Whass up?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Men and porno

What is this with men and porno? Not that they use it, I don't mind really. Why would I mind? It's not a bad thing. But that they always feel compelled to hide it. Today for example, my flatmate was storing something under the guest bed, and guess what? He found two porn magazines. From the month of May.

And if you're a reader of my blog you know who stayed here then. Yes, lover boy is making a come-back. If not in person, so in mind. Hmmm. Good thing he left! (And I'm gonna have a serious talk with putz-Peter, who hasn't cleaned properly!).

So when flatmate offered them to me (by shoving them in my face...gee, thank you so much) I politely declined with the excuse that "it's no men anyway". At which time he showed me I was wrong. Oh thanks mate. A large penis standing-up. On a picture. Nah, think I prefer it live :)


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