Whass up?

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I realize from the previous blog items that you thought my party over the past weekend was all hunky-dory. And it was (thanks to my real friends...where would I be without my friends?), but at the same time somebody screwed up.

Flatmate. You know the guy who moved in a couple of months ago. I invited him to my party, thought that was a nice thing to do since he lived with me. I have really helped him with all sorts of things. Being flexible with him moving in here, lent him money (which I did get back but still), gave him my old mobile phone when his was stolen, paid bills for him, washed his clothes (not ironing mind you) etc etc. And he knew from months ago that he needed to find another place for three nights this weekend. I even offered to find the place for him.

Still he fucked it up.
1. He put his wash in the machine on Friday morning (the same day I was having three people moving in) and left it there. What am I? A friggin housewife? Besides when you have guests you don't want wet clothes hanging around.
2. He came in Friday afternoon being all stressed because his so called friend had just sent an sms telling him that he couldn't stay there. So I fixed another place for him to stay for the night. My friend got the bed ready and I had the key. Sent him a couple of sms's to say it's all taken care of, he never bothered to reply. And he never showed.
3. I had reserved space in the restaurant, and included him on the guest-list. He didn't even call.
4. He ordered mail to my address, which I explicitly had asked him not to. It didn't help that the post office rang the door at 9 o'clock on Saturday morning (the day of my big party) when the four of us had only slept four hours.

Finally got an sms on Sunday, saying he was sorry. Well, I'm sorry, but that's too late mate. I didn't reply. Today, got another sms stating "I'm coming home this evening, hope you're still not angry". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

PS. Had a few guests this evening when he did come "home", but he left almost immediately not wanting to confront the issue when I said we need to talk. Hey, what else is new with men? So, here I am, waiting for him to come back. Does he even realize he's not welcome anymore?


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