Whass up?

Monday, August 07, 2006


OK, this is funnier. This guy stands next to me. Wants to buy me a drink, but I politely declined. That didn't stop him, so he started to speak. OK, so I'm a polite person (at times), I listened. He said "I've spent 30 years in a submarine". Couldn't help myself so responded "And you just surfaced in Zürichsee?". Which is indeed funny (or so I thought, he was German so he of course didn't get it) since Zürichsee is a lake. HAHAHA!

I guess he meant well. But sometimes I cannot stop myself. These German/Swiss are sometimes too easy to make jokes about...even if they fall flat to the ground :) The jokes i.e. ;)))


  • At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's really funny. Unfortunately he didn't get it but may be he will improve in understanding jokes:-)))
    Ze German

  • At 5:22 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    One can only hope :)


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