communicating that just one generation ago.

Also, some people do it intermittently, some sometimes, and some very seldom. So I really do not think we have changed as people, it's just that the technology makes it easier for us...thoughts?

Skinny jeans

Every womans dream. To get into the skinny jeans. Compare Miranda in "Sex and the City". Today I was cleaning out wardrobes, there is a collection of clothes and shoes tomorrow, which in Swiss terms mean that you get plastic bags delivered to your mailbox, and you are supposed to fill them up with your old stuff and put them on the street tomorrow to be picked up. Hopefully for a good purpose, like giving to poor people or something.

Anyway, in the process I was trying on my skinny jeans (which I btw will never give away, in the hope that one day I will fit into them again), and guess what? Another 3-4 kg and I will! Mind you, if that means giving up Sprüngli's chocolate cake...hmmm...

Men's logic

= oxymoron? Picture this. Married man. Loves his wife. Or so he claims. Married man meets new woman (not me, ok). Tells new woman that he is happily married. Goes to bed with new woman.

What is that? Passion? One-nighter? Thing is, it probably is for him. But for her? Are we women so stupid that we buy these lines? Or is he just a one-nighter for her? Or does she secretly hope that he will divorce?

You tell me. I am observing people all the time, and some confide in me. I am still confused. But it doesn't stop me from acting like a man sometimes :)


What is that exactly? This organization Mensa has one definition of it...so if you're good in putting square thingies in round holes so to speak, and tell which number comes next in the series, you're apparently intelligent.

Personally I think this is bullshit (and feel free to think that I am not qualifying, and therefore not approving). I think intelligence comes in all sorts of different shapes and forms.

Who is to say that a woman/man working in construction, as a doctor, as a teacher, as a scientist, as a plumber are not equally intelligent? I think it's just that life has led them into different paths.

OK, so the "intelligent" one here is going to say "everybody has the same chance". Not true. Not all of us had the same chances in life. But some of us has taken the chance to make the most of it. Whatever it was we had to start with.


I really like this guy. Remember the guy I blogged about before? The one that had a fall-out with the president? We meet often, since we like the same place in town. He's very respectful and fun to talk to.

Today however, there was some sort of football thingie going on on the telly. I'm like "who friggin goes to a bar to watch tv?". He went like "I was in town, and wanted to watch the game". OK.

In a funny sort of way, I respect his choice (guess it's a bit like why I like the outcast on Lost more than the hero doctor).

A bit of a challenge I suppose. When people are too easy, it's not fun anymore. Mind you, I mean it in a friend(ly) sort of way.


OK, before I go on blogging any more, i just wanna say that with over 500 blog items I am now going to start repeating myself over issues I care about.

Besides the fact that the search engine on blogspot doesn't seem to work on items beyond the page you're on, I will now allow myself to again blog about items I blogged about before.

And as said, things I care about and have opinions on. So forgive me. And keep on reading. Please :)


I have always been under the impression that I was shy when I was a kid and in my teens. That's how I felt I guess at the time. Not. Have spoken to family and apparently I was talking to strangers when I was 3.

Funny that, that you have a feeling and you appear totally different. Not that I had a feeling about appearance when I was 3, but you know what I mean.

I think there is a lesson to be learned here. Not all things are what they appear to be...or people ;)


Isn't it funny that a whole day can pass without a phone call (apart from work of course), and as soon as you go to the toilet or shower, then it rings. It's like when you wait for the bus, and lit up a ciggie, it's a sure sign the bus is gonna be there.

Murphy's law? Not really. It's just strange.

I don't know how many times I have been to the toilet with friends (on the phone, ok?). Not that I take the phone with me, but you know, when you're not done and you "have to" rush out and get it. God forbid, you would just leave a phone call unanswered. After all, it could be somebody important :)


OK, just logged on. According to my meter calculating the number of visitors I had 8 today and none the last hour. It is 00.15. Hello?

Guess sitemeter doesn't support the summer time here in Europe, huh? It's one thing that I forgot it, but a computer? Guess it just goes to show that computers spit out only what is put in there. People. That's what it comes down to. Again.

Surprised? Anyone?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Apparently I am. Just got an email beginning with "hello trouble". As a term of endearment (?) I would really prefer dear, sweetheart, friend or similar. Just FYI.

Guess this is language related. In my mother tongue we would never really use these terms, they sound a bit silly translated. We would address with first name. As supposed to here in Switzerland where everything is Frau this and Herr that, or Madame or Monsieur in the French speaking part.

It's like signing off an email in English to a friend saying "lots of love" meaning I love you in a friend type of way. In my language that would sound plain ridiculous. Not that you wouldn't mean it, but still.

Anyway, just different I suppose.


Spring is in the air. Finally. I cannot remember when the winter lasted this long. Friggin snowing in March, that's not normal. Anyway, now it seems like it's over.

Over 20 degrees Celsius yesterday. Brilliant! And you can see that it's much needed. People starts to smile, sitting out having coffee, just walking and enjoying.

Hurray, love spring almost as much as summer!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Business idea

OK, here's a thought. Not from me, but from somebody I know. What if you wanted to make a "book/diary" from your blogs for the year? On paper. Fantastic idea.

I know, you can copy everything to Word and make it into a book thingie, but better would be if somebody would offer to do it for you. In a bookie kind of way.

One thing I have noticed about this blogging thing is that it is still in its infancy. Last week there was a hosting problem, which apparently google was in charge of. Took them "ages" to fix. Meaning more than one day. Took them actually five days which in internet terms is "eternity".

Also, while I'm at it...I have noticed that the "blogs we have noticed recently" icon on blogger.com is only random. I have clicked on some of these, and they have only been updated in December 2005. How un-cool is that? Just means it is random, and not by choice.

Anyway, if somebody would offer this service, I would be the first one to sign up. Even if it cost me money.


I do not have green fingers. Or green anything for that matter. But I did get an orchid as a present about a year ago. The thingie died. Or so I thought.

The soil is not there. Only roots (funny how that is, because I just blogged about roots, different kind though). Decided to give it another go. Meaning I watered it. Now it's sprouting flowers left, right and center. Green fingers? Not me.

Some people tell me it's because of the smoke. Apparently orchids like it. Well, what can I say? So do I :)

On request

OK, this is a story that only you who are here in Z will appreciate. Here goes:

I have a reputation of "always" finding a man for my women friends who are visiting me. And so far, nobody has left being disappointed :)

The other day, or evening/night if you will, we ventured out. As you do. My friend got into a conversation with somebody, so I backed out. Started to talk with this guy. He seemed all right. My friend dumped the idiot and joined the conversation.

After my toilet visit, and 5 min talk, she asked me: "can I take this guy home with me?". "Not to fuck, but to sleep with". I went, "ok, of course you can"...I seem to always end up with strangers in my guest room, so I thought why not?.

So the three of us got home. They got to bed. I went blogging (yeah, ok, I know what you're thinking). After about 15 min I hear somebody going to the toilet. Big deal.

But after another 5 min I think maybe it's my friend being sick or not feeling good? I have a thing with taking care of my friends. So I went into the hallway with the intention of checking up on her.

Imagine my "horror" running into the guy (mind you, one of the best hard-on's I've seen in a long time :)...totally naked. I'm still not sure who was most surprised...


You know, median as supposed to maxi or mini (and I'm not talking about skirts here). Median means in the middle. Like age. My country like Switzerland where I live has 40 (approx). Which sounds really low. Meaning you're gonna live until you're 40, and then not. Wrong. Median means not average but from everybody who lives the middle age is 40. (And if you still don't understand my explanation, please read a finance book :).

As a comparison, mandinka man comes from a country where the median age is approx 18. Imagine how many infant deaths, diseases etc that means!

This makes me think. I happened to be born in a rich country. And yet, I still complain about some things. Think we sometimes forget how lucky we are...


When you hire somebody to do something for you (and pay for it) you want them to really go for it. Well, at least I do. I don't suffer fools easily as they say in British English.

I like people who are forward, honest, open, and sharing. I have a problem with people who do not talk openly, and who do not speak their mind.

Which I suppose is why I have the friends I deserve (good ones :)...

To absent friends

This is something you say to people who are not present when you toast. Like friends who have left, friends you used to know but no longer stay in touch with, in short to people who are not there.

Unfortunately I will in future have to say this. Not only to my friend who is leaving the country (only temporary, as I see it) but to somebody who used to be my friend. But no longer is. Sad.

But I guess life goes on. (The show must go on kind of thing).


I have them. Have always thought they were just part of my body. And they are not exactly the mini version. Wanted to have smaller. But what can you do? It's the genes, right?

Now, I have learned not to hide, but to show. But please, you guys out there, what is it with breasts? (And yes, I have read about young girls who have breast enlargements, but why?). In my experience (limited :)...guys are always interested.

Yes, I do agree that size matters. But only to an extent. It's not everything. So why, oh why?

Summer time

Guess I'm a bit disorganized...didn't keep track of us here in Europe changing to summer time. It was only because I was online and my computer did the changing. I thought, is it that late already? Then double-checked on text-tv...and yes, it was.

Good thing, since I had a date tonight :) Mind you, it was with a gay friend. Which is great. I love him to bits. It was only later when there were four of them, I thought, hey maybe it's too much :)...and I was still the one without the handbag :)


Weird. Said goodbye to my friend today, who is moving to Australia. Think we were both quite emotional, and yet, the goodbye wasn't. Think it was because we both realized it wouldn't be a good idea to drag things out (also, probably because I promised the boyfriend not to).

Anyway, it was good. It was a hug, and goodbye. Just like that. Guess it was because I knew it wasn't forever. She will be back (or worst case, I will have to visit :)...but boy, am I gonna miss her!

Who else will stay up with me until four in the morning, drinking wine and solving the world's problems?


Remember this book? Alex Haley? He was the author. I met mandinka man again tonight. You know, the guy who spent 3 years in solitary confinement? He is mandinka. Just like Kunta Kinte in Roots.

I know, for the younger audience, this book is from the mid 70's. But still valid.

In the book, and part of the story, is that people get trained to tell stories only from hearsay. No computers back then. They train for about 50 years in order to be able to relay stories about families and what happened to them. Imagine that?

In these times of snappy whatever it is unheard of. Sometimes I wonder, are we missing out by being fast at all times?

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Fresh air

Just as I always thought: http://www.nzz.ch/2006/03/25/eng/article6565552.html ...too much fresh air is not good for you.

Good thing I like the smell of asphalt and city fumes :)

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Zürich rocks

Without going into too much detail (hello? you had almost 500 blog items already, so whaddaya expect?) I must admit, Zürich rocks! Big time. Whatever you wanna do, whatever you feel like, the city is big enough to accommodate everyone. I know, according to stat's it's only less than 400K people, but after living here for a considerable time, I can assure you, it rocks :)

Like tonight. Was out with a friend. Had a fab time. Again. I know, it's getting to be a regular story, but I'm just happy to tell you I have a life. About time too. And I'm not gonna do the sad story again about this friend who's leaving the country. That'll happen on Sunday, ok?

For now I'm just gonna say once again: Zürich rocks!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Attraction 2

What you cannot have gets more attractive? I have a girlfriend. A friend who is a girl. She has a boyfriend. And funnily enough the more people who get "interested" in her, not necessarily guys but girls/women as well, the more he get to do the "boyfriendy" thing...like kissing in public, touching, making sure that everybody knows that she is his...(like a cat, or any other predator, pissing in the territory)...mind you, I hope he was sitting down doing it :)


Great! When you have it. The thing is that sometimes you cannot / want not to do anything about it. Have this thing with a guy. He knows it. Now. Because I told him. In English I "fancy him". But he's got a girlfriend so won't touch him with a barge pole. Not that I wouldn't like to, but you know, you don't touch what "belongs" to somebody else. Mind you, the day he gets to be single...

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Today is the first leaving party for my friend who's moving to another friggin continent. Gosh, I'm gonna miss her, so better make the most of it these last few days. And she doesn't want any presents (which I can understand, considering all the stuff she has to pack already).

So, better get on and go and see her and spend as much time as possible together (yeah ok, not what you think :)...she does have a boyfriend, who will probably want to get a word in), but you know what I mean. It's never easy to leave people.

Which is why stuff and thingies don't matter one bit. Status equipment forget it. People are what matters. Take it from me, I have moved enough to know :)


Got the whole first season of this series on dvd, and am getting kinda hooked. Stupid really, since it's only about a bunch of people who get stranded on an island after a plane crash.

In it, you have this all-around good guy, who's a doctor, and who everybody looks up to as a leader. On the other side there's this bad guy, who is a loner, who nobody really likes, but he's got that extra something. Guess it's like a dangerous element, which makes him more attractive than the good guy.

Is that how we women are? Attracted to the guys who have secrets? The guy who makes us feel like there is something more we want to find out?

Guess this works for me. And perhaps it's the same for guys? Guess I gotta stop being so open ;)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Just waved my German friend off. She was only here for 2 days, but gosh, do we have some new memories to giggle at in the future :)

Had a brilliant night out yesterday. Again some spoon-playing, meeting new people, talking, laughing. Funny how time flies when you're having fun!


Remember the guy I had a fall out with? Well, I caved in and sms'd to say this is stupid. Let's forget about it and take it from here. He responded to say "yeah, it's forgotten". Guess it wasn't since he didn't show up tonight. Which we agreed upon before the fall out.

Too bad. I feel something like when you wanna make up, you at least think that the other person will meet you half way. Guess not. Which is too bad, since it takes a lot for me to "apologize".


Yeah I know, you come across people being stupid often, but tonight went like: "I love you" (from a 23-year-old in a pub at 2 in the morning). I took one look at him and went "I don't think so". His friend, who were slightly more sober tried to convince him it wasn't a good idea. He didn't get it.

What can I say? Flattered? Not even that. Sad? Absolutely. Mind you, it was late and we all had a few drinks...


So again, I succeeded. Hooked my German friend up with a guy. Who turned out to be funny. I was gently requesting (do this, or leave now! :) him to write in my guest book. He did. And signed it 31 of Feb, 2006.

Sometimes there is more to people than you think at first sight :)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Took my German friend to my fav place yesterday. She's into music. Big time. Even took a year off to do so. Anyway, we listened to the band, she got really into it and started to shake her butt. Another woman was playing the spoons (you know, two spoons, you knock them together to make noise, either against your knee, or your arm or whatever).

Later, the woman was teaching my friend how to play the spoons, and she not only turned out to be really good, she also enjoyed it immensely. And she ended up with lots of bruises :)


There's a band I know. Yesterday they played in this place. It was nice seeing them again, but two of the guys I knew had been replaced with new ones. Was introduced to one of them, and I said "so you're a virgin?", meaning that he was new to the band (and looked pretty young).

Couldn't understand why the whole band was laughing so much. It wasn't that funny I thought. Turns out the guy is 23 years old and has three kids! Guess he wasn't a virgin after all ;)

Monday, March 20, 2006

Party with ze Germans?

I know, it sounds like an oxymoron :)...but is true. This evening. A friend from Germany is visiting, and I will do what I have to do. Not that this exactly is a chore :)

So, luckily I found a reason to party. On a Monday. Hurray!

And, as luck would have it, I found a funny German friend!

You out there?

Still a problem with posting and reading blogs (especially mine :). Difficult to believe that google who apparently supports this site, is so slow. Makes me determined not to buy shares in this company.

Opportunistic me? Absolutely. Especially when it comes to money ;)


Sorry, just feel like talking, but nobody is awake at this hour. So here goes: yes, what goes exactly? Politics? Relationships? Private stuff? Sports? I don't know. Just feel like talking :)

Oh yes I know. MSN messenger doesn't work since I last tried to update it. Took 24 hours for the msn people to respond and then it goes like: "Thank you for contacting MSN Messenger Technical Support. My name is Ronald and I will be glad to assist you with your concern. I regret the delay in our reply, Annika. You now have my full attention.".

Right. Is that American or is that American? Well, turns out he sent me something like 8 pages of instructions. I took one look at it, and yawned. Responded back within 5 min to say, "can't you just send me the old version, and I will install it again, since it worked?". Guess what? No response in 24 hours.

Lovely people the Americans. With a service-mindedness. Just too bad it doesn't mean shit :)


In my life I have only had one friend who was ever in prison (apart from the guy I once employed, and day two at work he told me he needed a month off. When I asked why, he said "I have to spend a month in prison". That if anything taught me to always ask a potential new employee "do you by any chance have a criminal record, or do you plan to go to prison anytime in the near future?". Turns out he was refusing to do military service, thereof the 1 month in prison).

Anyway, I did know a guy once who was a small criminal type of person. I remember when he came to visit, bringing a new stereo (yes, in those days). Was too naive at the time to realize that a gift that expensive was maybe not legal.

The point is I met the bodyguard again. He had spent 3 years in solitary confinement! Wow. How do you do that and still appear to be sane?

Sometimes people surprise you!


I like this. I know, I'm a woman and there is space here for giggling. But still. A vibrating thingie on your phone, makes things easier. How else would you hear it ringing in your pocket? Especially if you're in a loud place (which happens to me more often than it should :)...

So, hurray for vibrators...any form and shape ;)

40 years

Funny. Tonight this guy (waiter) pointed at an older woman dancing. Kinda funny, on her own. He said "that'll be me in 40 years". And I go, right! But maybe in 20 years? He laughed. And I realized that maybe he meant me? That is scary. The woman was only in her early 60's!

Is that how I gonna end up? Dancing on my own in my 60's? Ah gad, I'm gonna have nightmares tonight ;)

Sunday, March 19, 2006


This is nice to have. Like this evening. Was in my fav place. This guy walks in (remember the guy who stood me up / that I told off a couple of days ago?). The staff could see that I was not interested in talking to him. (Ever again, mind you).

They asked me, "should we throw him out?". I had the power of letting them doing so, but chose not to. He didn't bother me (after I told him off once again), and he left after an hour or so.

But it's nice to know that the staff looks after me. So, anybody who is not nice to me, you'll be thrown out, ya hear :)...at least from this place.

Fall out

Had a fall out this evening with a "friend". Earlier he promised to help. When I asked for help he responded "it's annoying but ok". Would you take help from a person like that?

Well, I didn't. I just think that people who say things, and don't mean it, should shut their mouths. Why say, when you have no intention of doing?


What is this? For me, it means staying with something for a long time. Which is why I'm still with blogspot after 4 days of trouble. Long time? Yes, in internet terms it is. In real life, no.

Guess it just goes to show who is "stupid" enough to stay with something that doesn't deliver. Or maybe loyalty pays off? Here's hoping :)

And wow, perhaps this goes for people too?

Saturday night...

amateur night...this is something I agree with every Saturday night when I do not go out :). Like yesterday. Spent a really sad day doing chores like shopping, washing, ironing, watching telly...

Guess these are things that have to be done, but why me? Why aren't I rich enough to have a butler or something? Well, I used to have a live-in LB, but he never did any washing. Or ironing. Mind you, he did the shopping. And cooking. And...;)

Perhaps I don't have much to bitch about after all...


That's me. I seem to have an opinion on everything. Just spent 2 hours on the phone with a friend in Dallas. We haven't met in like a year. Yet it is like yesterday. Some people you just get along with immediately, and some people you will never be able to have a conversation with.

Weird. But ever so nice when you come across a true friend. Somebody you can talk about everything with. And I mean everything ;)

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Another acquaintance

Every time I run into this guy he keeps on asking about my ex. Like I'm not a person in my own right. How is your ex? Are you still in touch? Why are you not together?

It friggin drives me crazy. I'm sure he means well, but still. Last time I asked him if he would like me to call my ex and speak to him directly. Since he seems to miss him. I think he kind of got the message :)

Telling off

A couple of days ago I had the good fortune of getting to tell somebody off. Remember the guy who once stood me up? (The only one, I'd like to add :). Met him again. He was like nothing happened. Remember me? Of course I did.

He gave me a song and dance about how he had been in hospital. And lost his phone. And then magically he found my number again after one month. Hospital visit lasted 5 days the first time he told me on the phone. Then when asked again, it was 10 days.

I just wish I would have had the courage of Samantha in 'Sex and the city' and poured my drink over his head :)

Spoke too soon

Apparently. This blogspot thing is beginning to annoy me. I know it's a free service, but still. It is a service. Or so all of us bloggers thought.

Last blog item did not post correctly. Don't know if this one will. Am beginning to feel like other bloggers, move the blog to another provider.

What is wrong with you service people? You keep on telling us that the problem is fixed, when clearly it's not. Last message from you was 5 hours ago. And it's still not working. Get to it people!

Blog problem

There's been a blog problem for like 2 days. Everybody who tried to access my blog got a message "you are forbidden to see this blog" or similar. And I tell you, it has seriously screwed up my statistics :)

Anyway, seems to be solved by now. By google. Apparently they support (or not) this blog.

Happy to see that people are visiting again. You are more than welcome!


Met an acquaintance today. And I said (as you do) how are you? Turns out that he may have MS. That's a straight answer for you. It is so sad. He's something like 35, very fit, and it's just incomprehensible.

Good news is that he doesn't show all the signs of MS, and he's to go back for more tests in a month. I will keep my fingers crossed for him.

No more disasters please. Why can't everybody (incl myself) just be happy all the time?

Friday, March 17, 2006


You know these little thingies that you use to clean your ears. Anyway, was on the toilet in a bar recently. Some bars are nice enough to provide you with tampons. This particular one also provided Topz.

Who in the whole world goes out to a bar in order to clean your ears? Or was it there just in case people were talking too much bullshit, and the use would be to simply stick them in your ears to avoid listening?


Met a man the other day with an interesting profession. He used to be a "security aid" to an African president. Claimed he had left his country due to corruption and dictatorship ("the president and I had a difference of opinion"). Cool statement!

Checked up the country and found that life expectancy is about 50 years. Good for him that he left.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Made a deal with a guy who practically moved into my place. Not my guy, but a "friend" of the friend I had staying here. Deal was to make breakfast.

In my mind, breakfast includes making everything ready. Like a set table with all the food on it.

Not surprisingly enough it didn't happen (yeah ok, maybe the grammatics didn't work there), but you (I!) would have thought that 1 o'clock it would have happened. 1 o'clock daytime that is. Would it surprise you when I told you it didn't happen?

I got up. High expectations, since I was very clear about them. Not. I had to get up, wake him up, clean the table, set the table, make sure the bread, cheese and other paraphernalia were there. All he ended up doing were the eggs. Big deal.

And still he thinks he's a good guy :)...think again!

The world

So, I've spent the late evening solving the worlds problems. Together with my friend. It's great. We now have all the solutions. If you would like to subscribe, we can sell you the outcome :) Mind you, it doesn't come cheap.

Gosh, I'm gonna miss her. It's not fair. You meet a soul-mate, and she's gonna piss off to another country shortly.

I do understand her though. I would do the same. Considering the country she's off to, has sunshine. Something we here in Switzerland have forgotten what it's like.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I'm so easy...

to convince. Especially when it's something I want. Have been a good girl this evening, staying in, behaving, watching telly like an old woman. Yuk!

So, was really happy to receive an sms right now, asking if I want to go out. Thing is, it's kinda late and it'll take me some time to get there, so we compromised. Friend will come here instead.

Hurray, a reason to have a drink (like I needed one :).


I'm a regular at my fav place. No surprise there. It has its moments I have to admit, and I always get top service.

Sometimes though, it is not in line with my plans. Like tonight. I was planning on leaving early. Like before 11 pm. Just had to powder my nose first. When I came back, there was another glass of wine waiting for me. On the house. They didn't want me to leave. And where I come from you never, ever, leave a glass of free booze behind. This happened twice.

The things you do for people :)...obviously nothing to do with my non-existent character!

Version 14.0

Met this guy. We had a conversation about logistics (I know, not very interesting, not at all, but he was kinda cute). He wanted me to come with him for a drink in another place (where have I heard this before?). Was seriously contemplating doing so, like I said, he was cute. Then I spotted the biggest wedding ring I've ever seen, so politely declined.

He asked why I wouldn't go for another drink. I said "isn't it obvious?" and pointed to his hand. Turns out he divorced 5 years ago. Has a 14-year-old son. Had been married for 2 years.

A bean-counter would go ballistic over these numbers, but turned out he only married this woman after many years of being together.

Why still the ring? I really don't know. I asked and he was going like "it's convenient" or "it keeps questions away". I don't trust this one millimeter. Would you?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Don't you just hate when work type of things come in between private life? It's such a nuisance. Why can't life just be fun things? Yes, the "clever" ones will now barge in: "it's because life isn't like that", or "you will never enjoy the fun, if you don't have other things in your life", or worst "life is never fun anyway".

Why, oh why? Couldn't life just be good all the time? It's like me. I hate winter. I can easily live without snow and cold temperatures. Trust me, I would be very much more happy living without this friggin winters. So, consequently, can't I just be happy at all times?


Monday, March 13, 2006


Just to point out the difference, this is what I did when I went with the train from Zürich to the Italian border.


We went first class on the panorama train. Spent three beautiful hours in Tirano, having a great Italian lunch with antipasto, pizza and Italian red wine.

We get what we deserve :) ??


Forget about what I said about the tasteless nouveau riche. Nothing could be worse than this. My Norwegian friend just spent a day in Lugano with her new boyfriend. Guess where he took her for lunch? No, it's just too embarrassing. But, Burger King!!!

How much more tasteless can it be? Lugano is very close to Italy. If anyone does, they know how to make pasta. And pizza. If nothing else, this is what they know. And he takes her to Burger King!

If I was her, I would dump him just because of this :)

PS. In case you didn't get it, he's English!


Don't know this country from a hole in the wall (wow that got funny, the Chinese wall!), but it sounds interesting. A friend of the family is going there. She's not exactly ancient, but I find it fantastic when people 60+ do something with their lives. This particular one is very active, very curious on life, and a good one to have a talk with.

Wish I would be like that when I am in my sixties, if ever that'll happen of course :)


Have gotten very encouraging information. Apparently the liver and the pancreas clean themselves from alcohol consumption (abuse?) in 36 hours. And then they are as good as new. Or so I've been told.

Reminds me of another interesting theory. The one with icecream. Icecream is so cold, so it takes the body lots of energy to take care of it, more than the calories in the icecream itself. Meaning you will actually lose weight by eating icecream. I'm sure the latter theory is rubbish, but still a good one :)


This friggin language. Guess I will have to start learn it. Will attend a course. At least I won't end up having ze German accent :) in English.

One promise though, I will never ever in my lifetime blog in German!

Far away

Why travel far when you don't have to? Interesting question, isn't it? It always seem like people find it more interesting to travel further away. Like today. My friend visiting here in Zürich. First time in Switzerland. There are gazillions of pretty and interesting places to visit less than an hour from Zürich. Yet she chooses to go to Lugano, which is just on the border to Italy. 3 hours away with train. One way.

Mind you. It may not have been her choice :)


This is a nationality I have little or no experience of. However, I remember my tax-man saying to me when I moved last time that Russia would be a good place. Only because the taxes are very low (tax people are funny with that :)...coming to think of it I am also interested in low taxes). Anyway, he also said to make sure to move my money out of the country asap. Because of the mafia.

Didn't sound very attractive to me I must say, and ended up in Switzerland, which is far better.

Saw a telly program tonight about nouveau riche in Moscow. Guess the conclusion is that money can buy things but not taste.

Blondie joke

A blind man makes his way to a bar stool and orders a drink. After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, "Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?" The bar immediately falls absolutely quiet. In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says, "Before you tell that joke, sir, I think it is only fair....given that you are blind....that you should know five things:

1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat.
2. The bouncer is a blonde girl.
3. I'm a 6-foot-tall, 175 lb. blonde woman with a black belt in karate.
4. The woman! sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weightlifter.
5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler.

Now, think about it seriously, Mister. Do you still wanna tell that joke?"

The blind man thinks for a second, shakes his head, and mutters, "Nah. . . . . not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times."


My absolute favourite flowers. Guess it's after my stint in Utrecht. We used to go to the market just at closing time, when you could buy 100 tulips for 5 NLG (remember the times before the euro?).

Also visited Keukenhof http://www.keukenhof.nl/ which is a flower garden, absolutely fantastically beautiful in the spring time. Mind you, I wonder how it'll work this year with all the snow?

Busy times

Have ignored the blog for a couple of days. I apologize. Lots on the agenda. You know, places to see, people to go :)

Dinner last Saturday big success. Food was delicious (or so I was told, and I chose to believe them). We ended up going out in town later...guess nobody is surprised by now. Bar-hopping, having a good time with friends. Isn't that what life is all about?

And we had a very interesting discussion, involving men sitting down to pee. Only I've been strictly forbidden to blog about it. Let's see how long I can refrain...I never did promise not to :)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Ph D

I wouldn't know what this means if you hit me in the head. All I know is that it's something to do with lots of university studies. But you gotta trust me on this one, it doesn't mean that people are clever. Came across one tonight. Ph D that is, and he was a very easy target. No bantering experience whatsoever. I almost felt bad. Notice the word almost here :)

It was just too easy. Not even fun. Well, maybe for the people around. In case you didn't get it, I kind of like when people bite back.


Learned something new the other day. Last time I salsa'd was in the Caribbean many years ago (I know, but it didn't happen the other week).

Spoke to a friend from Peru. Apparently it is ok to dance, massaging genitals, if you do not look into each others eyes. As soon as you do, it's getting serious. The intimacy of crotches is no problem. The eyes are.

Guess this is just a bit too much to handle for stiff Europeans :)

Friday, March 10, 2006


Tomorrow is dinner time. I will be cooking for 5-6 people. Fish is on the menu, since one of the guests is vegetarian (why, oh why? what's wrong with a big piece of beef?).

Anyway, for this occasion we have shopped lots of white wine. So just in case my cooking doesn't go well, at least the guests will forget about it :)

Freak magnet

That's me. Today on the bus this strange guy came to sit opposite of me. His eyes were kind of blurry, must have been on some kind of drug (illegal or otherwise).

He then proceeded to open his (plastic) suitcase and take out a can of beer. Who drinks beer on a bus? In daytime?

He didn't bother me though. Thanks for that.


This is a gadget which helps you find places. Anywhere on earth. Yesterday however was the first time I heard that it had been used in order to locate a bar. By an Italian.

The bar is kind of centrally located in the middle of Zürich, so you cannot really miss it. But hey, whatever is necessary to get a beer, right?


Sent an email to my fav boss, saying do you remember this person? She is visiting. We want to say hello. The answer? "Yes, of course I remember her, she was the one doing all the work while you were doing all the partying". Thanks. I think :)


Couple of days ago I ended up in this "illegal" hip-hop-club. It's kind of illegal, but here in Switzerland, everybody knows it is not allowed but since it's popular it's kind of accepted. The police couldn't care less. They (apparently) have better things to do.

Contrary to popular thinking, I hated every minute of it. But I am good in going with the flow, making people think I enjoy myself. I have to admit that x-number of beer helped. But I really did not enjoy the place.

What I did enjoy was the company. They were good people. In particular baby-face. A young guy who in 10 years will be attractive. I am just not a pedophile :)


I am getting doubtful about this nationality. They seem unreliable. Lots of talk, but no action. Is this really true?

I have to admit that I have a painting from a former friend from the Philippines. It is beautiful. The painting i.e.

However, the former friend is no longer in touch. And he left a large phone bill behind. Not like we were lovers or anything, but in my world you honour hospitality. You do not spend a month staying at somebodys place. For free. And then leave a phone bill behind.

Or is that only me?


This is how you get after a few. Remember the ashtray story about the guy with (possibly) long know-you-what? Tonight, he went to the toilet. As you do, after a few beers. He took his time. Was away long enough for us to comment on it. Where is he?

Then we looked at each other (two women, mind you :)...and said, well, he's...

Like I said, silly...but still funny :)


That's me. I start trends. I have been living in many countries and many cities. Five of the cities I have lived in have been voted the city in the world of the year. After I left.

Coincidence? I choose not to think so ;).

Out of the seminar group of 11 people, two of them have started blogging. Good going girl (me!)...


That's me I guess. Sometimes I'm putting myself aside, in order to accommodate other people. Like tonight. I am stuck with puppy love people, and have to give up my own life in order to accommodate them.

Sometimes I really feel like a loser. I have a friend. We wanted to hang out together, drink wine and solve the world's problems until four in the morning. Yes, we can do this another time you think, but the thing is she's leaving the country in two weeks.

Am I just stupid? Or nice? I just know that I will miss this friend when she's leaving. Which is too soon.


Italians are aggressive by nature. Not necessarily in a bad way. They just come across as forward with lots of body language. I have an acquaintance who (yes, you guessed it) is Italian. He is very gentle. And he cannot take alcohol. Give him a couple of beers or glasses of wine, or worse, an Irish coffee, and he is drunk.

However, he is one of these few Italians who do speak English. Tonight I was out with a group of friends. He was one of them. He was leaving early, saying "I can only take small amounts of alcohol. And small amounts of you" :)...imagine that. An Italian with a sense of humour.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Casa Annika

Is a popular place. Centrally located, very accommodating, matchmaking skills available, food in the fridge (most of the time) etc. And it's free. For friends. All that's required is a willingness to party once in a while. And since they are my friends, they do indeed know how :)

Next one up after the Norwegian leaves is Germany. From experience I know real well that this one is up for a party or two too.

Who's next in line?


for nothing. International womens day rendered no flowers, no gifts whatsoever. Except for a really good friend who sent a flower through sms.

I am apparently a sad person. No friends who care. Challenges welcome ;)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Puppy love

Isn't it cute? Two people who meet, hit it off, get all awkward being near each other. The odd touch, the private smiles, the friggin handholding ;)

If I ever felt like the 5th wheel, it was tonight. But I'm happy for them. I really am. At least until her father is getting the gun out!

Staying home?

Staying home is for wimps. Thus not for me. Off for a small outing. Not planning on being late.

Just have to do some research on my flat ass study. Be back later with more findings.

Spicy food

Guess not everybody can take it. Made it tonight. My Norwegian friend was polite enough to eat some, but I don't think she really enjoyed it. I feel a bit bad. Not much. Not really actually. Since the company I provided her with was more than satisfactory. To her.

PS. And it wasn't me, in case your thoughts were wandering there :)

International womens day

That's today. Flowers and any type of gifts welcome :)


I should be one. I always seem to hook up people. Other than myself :) Guess it's easier to be objective with others.

Seriously, it's fun when friends hit it off and really like each other. The more, the merrier, right?

Tonight cooking at home (me, cooking? Yes, actually), and perhaps a movie. Tomorrow is another night out in town, gotta rest sometimes. Maybe :)


Wow! Did we go out yesterday, or did we go out? Was planning on taking my Norwegian friend to the nice part of town. Didn't happen. Sms'd with a friend, who invited us to go for "a drink" in a not so nice part of town, before venturing out further.

Turned out my Norwegian friend wanted to stay with this group, and go to a dodgy club. Reluctantly I had to join. After all, she's here on vacation.

Ended up being really late. And I gotta say, dodgy clubs is really not my scene. But happy for her. And happy for my friend. They seem to have gotten off nicely :)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Off to the airport

This evening off to the airport to meet a friend, who is arriving from Norway. Funnily enough another friend is off with the same plane to Norway. So we arranged to meet up in the airport for a drink. Haven't seen him in a very long time, although he lives in Switzerland.

Hope my arriving friend is in the mood to go out this evening. I am surprisingly enough. At least she cannot blame jet-lag, or can she :)?

A strong woman

A woman I know has a boyfriend, as well as an admirer. He is very persistent and obvious. Still, she chooses not to be tempted enough to try. Claims she loves her boyfriend. Which I'm sure is true.

Still, I would be tempted by such an offer. Wouldn't you?

Monday, March 06, 2006

CD's vs DVD's

Couple of years ago I only had cd's given to me as presents. No dvd's. Now I have a movie collection of some 300 films. Why? Well, if you live in a country that dubs most telly programs, you need to. Imagine seeing George Clooney speak German, or Sean Connery speak Italian? Not pretty. Especially since the lip movements do not tie. And the voices do not match, I know what they sound like.

No wonder the "dubbing" countries (Germany, Switzerland, Spain, France, Italy and so forth) speak English with an accent, if at all. They never heard the "real thing". Whatever that is :)

Not a pretty picture

Picture this: a guy, quite sturdy, wearing a black t-shirt (fine), black shorts (in winter?), surprisingly unhairy legs sticking out of winter boots and thick socks.

This coupled together with that he could use a bra. Sexy :)? I don't think so.

He did indeed have an ass, but again, not the kind of personality I like :)

Lost in translation

This is a movie I haven't seen. It is also applicable to a situation today. This guy tells me "it hasn't snowed this much in Zürich in 100 years". Me: "Do you remember?". Joke fell flat to the ground. His English wasn't that good.

Research reveals that it hasn't snowed this much in about 15-25 years (nobody can really remember). Fair enough. Much too much for me anyway. Wish it would go away shortly. On the way to the bus today, I had to make a re-route. A tree had fallen down over the path I normally take.

Snow? Yes please. But only in the Alpes. Not in the city. Bitte :)


I have been there. It's a great city. Great in the way that it is kind of European. You can actually walk there. You don't need a car.

However, and it is always a however :)...it is cold. Generally. Next to Lake Michigan. It is cold-ish. Lake Michigan is like an ocean. Big. Windy. Remind me of places I've lived. And left.

But the matter at hand is about a sweater. I bought one there. I have washed it once. It shrunk. Incredibly much. It came out like childwear. I managed to drag the wet fabric out so that I could wear it again. This was like 2 years ago.

I am now thinking about washing the sweater again. It's not like it smells, I haven't worn it every day since, but still. It's time. I'm thinking the sweater is like America in whole (yeah, shoot me you 3 friends :)...one time only. Not lasting.

And before you say anything, I know that the US of A is the most powerful nation on earth, with the highest GBP. But humour me. I'm European :)...

Salsa - just ain't happening

I have tried many times. Was supposed to happen last week. Didn't, on account of the teacher having the flu. It just seems that I am not supposed to salsa.

I like the beat, the moves, the idea of salsaing. Why isn't it happening? Guess it should tell me something, salsa is not for me.

Remember one time though. In St Martin (the Caribbeans). I was invited to dance by a native. He said "please try and relax, you're too European". I tried. But when the guy stuck his you-know-what between my legs, I kind of stiffened. And he was already.

Hard to relax, me? Guess I have to loosen up :)

I take agin

Am borrowing a phrase from a book here. Like it. Agin meaning against. I do this often. Especially after a few (drinks...in case you don't get it :). Critical? Absolutely. Judgmental? You got it.

I have a tendency of taking agin people when drinking. I find something wrong in everybody. A talent? Of course not. I'd rather do like earlier today with the scary neighbour. Find something good in everybody. Only, I have this tendency of going a bit hard on people after a few.

My friends all know it. That's why they are my friends :)

Leather pants

I find those indeed sexy. I should be shot. Guess it has to do with the 80's. I always wanted a pair of leather pants. It was in at the time. Always felt I hadn't a sexy ass enough. So never bought any.

How wrong I was. I realize now that I should have. Because if I do now, I'll be kind of 20 something years late. Now it's naff.

On the other hand, do I care? Perhaps not. Or at least I shouldn't. I should be mature enough to do what I want...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Ich spreche keine Deutsch

A fantastic line. I can recommend it. It works a charm for people you do not want to speak to. One little flaw though. If they do indeed speak English. Which funnily enough they always seem to think I do.

Je ne parle pas Francais. Same thing. Only for the people who have to fight others off. For the "socially challenged" I recommend something else :)


Mind you not old, but older. This is a good thing. The field of opportunitues widen with age. Remember when you were 15? It was a big thing having a boyfriend who was 1 year older. Getting older, this age difference seems less important somehow.

Sometimes I wish I was bisexual, this would widen the field even more :)...alas, I'm not. But I do think the range is big enough. I always seem to meet men.

And still doing the ass study. Have thought about including noses as well. Have a feeling there is something to it.

Or as Julia Roberts said in Notting Hill: "you know what they say about men with big feet?"..."large shoes" :)

Soda machine vs printer

Have a soda machine. Think I blogged about this before. LB saw to that I got a new thingy, so the machine makes bubbles again. The printer is another matter. Got it very cheap. It's a bit like Microsoft making the software bigger with each version, and the hardware not keeping up. Which means you have to buy another computer.

Liaison? Absolutey. Cartel? No doubt.

Which just leaves me in the pit. I do not know how to get the ink thingy out of the printer (yes, an accommodating guy showed me at my party last week - a lot of good that did me...was friggin busy serving people). Any takers?

Befriend the ex

I just did. Got me thinking when this thing happened to my friend. Life is short. And I do miss my ex. Not in a "I-want-to-shag-you" kind of way, but talking. Wondering how he's doing.

Amazingly it turns out he felt the same. I have refrained from giving him my mobile No for 3 months now. Today I sent a message. Took him about 5 sec's to reply.

Seems like we're back to being friends again. Great.


Zürich always seems to have a reason for party. Suits me. This one is called "fasnacht" (or so I think, no need for spelling corrections, ok?) It means that the normally shy Swiss dress up (in gear that must take forever to make) and do make-up. They then go out in groups (5-15 people) and play music. They carry around drum sets, and all sorts of instruments. They play. They laugh. They even drink. Imagine that!

A bit like people going on holiday. Doesn't matter where they're from. People behave differently when on vacation. Like they relax and (mis-)behave more. Compare the Germans with the towels...not entirely sure they are different at home though :)

Zürich vs Tokyo

Everybody in this part of the world is amazed over how good the public transportation is. And I have to admit, it is. However, I recently came across somebody who had lived in Japan. Apparently the public transportation here is nothing compared to how well it works in Tokyo. I can kind of believe it after taking the bus this evening. 5 min late! Can you believe it?

Whatever happened to the Swiss punctuality? Half a meter of snow kind of screwed it up. Wimps :)

Turn around

When things are bad, try and turn them around. This is what I did this evening. I ventured out, people-watching, some talking, got out of my cocoon. So, now I have a lot of ideas for blogging. This is for you Chris (in C) who commented on me blogging every so often. Watch this space :)


Live life like it's the last day, every day. I know, a cliche, but for some people it is true. Like the father of a friend, who died yesterday. Not even 70. Boom, gone like that.

I feel anger when these things happen. People should not be allowed to die, until you're ready to let them go. Period. Irrational feeling I know, but still.

So, better not leave things unsaid. One day it'll be too late. Death is kind of final.

I am now convinced

There is something good in everybody. Scary neighbour is out shovelling snow. Yesterday we had about half a meter of snow here in the city. It looks like a friggin Christmas card. In March!

Anyway, first time I've seen scary neighbour doing something else than smoking on the balcony. Good for him. And for us. We don't want no broken legs.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


This is a part of Switzerland, where they speak Räto-romanisch, an old roman language which is still an official (well sort of) language. This is the area of Switzerland where they shoot first, and ask questions later. Or so I've been told.

Met a guy tonight from there. He didn't shoot. Much to my disappointment :)...

Friday, March 03, 2006

LB is moving out

When he first arrived, the deal was to stay for a week. We are now going on two weeks. This is because I offered him to stay. He's easy to live with. We lead separate lives. Come and go, but show respect.

Now, on Tuesday next week I have a friend coming to stay for a week. So LB has to leave. Nice as I am (!) I have set him up with accommodation elsewhere. In case he can't find something on his own. Which I doubt. He is very resourceful :)

Look forward to have my friend here. Must be 3-4 years since we last met...and FYI this friend is a woman :)

Is sex serious?

Personally I don't think so. Let me elaborate. Sex is a part of life. When you start to take it seriously, I think you're in trouble. Sex should be fun. Sex should be a good thing between consenting adults.

Fun in bed? Absolutely. Not meaning necessarily laughing all the way to the orgasm, but exploring, feeling, touching, finding out what is good for your partner. As well as for yourself.

Chastity? Not for me :)

The bigger the better?

I don't think so. This is in relation to my on-going flat-ass study. I doubt that the bigger the ass, the bigger the personality.

However, I still suspect there is something to having an ass, vs not. Since I myself do indeed have one, I really do hope so. Guess I'm a partial but it's my blog :)

Another chance tonight for studying. Wonder if it would be possible with funding for this study?

Sit down!

This is a requirement in my apartment. In the toilet. Not that I will come with you in there, but I really, really do prefer men sitting down when on the toilet.

Seems like some men think this has to do with masculinity, standing up i.e. Wrong. Has to do with respect, keeping the toilet clean for the next person. Not to talk about the spraying around it. Guess there is a problem with aiming :)

Have to admit though, that the movie About Schmidt is rather funny. In the toilet scene.

Time flies...

when you're having fun. And it's Friday again. Amazing how fast everything is these days. And as luck would have it, I'm off out tonight. Again. Friday is the big going out day. I am rested. Have eaten. Will have a few drinks, and then head into town.

Today life is good, and who knows what the evening will bring?

Today is the day...

where I plan on being some 43 million euro richer :)...which makes me think about what I would do. What would I do different from what I do now? Not sure exactly. Of course I would give to charity, share with others that type of thing. But what would I do for myself?

Probably invest in real estate. Buy a really nice flat, here's my favourite:

Also, a holiday home in Spain is high on the agenda. But out of 43 mill, this won't even make a dent in the fortune. Gosh, must think about it some more. Dreams are good, aren't they :) ??

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Opposites attract

A fact. Got confirmed this evening. Two people who could not be more different are a couple. Since 5 years (according to her 5 years, according to him 4,5 years). Big deal.

She is extremely open, talks to everybody. He does, but only after a few drinks and when he feels comfortable. Do I have to spell it out who is Swiss :)?

Good people both of them (compare the blog about the teachers). Wish you both all the best.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

LB going devil :)

PS. Just in case you wondered, LB has consented to this picture being posted.


Think I have forgotten to blog about the teachers in the course I took. Imagine this: an American woman, consequently loud, immaculately groomed, to the point, (usually) accurate, sometimes rude and with little interest in people. A German/Swiss guy who is extremely detail-oriented, soft approach but yet irritatingly meticulous, more casual, at times a bit blurry when it comes to feedback, but in general a gentle and nice nature.

Hard to choose here who is the better person. I gave my compliments to the company, since they managed to find the perfect opposites. Both of them had a lot of give, just in very different ways. Think we all learned more because of it.

Guilty as charged?

Had a chat with my lawyer friend the other day. He had spent the day in court defending a client (as they do). I asked: "is he guilty"? He said: "isn't everyone a little bit"?

Interesting thought, isn't it? Takes two to tango that kind of thing. Perfection? Not for humans, least of all me :)


One cheesecake coming right up. I'm starting to like this having a live-in somebody. Especially those who help out, and who can cook. Turns out we both have our own lives, and when we meet at home it's nice to have somebody to talk to.

I like people who respect others, and leave each other alone when so preferred. Am I getting mellow in my old age (oh, the thought :)?

PS. And here I'd look for comments like "of course you're not old", alternatively "no, it's perfectly normal" :) Just FYI.


Hmmm to this nationality. On the one hand I have come across really hard-working Albanians in bars downtown. On the other hand, this particular Albanian man I wouldn't trust with 10 cents.

This is the guy who rang my door at about 4-5 in the morning (see previous blog). Called me yesterday early evening. Wanted to come over to watch a movie, offered to bring a bottle of wine...and guess what else he was looking for :) ??

Turned down his kind offer, since I already had a movie companion busy giving me foot massage :)


I cannot remember the time when I missed an appointment. And if I did, I always let people know beforehand. Today this friggin woman claims I missed a meeting yesterday. I did not. Since there wasn't one to miss. We never set up an appointment in the first place. Again, no cure against stupidity, is there?

White smile

Been to the dentist to clean teeth. Have a German woman with a very soft touch. She almost cured me of my fear of dentists. So now I have a nice while smile, at least for a while. Until I start abusing my teeth again with smokes, red wine and coffee :)

And yes, it'll cost me more than in Hungary, but think of all the time I save! Dentist office 5 min walk from my place.