Whass up?

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Piazza Duomo

Beautiful, isn't it? If only they could remove that big poster!

Friday, July 28, 2006


Off to Milan tomorrow so won't be any blogging over the weekend. One of the things I really adore with this country is that you're really in the middle of Europe. 4,5 hours train ride from Zürich, beautiful scenery, in the restaurant wagon they have a fantastic cheese plate (wine not so good, but I thought of that...just the slight hiccup of serving something you brought...not bought...but I'm sure we'll find a solution). And you cannot smoke on the train. Friggin Italians! They usually have moral like ants, i.e. non-existent, but when it comes to smoking...guess they felt they had to do something. Since they don't do much else :) Or let me rephrase that, they do a lotta things, most of them not good, but in smoking terms, too EU-friendly :)

Will be great I'm sure. And since I'm going with the not-being-on-time guy I told him the train leaves at 16.00. It's not. It's 17.00. Haha. And FYI he's plan B. I originally planned to go there with another friend. Good thing I booked separate beds :)


Again. This topic never cease to interest me. Apparently. Even though I live in a country that thrives on clocks, it seems I yet have to meet a man who's on time (compare blog item with date last Friday) (and my ex for that matter).

Today, my friend (male of course :) told me he'd be a tad late for the boat. A tad turned out to be 21.15. Whereas I thought a tad meant something like maybe seven. Anyway, had a bit of an experience with this guys timing before so decided to take the boat out on my own. For the first time! We agreed that I'd pick him up later. Only at about 19.30 it started to be a bit clouded and I felt like I needed to take the boat back. Thunderstorm awaits.

So did (all on my own, and beautifully parked I might add :), but then the rain didn't come. Only flashes. So stayed in the boat for an hour or so (very pleasant indeed, lying there with a glass of white, reading a book). Then the weather got really threatening, so had to close it all up.

We later met at the bar next-door...was there like 5 min before "my" guy arrived and the waiter recognized me from last Friday. He got kinda interested, but this time I had a date that actually arrived :)

Anyway, must thank the boat-ride-in-the-night guy for me getting the courage enough to take the boat out on my own. He got so drunk so wasn't any help at all. Had to do it all by myself. Coming to think of it, what else is new? You want something done, you do it yourself...


I have become a gift. I know, sounds strange, doesn't it? But it comes from the German word for get...bekommen...so most Germans (and Swiss for that matter) translate it to "I have become" when they actually mean "I got". V. weird.

Anyway, I have "become" a present. It's called "Schlesische Gurkenhappen". I know, makes you laugh, doesn't it? But it's actually very sweet. Well, sweet and sour to be exact. It's marinated cucumbers that cannot be bought here in Switzerland, so somebody bought it for me in Germany. They are delish.

Thank you very much. Very thoughtful. And I will enjoy, promise!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Was at Letten again this evening. This is the place in Zürich that's become hip. Swimming, bridges, beach volleyball, drinks, bars and people people people.

Had a picnic and some wine. Again. People-watching. Nice chat. Ah gosh, I wish this summer will never end...


Part of life, eh? Only I have a friend who's apparently doing it loudly. Too loudly according to the neighbours note about: "certain bedroom activities". HAHAHA!

What has the world come to when you cannot even bonk without complaints? The neighbour is just jealous, I'm sure.


So the thing that didn't happen on Saturday (the night boat trip) happened today. Didn't happen then because it started raining. Only for a short while but still. So we postponed it until today. Gotta tell you, it was probably for the best since tonight was the perfect night for a boat ride.

35°C (95°F) during the day, sweating, tiring and wishing for something cool. Left at about 1.30 in the morning. We were the only ones at the bridge. A bit of a problem though, since I was told (by somebody who I thought knew these things) that I had position lights. Apparently this means a green and a red light on the sides of the boat. Ideally you'd also have a white light in front. Which I knew I didn't, since I have been carrying around a broken light in my bag for a few months now. Why I haven't fixed it? Beats me.

Anyway, when we checked the lights, they weren't there. Like, no light whatsoever. Oh dear. So I took a management decision of going anyway (still wondering if the blondie bimbo look would have worked with the seepolizei :) ??).

Fantastic night on the lake. No waves. No boats. Only joined by a swan and a duck. Was swimming like five times. Water like velvet. And it was strange, since it was about 24° in the air, and 25-26° in the water, it was nicer to spend time in the lake...floating, swimming, just enjoying. Normally I wouldn't let the boat alone, but tonight we did. Swimming both of us. There was no stream, so boat stayed.

Watching the stars, contemplating life, a bit of music (yes, I have a battery-driven radio)...oh joy! Again, it's good to live.

PS. I had a flashlight in the boat, so we weren't entirely invisible...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Street parade

This is an event that takes place yearly in Zürich. It has about a million visitors. Considering that only less than 400K people actually do live here, it's a lot. The city goes crazy, and so does the people. The music is not to my taste though, techno? What is that really? Somebody who got a bit too much let lose in a studio...I think so.

Anyway, the party is cool. I remember three years ago, when I was new here. I kinda got sucked into it, thinking 'yes, I'll go and watch and then go home'. Not. Not because I didn't want to, but because I couldn't. Not enough space to move. Three years ago it was a hot-hot-hot summer (40°C - 104°F). So I kinda got with the flow. Must admit, I wasn't too difficult to persuade :)

Ended up swimming in Limmat (the Zürich river) at four in the morning. Not bad. And soon we're at it again...check this out: http://www.streetparade.ch/

What to say?

Kinda running out of words here. Since I spent the afternoon on the lake. Again. This time though there was an anniversary. Had two friends on the boat, and it turned out they had been engaged for exactly one year today. Wow! Ish.

Well if you've followed the blog you know what I think about engagement/marriage. Not. But I gotta tell you, they were sweet together. And here is me, all I can think about 'I wonder how long it will last?'. Perhaps I'm the one in the wrong here...??

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Think I'm about to do something crazy. Had a drink at my usual place before going home tonight. One of the guys who work there suggested an after-party at my boat. Great! Only it's gonna be at 4 in the morning. Party starting. But who am I to complain? A party is a party is a party, right?

Besides, it's crazy enough to appeal to me...Seepolizei, here I come! Ah gosh, wonder if they have an alco-limit on the lake?

A new friend

Have a new friend. With emphasis on friend. We've spent some nice time together, been out on the boat, been out in town. He's nice, although not my type romantically if you know what I mean.

Anyway, he's moving in with me. Renting my guest room. I think it'll work. At least he won't cheat me on money like lover boy did. And who I haven't heard from since.

It'll be interesting. Living with somebody again. But we're both pretty independent, come and go like we want. All I ask is respect and communication. And that he sits down and pee :)...which he's promised.

Nice gesture

Came home from town after the boat trip, and a visit to a wine bar. Quite fantastic actually. It's a little bar where they have a standard price for all wine glasses and also wine bottles. CHF 3 per glass, whatever you drink. We had Prosecco. If you wanna buy a bottle and take home, it's only CHF 6.90. Whichever wine you choose. Fairly cheap I would say. But it's a funny place in another way. They have erotic art on the walls, which they also sell. The less funny part is that they have a direct access to a porno cinema. Which in no way you have to use of course, but still.

Back to the nice gesture. I took the bus from the temporary bus stop, and I couldn't find the ticket machine. Told the driver. He said "well, you can stamp your card two stations later". I said "that's where I get off". He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. I said "thanks" and smiled back. Got a free ride. Ridiculous how happy you get from a small gesture like that.


To be a meteorologist must be the best profession in the world. Always wrong, and still paid. I have looked at the weather forecast now for the past two weeks, and they have always warned you "a thunderstorm is coming". We're still waiting. Only today, when out with the boat, it was kinda a feeling of yes, it's coming. Soon.

So we only stayed on the lake for a couple of hours. It was only us, a few sail boats and the ferries of course. Plus the swimmers. I tell you. This is so dangerous. People swim across the lake, and when there are waves it is difficult to see the heads of the swimming people. I don't know why they don't understand it. There are so many vehicles on the lake. Pedalling boats, sailing boats, motor boats, ferries, canoes, gondolas and the odd bicycle-boat (yes I know, but it really is...a bicycle on top of a boating kinda device).

Anyway, yesterday there was a bit of a party. And I got a little bit tipsy. A lot actually. Hasn't happened in a while. So didn't feel exactly fantastic waking up this morning (but I've learned not to look in the mirror - ah, the horror!). But once out on the lake, all worries and the rest of the problems in the world just disappear. It's a stillness and a calmness out there, that is good for the mind. Not to mention it's fun :)


OK, so been a bit slow in the blogging area lately. Been busy. Where to begin? Perhaps with the date yesterday. Very interesting. And frustrating. This was a guy I met in a bar at three in the morning about a month ago. I was so certain he was gay, but I liked his company and we had fun together so exchanged numbers and agreed to stay in touch. Yesterday we were about to meet. Or so I thought.

19.00 o'clock was the time, the place was set and I was on the way before seven. Sent him an sms to say "I'm on the way, I'm dressed in this and that" (told you, we just met for about one hour one morning when both of us were a tad under the influence). He replied saying "I may be a bit late, but have a big drink on me in the meantime".

Right. Had a drink. Had another. Sent an sms "how late is a bit late exactly?". No reply. It was kinda funny at the bar I was hanging though. A group of people invited me, since they thought I was alone. And indeed I was.

Anyway, after 45 min I said to myself "no man is worth this wait" and left. Funnily enough I met him leaving the place, only he was looking very distressed and in a hurry and he didn't see me. And I didn't say anything. Was too angry.

Couple of minutes later he called to say "I'm here now". My response? "Well, I'm not. Any more". I think he thought I was gonna come back.

An hour later, he had called once again and I kinda mellowed a bit. Life is too short, that kinda thing. So told him where I was. He came. And guess what? The chemistry was still there. He is a fun guy. And not gay :)...even though he looks and sometimes acts like one.

Good thing, since I thought I had to work on my judge of character. And we had a pleasant time together, and some nice sms'ing today. So, there you go. See, I've been busy :)

Friday, July 21, 2006

A nice habit

Down here in Central Europe it is common to address people with names, saying like "Hi Annika" or "Hello Annika" or "Grüezi Annika", instead of just hi, hello and so forth. A very nice habit indeed, which I should take after but always forget. It's not easy to teach an old dogs new tricks ;)


This is an event emanating from Germany, but that is spread around the Central Europe. A party is always a party I suppose. Strangely enough this event takes place in September (the logic is beyond me - perhaps they just cannot wait).

The party involves drinking lotsa and lotsa beer, singing and dressing up in funny clothes. Here's an example.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Had this great idea, since it's a lot to look at at the lake. Knew I had a pair of binoculars somewhere, and I just found them. Will take them on the boat. Now I'll be able to watch in detail :)

Another trip

Whaddaya know...was out again today with the boat. For the fourth day in a row. Well, the weather is fantastic and it's too hot to stay in the city. Today there were three of us. Me and two guys...lucky me. One straight and one gay. The gay one stripped naked (with the consent of the other guy...and me? Just happy to see flesh I guess :). Never mind. It's not often I get to see penises in that condition ;)

And we had a great evening on the lake. Again. Swimming. Picnic'ing. Talking. Did I mention I even have a radio? Radio Zürichsee...great music! Although I must admit it's a bit much news, who wants to know about disasters in the world when you're on the lake?

Some views of Zürichsee


So today, since I didn't have time to go home in between parking the boat, and meeting with a friend, I had to go in the "boat clothes". That means bikini under, shorts and a top. Nothing very exciting, since everybody is dressed like this these days with about 32°C (89,6°F), but this top happened to be a bit tight. OK, so I bought it when I was slimmer. No need to dwell on that.

The funny thing was that when I met my friend (happened to be another woman) my top shirt button un-buttoned itself. The remark from my friend? Are you trying to compete with me? Just wish the compliment had come from a man...

PS. My friend is kinda voluptuous.


For the umpteenth time this summer I've been out with the boat. And I gotta say, every time is fantastic. Doesn't matter that I was out yesterday AND the day before that, it is still good. And today, I both took the boat out, and parked it. Myself. Beautifully. Yes, I hear you. She should've done that long ago, but when it comes to technical/practical learning I'm kinda slow, ok? Better with theory :)

Only to hear from my friend (?) that I didn't do it according to the book (he used to be a boat navigating teacher). Ha! When did I ever do something following the rules :) ?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A paying customer

Not what it sounds like, I haven't sold my body. But what I did sell was a boat trip. Some fan wanted to take a picture of Tina Turners house. Can you believe?

Here they say money doesn't smell, but I think black money has a really sweet smell :)...

PS. In case you work with the tax authorities. Of course I will declare this income.

Monday, July 17, 2006


OK, you guys out there. This question should not be one of the first you ask: "have you ever been smeared in honey?". I repeat. It is not a good first/second question. But coming to think of it, maybe it is for some women? I can only answer for myself of course.

All I can think of is stinky, sticky and not very pleasant. Guess I'm not a 9 1/2 week person :)...although Mickey O'Rourke was pretty tasty :)

Sunday, July 16, 2006


There are few things that are less interesting to me than politics. OK, so maybe football. But I cannot help reflecting on Swiss politics. Not that I follow it or anything. But what I've noticed is that they were really (REALLY) late in allowing women to vote (not a plus in my books I tell you). On the other hand, being late means that they don't take hasty decisions. So when it comes to abandoning smoking, I am so happy they are slow...


I know people in the Nordic countries. Bet they are the only ones who can say (in the middle of July when the sun never stops shining) "have you noticed it's getting darker earlier?".

It's like Nordic people cannot enjoy the moment. They always have to find an excuse of being miserable. Can you blame me I left?


Met two guys the other evening. No big surprise there. But it got me reflecting on relationships. Haven't we all come across it? Two people...one is dominant, taking all the attention, and the other one letting him (in this case a him...could easily be the other way around).

One is grabbing hold of the situation, the attention, and is funnily enough also getting the girls. The other one is laughing to everything what his buddy says. He's a hanger-on. He's happy to live in the shadow of somebody else.

Another observation, it's usually No 2 who is long-term. But who wants a "loser" :)? Not me I'm afraid. And in this particular case I didn't go for No 1 either. So who's the loser?


My (not personal but still) bus has been re-directed since they (who?) are digging all of Zürich up at the moment. Meaning there is a different stop. They have a funny saying at the re-directed bus-stops, and I will try to translate - "despite the ongoing construction work (they don't actually say that, it's to be understood - and trust me, people in Zürich are used to it) we guarantee your mobility". Of course they do.

Just not in the direction I wanna go. And not on the time I wanna go. Bet they had a really expensive lawyer to construct (haha) that sentence :)


When things are at its peak you should die/move/leave. Guess that means that I should do one of the options. Now. But for the first time in my life, I wanna fight. Because I do really like it here. And dying is not on the agenda. For now.

I have been many places, and apart from the Caribbean there is no place I'd rather be than here. Just now.

Reflecting? Yes I am. Better get my act together and say something useful :)

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Move your ass

Was hanging at my usual bar-table tonight when I heard somebody saying in German? Swiss German? Not sure...but what he said was move your ass. I kinda jumped. Until I saw this wheelchair being carried down the stairs. Guess that's the only time when I would accept a remark like that.

And I'd like to point out that my ass is not that big, ok :) ?


Tonight I was told that I have beautiful feet. For you who don't know, this is code for having nice breasts and I want to take you to bed. Immediately. Good thing I'm skilled in interpretation.

Besides, I had a quick look at his feet, and they were small. You know what I mean :) ?

Friday, July 14, 2006

Lost in translation?

Today I received a funny joke. In German (ok I know, but don't even go there). Forwarded it to a friend. Got an answer "who the hell are you?". OK, you need to know that this guy is not exactly IT friendly. Which in a way is funny, since he works in an IT company. Go figure.

I responded (in German) saying "I am somebody who speaks German". He in turn responded (now having figured out who I was and still am), including correcting my German. Turns out I had the right grammatics, and he again responded saying "ok, so my grammer sucks"...yes, it does indeed. Also in English :)...which btw happens to be his first language. Hurray, I am good!

Wow...30 visitors today - I'm honoured!


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Today 30
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Average Per Day 15
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Today 45
This Week 102

Thursday, July 13, 2006


I was today. Ran a washing machine. Within two hours the wash was dry, and ironed. But man, I tell you, ironing in 30°C (86°F) heat is a sweaty business...thanks again to the person who invented showers!

Just afraid that my newly acquired good-looking (?) tan will disappear with all these showers :)

Cheapo ciggies

Yesterday, Philip Morris had a drive. They went around the town selling ciggies cheaply. Three packs + a lighter for CHF 12:-. Not bad. Bought six of them (hey, sixpacks :), got four lighters and a free bag. All for the modest price of CHF 24:-. The bag and two lighters "for free".

Hurray for enterprise! Especially when I can benefit :)


Again. Think I have now had pigeons nesting on the boat about 5-6 times. I've really had it with these bstrds. Last time was really bad. The previous times they nested in the back of the boat, where it was reasonbly easy to clean. This last time the f...ing birdie was in the middle of the boat (how do they get in? I stack up with cushions the best I can) guarding two eggs.

Now, I have a cover on the boat. No way I was gonna go in there, taking the cover off with a birdie flying all over the place. These are times where men come in handy :)...so he did it. Got the birdie out. Only for her to come back looking for her eggs. Sorry, but they were in the river. I kinda felt (0,00001%) bad for her, but hey! No rent, no stay.


According to some investigation these are the most happy people on earth. As mentioned before in a previous blog item I didn't even know this was a country. But really sounds nice. Check it out!


Too many?

Can there be too many guys? Good question. This evening I was early in the place where we were meeting. Had some food, were bringing the two free newspapers (20 min and Heute)...yes, I try to read in German every day to keep my very newly acquired language skills up. Opposite of me at a few tables away there were two kinda gorgeous men sitting. Both were observing me.

And guess what? I got cold feet. It was so difficult to decide which one to flirt with, with them sitting next to each other and all. And I got these thoughts. What if I flirt with the wrong one (perhaps he has a rabbit-cooker girlfriend or something?). So I didn't flirt with any of them.

What is this? I am not the shy type exactly. Perhaps I should've just gone up to them, grabbed the one I wanted (oh dear, which one was it again?), and dragged him home...;)

The rabbit

Was out with a friend of mine this evening. A woman. We spoke to this guy. He seemed to be a bit hyper-active, and not entirely in touch with the world. Which we both noticed. She said "you remember the rabbit?", and I said "Sex and the City"...hahahahaha!

Guess it helps if you've seen the episode :)

The 28 (9) Rules of Manhood

Was sent to me by an American sexist male (this is what men laugh at...only a few are semi-funny...from a women's point of view, i.e. 19 and 24).

1: Under no circumstances may two men share an umbrella.

2: It is OK for a man to cry ONLY under the following circumstances:
(a) When a heroic dog dies to save its master.
(b) The moment Angelina Jolie starts unbuttoning her blouse.
(c) After wrecking your boss's car.
(d) One hour, 12 minutes, 37 seconds into "The Crying Game".
(e) When she is using her teeth.

3: Any Man who brings a camera to a bachelor party may be legally killed and eaten by his buddies.

4: Unless he murdered someone in your family, you must bail a friend out of jail within 12 hours.

5: If you've known a guy for more than 24 hours, his sister is off limits forever unless you actually marry her.

6: Moaning about the brand of free beer in a buddy's fridge is forbidden. However complain at will if the temperature is unsuitable.

7: No man shall ever be required to buy a birthday present for another man. In fact, even remembering your buddy's birthday is strictly optional. At that point, you must celebrate at a strip bar of the birthday boy's choice.

8: On a road trip, the strongest bladder determines pit stops, not the weakest.

9: When stumbling upon other guys watching a sporting event, you may ask the score of the game in progress, but you may never ask who's playing.

10: You may flatulate in front of a woman only after you have brought her to climax. If you trap her head under the covers for the purpose of flatulent entertainment, she's officially your girlfriend.

11: It is permissible to drink a fruity alcohol drink only when you're sunning on a tropical beach... and it's delivered by a topless model and only when it's free.

12: Only in situations of moral and/or physical peril are you allowed to kick another guy in the nuts.

13: Unless you're in prison, never fight naked.

14: Friends don't let friends wear Speedos. Ever. Issue closed.

15: If a man's fly is down, that's his problem, you didn't see anything.

16: Women who claim they "love to watch sports" must be treated as spies until they demonstrate knowledge of the game and the ability to drink as much as the other sports watchers.

17: A man in the company of a hot, suggestively dressed woman must remain sober enough to fight.

18: Never hesitate to reach for the last beer or the last slice of pizza, but not both, that's just greedy.

19: If you compliment a guy on his six-pack, you'd better be talking about his choice of beer.

20: Never join your girlfriend or wife in discussing a friend of yours, except if she's withholding sex pending your response.

21: Phrases that may NOT be uttered to another man while lifting weights:
a) Yeah, Baby, Push it!
b) C'mon, give me one more! Harder!
c) Another set and we can hit the showers!

22: Never talk to a man in a bathroom unless you are on equal footing: i.e., both urinating, both waiting in line, etc. For all other situations, an almost imperceptible nod is all the conversation you need.

23: Never allow a telephone conversation with a woman to go on longer than you are able to have sex with her. Keep a stopwatch by the phone. Hang up if necessary.

24: The morning after you and a girl who was formerly "just a friend" have carnal, drunken monkey sex, the fact that you're feeling weird and guilty is no reason for you not to nail each other again before the discussion occurs about what a big mistake it was.

25: It is acceptable for you to drive her car. It is not acceptable for her to drive yours.

26: Thou shalt not buy a car in the colors of brown, pink, lime green, orange or sky blue.

27: The girl who replies to the question "What do you want for Christmas?" with "If you loved me, you'd know what I want!" gets an Xbox. End of story.

28: There is no reason for guys to watch Ice Skating or Men's Gymnastics. Ever. We've all heard about people having guts or balls. But do you really know the difference between them? In an effort to keep you informed, the definition of each is listed below:
"GUTS" is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being assaulted by your wife with a broom, and having the guts to say, "are you still cleaning or are you flying somewhere?"
"BALLS" is coming home late after a night out with the guys smelling of perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the ass and having the balls to say, "You're next!"
29: Under no circumstances should a man EVER be associated with coordinating a baby shower, EVER!

We hope this clears up any confusion,

The International Council of Manhood, Ltd.

Rich bitch

Wish I was. Spoke to a friend the other day. He had just met somebody who owned an island (well, half of it as I understood). And yet he was not satisfied.

How much money does it take to be happy? Interesting question, isn't it? Personally I think it takes this: a roof over your head, food to eat, being able to pay for your hobbies. An extra would be to have enough to stop working, and enjoy your life without having to have an income. Not many people have the chance of doing this. At least not if you want to do it legally.

Gosh, when I think about these things I feel privileged. Compared to about a billion of people who doesn't have what I have. Lucky me :)

Bar fuss bar

For you less initiated it means "bare foot bar". Was there tonight. The only prerequisite is that you take your shoes off. Hardly surprising considering the name.

During the day this place is a bathing/swimming/sunning place for women only. During the night it turns into something else.

Was pleasantly surprised. One of things inside was a swimmingpool (hey, I know, not a big surprise) but when I saw fish in it I kinda jumped. Turns out it is not a swimmingpool as such (you know with chlorine, urine and dirt in general?), but a pool taking in water from the river/lake. Cool, isn't it?

I tell you, I discover new things about Zürich all the time. Most of them pleasant :)

Plan C

I have an acquintance/friend. We have known (of) each other for about 8 years. I don't claim to know him, in fact I don't think anybody ever will. Nevertheless, he has a talent of attracting women. Why? Not sure, but he does have a certain way around him that is indeed attractive. Bodywise? No, not for me. Mindwise? Yes, certainly. But only when he chooses to. You follow? Can understand if you don't, because f...if I do :).

Anyway, back to plan C. Comes from his girlfriends. Started out with having a girlfriend with a name starting with an A, then B, then C and so forth. Apparently he has now gone around the alphabet, and is back on C. For which time? Beats me :)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The bus

I really like the public transportation here in Z. But today I discovered a new feature. On a bus. After spending half the day on the lake, we had a bite to eat, and were then walking back towards "Hauptbahnhof" (the main station). And whaddaya know, we passed a bus. But not any bus. This bus had a bar in it. Some music. Some people. Interesting we thought.

So we stepped in (as you do), and had a drink. A bit of a dance (second time in my life I was dancing in a bus...the other story you get another time). A laugh.

Unfortunately this particular bus is not the one I usually take to go home. And trust me, I was trying to persuade them :)...

Check it out for yourself: http://www.fahrbar-zuerich.ch/

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Was walking to the bus tonight. Was approached by this guy, and I thought he was looking for money. Maybe he was. Don't know. Because when I spotted a rat in his arms I kinda didn't care. And I said (extremely intelligently :)...you're holding a fucking rat! Which wasn't a surprise to him I guess.

I then walked away. Who in their right mind has a rat as a pet??

Sex with the ex

What do we think about this issue? Or more important...what do I think? Complicated for sure. Easy, because you know what you get. Stupid? For sure.

Somebody shoot me :) !! Twice!!

Swiss TV

Funny. Sometimes in the mornings I try to watch German telly in order to 1) keep informed about what is happening in the world (the alternative is CNN...you get my drift) and 2) to learn German.

Sometimes when I get bored (happens more often than you would think!) I channel-surf. So I have discovered this Swiss channel that shows pictures of Swiss mountains and the temperature you can expect there (or so I think). And not only that. They also play Swiss/German/Austrian lederhosen yodelling kinda songs. Yuippe :)

It is actually a put-off. Good thing I'm not into skiing or anything to do with snow :)

Too skinny

One thing I will never do in my life is to sleep with somebody who weighs less than myself. Not that I'm fat or anything, but there is a limit. Somebody sat down on my lap today (as a joke) and it wasn't exactly comfortable. Who wants a skinny butt? Not me.

Interestingly enough when I try to do a review (a tad difficult now when I've reached a more mature age :) I realize that my boyfriends have been all sorts of people. Not only tall, dark and handsome (very few actually, too few?), but short tall, fat skinny (ah well, not exactly skinny-skinny), blond dark red, funny and not so funny etc etc.

Guess it must have something to do with hormones, feromones or whatever they are called these days...

Which witch?

So, ok maybe the English language is not totally logical at times either. From experience I happen to know that German certainly isn't, even though I today got a compliment for speaking it good. Only to be put down again by somebody else. Not everybody can speak a language fluent, and I did accuse him of being too pedantic.

There is a level you know when you try to speak a new language. Yes, you do need somebody to correct you, but only when you're fluent enough. Before that? Be careful with corrections. It is more important to try to understand each other.

And understand people I'm pretty good at...at least men ;)

Swiss joke

I know, sounds like an oxymoron, but (once I got it translated) it was rather funny. Will make an attempt to translate:

Why is Ragusa (brand of chocolate) better than a man? It is satisfying even if it's soft...and doesn't scream when you bite the nuts!

Yeah I know, not exactly a quality joke, but it's a start for the Swiss :)

Monday, July 10, 2006

Tattoo 2

Remember the girl who tattooed her eyelids? Well, it seems to have worked. No more pain. She looks great. At least with the complement of mascara. Haven't seen her without.

But still. I wouldn't do it. Enough to have done the piercing of the ears for that stupid (?) guy. From now on, I will only do things for me (and yes, I know she will claim she did it for her) but I'm old and ugly enough not to care anymore.

With me, what you see is what you get :)


Was sitting at an outdoor cafe tonight. Had a drink. Had a chat. And then I had to go to the bathroom (powdering nose kinda thing). When I came back, I noticed this couple. And the funny thing was that she was leaning down on him. I thought it was a snuggle. But then I thought again. And turned. She was sucking his nipple...

Two thoughts. First, shouldn't it be the other way around? Second, shouldn't it be in a more private place? Third thought, at 9 pm? Guess nothing wrong with the time, but the place?

Passion or stupidity, I cannot decide...


Is what it is outside. It is truly great! Day after day the sun is shining, the wind is a warm breeze and people undress (probably the best thing of them all :).

This evening a quiet drink with a friend, and a bit of a chat. Tomorrow a boat trip. Like I said before, holiday is a great concept!

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Went with the bus today. Normally the trip to downtown would take less than 5 min. Not today. It took 25 min. In comparison I can tell you it takes about 20 min to walk! Now, this is something that stresses me. Big time. It didn't get any better when the speaker was saying "bus 46 is late, and "wir bitten um verständnis", meaning we ask for your understanding. Let me tell you, I had no f...ing "verständnis" at all.

Swiss sense of timing? Yeah right? What a joke. And I was late, which I hate to be. I am a timely person by nature.

I was gonna ask for the ticket money back, but who can be bothered :) ??

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Interesting constellation on the boat today. One ex-boyfriend, and two gay guys. And me. In theory I could've stripped, since one had seen it already and the other two didn't care. But I didn't. Funny that...all of a sudden you feel inhibited. But I really don't think so. It was more that one of the other guys felt uncomfortable. And that kinda put a damper of things.

All in all though, it was an enjoyable afternoon. And a good beginning of a Saturday evening :)...

Friday, July 07, 2006


This evening we were sitting at a bar, outside. Had a drink, were chatting, a good time. And this guy passed, going inside the bar. Picture this...a guy, clad in trousers, a pair of too small shoes, a t-shirt that covered the top but not the belly. In short(s:), he looked like a wanna-be-transvestite.

I don't really judge, but of course I looked. The people at the bar told me that he actually is a kinda professor at the Zürich university, and that he speaks 8 languages. To which I replied: "have you checked?". The Swiss people didn't get it. They seem to take things for granted. But how would you really know unless you check? And how can you check unless you speak all the languages?

Experience tells me that Americans always say that they speak a language when really all they can say is "wie geht's?", or "merci beaucoup", or "bella ragazza". That is not what I would say is speaking a language (ok, having spent 3 months of agony trying to learn German I am probably biased :)

Anyway, I guess the bottom line here is not to be judgmental. Remember, it takes all sorts to make a world...

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Funny. I had this feeling yesterday when I got home, but put it down to being a bit under the influence. Although I didn't feel like that. However, today in the afternoon when I still felt the same I realized that it was due to the time spent on the boat. You know, when you have spent 6,5 hours on the lake, the floor feels like its moving. It was. I am certain :)

Anyway, a strange feeling when you sit down and the floor is moving from one side to the other. V. weird.


It was iffy weather today. A friend and I had planned to take the boat out. But it was not to be. Rain hanging in the air, thunderstorm about to do its deed. So we didn't. But since we had planned to meet up, we had a plan B. Including a couple of bars in Niederdorf, a bit of good talk, music, last bit about me taking him to the tram, making sure he got home safely. Yes, he got a bit drunk.

But who am I to judge? Never. Can happen to the best of us. And we did indeed have a good evening out.

PS. The guy from yesterday (the possible maybe) showed up for a drink.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Holiday is a great concept. So glad I discovered it at last. Sleeping long in the mornings (except for today when some idiot decided it would be a good idea to park a crane just outside my bedroom window to do something with the balconies on the house next door - in the friggin morning), wake up, have a bit of breakfast (coffee and cigarettes), watch a movie, water the plants on the balcony, decide what to do today. Excellent. Can't believe I missed out on it all these years.

You know, when I did have holiday before I kinda always travelled. Which is what you're supposed to do when you have holiday, right? Now when I live in one of the best cities in the world, I have discovered the beauty of staying home with all the comforts and yet be able to do everything I want to. Why travel? Beats me. Everything I want in life is here. And here is where I stay...for now :)


Attractive me? Hard to believe. But today I spent 6 hours on the lake with a new guy. We just met, and I am not particularly interested. Or was. 6 hours with intensive sun, sea, naked flesh (well you know, not completely naked), good talk and swimming kind of gets to me. On top of it all he brought food, delicious stuff like marinated chilis, cheese, fresh bread, olives, ham etc etc. We had a pic-nic on the boat. The drinks were provided by me. And you guessed it, white wine and water.

Since it was a weekday it wasn't many boats out and we drove out there for an hour or so. Then stopped the engine. I was swimming three times, about 25°C (77°F). It was fantastic.

And at the same time I got an sms from another guy who expressed his interest. What can a poor girl like me do :) ?? And yes, you guessed that too. Go home blogging :)

Just a small tip. Nothing like a little "now I'm interested, now I'm not" to get the guys going...


Stole this from another blog. Semi-funny :)

Forza Italia!

There was a semifinal tonight. Germany and Italy were playing. Football. Apparently. Hard to miss actually, when you were out in town like I was. And gotta say, having a choice between the two countries, it has to be Italy. Not that I'm in love with the country, but the alternative would have been Germany. And here in Switzerland, we certainly do not like that. Inferior complex kind of thing. Smaller country and so forth.

Happened to leave the place I was in just after the match. The whole town was full of hooting cars. I bet half of them were Italians, and the other half were just happy that Germany didn't win.

And the other teams in semifinal are Portugal and France. I put my vote on Portugal, since I'm not too fond of the frogs :)...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

24 years

And no, I haven't been living next door to Alice. But I have a friend since 24 years. We met the first time 1982. It is so hard to believe, since we do not keep in touch on a very regular basis. We kinda speak every year, maybe twice a year, maybe we miss a year. And yet, it's exactly like yesterday.

We update each other on the big things in life. And then we just keep on going, like we met recently. It is fantastic.

Hurray for friends!

Happy 4th of July!

Happy Independence Day to all Americans! At least you have something to celebrate, unlike where I come from. Yes, we also have a national day, but hard to remember when since we have nothing to celebrate. I don't even know what it's for. Sad, huh?

But it's a good reason to party. And since I have American friends, I also have a reason, don't I :) ??


Have finally gotten around to purchase new color thingies for the printer. Four thingies (black, pink, yellow and blue) cost as much as the printer itself. I knew they had to get their money from somewhere :)...it better last for some time now!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Stephen Hawking

This is the guy who discovered the mystery of the universe as I understand it. He was asked what he would like to discover next...guess what the answer was? "I would like to understand women"...HAHAHAHAHA!


And I was swimming today! For those of you who know me, you know that I only do that if the water is really warm. Today it wasn't. Well, it wasn't at first. Once you got used to it, it kinda was. Ish :)

It was nice I have to admit. And (a secret) you could pee in the water without anybody noticing...


That this piccie looks almost the same as the one I posted yesterday...but maybe not so strange...it's the same lake...the same weather...but still beautiful! Wish you could see it for yourself...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Lobster look II

The sequel...I'm telling you. I did look like a lobster before, but now? After 7 hours on the Zürichsee, we're talking red...not pink...RED :)

But a fantastic day on the lake...boat, good talk, wine, even some food, enjoying life. Am thinking that the boat is probably the best investment I ever made. And cheaper than a car :)

Did I mention that it attracts men? Naked ones?

Saturday, July 01, 2006
