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Monday, March 27, 2006

On request

OK, this is a story that only you who are here in Z will appreciate. Here goes:

I have a reputation of "always" finding a man for my women friends who are visiting me. And so far, nobody has left being disappointed :)

The other day, or evening/night if you will, we ventured out. As you do. My friend got into a conversation with somebody, so I backed out. Started to talk with this guy. He seemed all right. My friend dumped the idiot and joined the conversation.

After my toilet visit, and 5 min talk, she asked me: "can I take this guy home with me?". "Not to fuck, but to sleep with". I went, "ok, of course you can"...I seem to always end up with strangers in my guest room, so I thought why not?.

So the three of us got home. They got to bed. I went blogging (yeah, ok, I know what you're thinking). After about 15 min I hear somebody going to the toilet. Big deal.

But after another 5 min I think maybe it's my friend being sick or not feeling good? I have a thing with taking care of my friends. So I went into the hallway with the intention of checking up on her.

Imagine my "horror" running into the guy (mind you, one of the best hard-on's I've seen in a long time :)...totally naked. I'm still not sure who was most surprised...


  • At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think you should start a buisness here... could be somthing for your retirement... :-)

    Love and big hugs!

  • At 6:21 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    If only I could make money out of this...


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