Whass up?

Monday, March 20, 2006


In my life I have only had one friend who was ever in prison (apart from the guy I once employed, and day two at work he told me he needed a month off. When I asked why, he said "I have to spend a month in prison". That if anything taught me to always ask a potential new employee "do you by any chance have a criminal record, or do you plan to go to prison anytime in the near future?". Turns out he was refusing to do military service, thereof the 1 month in prison).

Anyway, I did know a guy once who was a small criminal type of person. I remember when he came to visit, bringing a new stereo (yes, in those days). Was too naive at the time to realize that a gift that expensive was maybe not legal.

The point is I met the bodyguard again. He had spent 3 years in solitary confinement! Wow. How do you do that and still appear to be sane?

Sometimes people surprise you!


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