Whass up?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Brunch was on the Sunday after the big party afternoon/evening/night on Saturday. At 11.30. This is friggin early after having been out for three nights sleeping something about 5 hours a night (on the sofa I might add, since I gave my bed up for the guests). Well, when having guests flying in from all sorts of places you adjust your timetable (and your sleeping arrangement). So did. To agree with their itineraries.

We weren't that many to be honest. Only 7 of us. Most of the people left on Sunday, and also must admit I have a few amateur friends when it comes to partying :)...oh dear, I'll get punished here!

But it was very nice indeed. A bit of dissecting last night, laughing (I know, that early in the morning!), and agreeing we all had a good time. Not to mention we had a big brunch containing mostly the leftovers from last evening but also fresh bread, youghurt (the Slimline version with mango and passion fruit, a favourite!) and whatsit.

PS. Asked the people at the party if they would object to having their photos published on the blog. None did. At the time. Day after I got a sms saying "I don't want to see my face on the blog". OK, fair enough, but too late since your tits are already there ;)


  • At 12:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Headline: Sunday

    Oh yes, those tits were there. Sorry if I offended them... :-)

  • At 12:04 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    Wasn't mine so I don't mind :)...

  • At 12:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Headline: Sunday

    I would never offend yours! :-)

  • At 12:26 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    You wouldn't dare ;)


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