Whass up?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Wine tasting

Just a quickie to show you I'm alive. Been to dinner tonight. A friend of mine cooked fantastic as usual. Got home pretty early. But the problem was that I had to do some wine-tasting. For my party coming up later this month. The things you do for your friends :)

So opened three different bottles of red, numbered them 1, 2 and 3 (gee, that's original!). Then numbered the glasses, and there we went. Actually, we're still at it. My choice was 1, 3, 2. Flatmates choice was 1, 2, 3. So I think we agreed on No 1. Which happened to be a Shiraz. Always been a favourite of mine. But the No 4, that we had for dinner wasn't bad either. A Chianti Classico. Hmmm. Have to think about it. Perhaps I need another wine tasting session :) ?


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