Whass up?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Version 14.0

Met this guy. We had a conversation about logistics (I know, not very interesting, not at all, but he was kinda cute). He wanted me to come with him for a drink in another place (where have I heard this before?). Was seriously contemplating doing so, like I said, he was cute. Then I spotted the biggest wedding ring I've ever seen, so politely declined.

He asked why I wouldn't go for another drink. I said "isn't it obvious?" and pointed to his hand. Turns out he divorced 5 years ago. Has a 14-year-old son. Had been married for 2 years.

A bean-counter would go ballistic over these numbers, but turned out he only married this woman after many years of being together.

Why still the ring? I really don't know. I asked and he was going like "it's convenient" or "it keeps questions away". I don't trust this one millimeter. Would you?


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