Whass up?

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The party has begun

Where shall I start? The first guest (which will turn out to be a 5-day party) arrived yesterday. Since it was his first time in Zürich I thought I'd give him the fast-track-course. Meaning we went to Oktoberfest (remember the previous blog?). Then we went on. And on. And on. Was in bed at three last night.

This afternoon my relatives arrived. Met them at the airport. Got home. Cooked - chicken of course :)...had some wine. Coordinated with the other people arriving today. Ended up being six of us having a drink in town. Then on to my usual place. Intended (really!) to be home early since I got about 4 hours sleep last night. You guessed right, didn't happen. Well, actually we did get home not too late but then ended up having another drink and now, here I am, blogging.

So, off to bed. Big day tomorrow. At three in the afternoon we start. And BTW there is no end to tomorrow evening...it'll just go on and on and on. G'night :)


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