Whass up?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Zürich rocks

Without going into too much detail (hello? you had almost 500 blog items already, so whaddaya expect?) I must admit, Zürich rocks! Big time. Whatever you wanna do, whatever you feel like, the city is big enough to accommodate everyone. I know, according to stat's it's only less than 400K people, but after living here for a considerable time, I can assure you, it rocks :)

Like tonight. Was out with a friend. Had a fab time. Again. I know, it's getting to be a regular story, but I'm just happy to tell you I have a life. About time too. And I'm not gonna do the sad story again about this friend who's leaving the country. That'll happen on Sunday, ok?

For now I'm just gonna say once again: Zürich rocks!


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