Whass up?

Friday, July 28, 2006


Again. This topic never cease to interest me. Apparently. Even though I live in a country that thrives on clocks, it seems I yet have to meet a man who's on time (compare blog item with date last Friday) (and my ex for that matter).

Today, my friend (male of course :) told me he'd be a tad late for the boat. A tad turned out to be 21.15. Whereas I thought a tad meant something like maybe seven. Anyway, had a bit of an experience with this guys timing before so decided to take the boat out on my own. For the first time! We agreed that I'd pick him up later. Only at about 19.30 it started to be a bit clouded and I felt like I needed to take the boat back. Thunderstorm awaits.

So did (all on my own, and beautifully parked I might add :), but then the rain didn't come. Only flashes. So stayed in the boat for an hour or so (very pleasant indeed, lying there with a glass of white, reading a book). Then the weather got really threatening, so had to close it all up.

We later met at the bar next-door...was there like 5 min before "my" guy arrived and the waiter recognized me from last Friday. He got kinda interested, but this time I had a date that actually arrived :)

Anyway, must thank the boat-ride-in-the-night guy for me getting the courage enough to take the boat out on my own. He got so drunk so wasn't any help at all. Had to do it all by myself. Coming to think of it, what else is new? You want something done, you do it yourself...


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