Whass up?

Monday, August 07, 2006


OK, so inmate and I may have had our first fight. Came home this evening only to realize that key didn't turn in lock. When you leave the key in the lock on the inside you cannot open from the outside. What to do? I knocked. Didn't work. So rang the door. Twice. He opened. Said, "but the door is open". Hello? Who in their right mind leaves a door unlocked. In the middle of Zürich.

Well, couldn't be angry. He was sleepy, and the time wasn't right to fight. But really? Would you do it? Will leave a note on the door (inside) asking him not to do that again.


  • At 2:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    o oh, leaving notes for your housemate is always the start of trouble


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