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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Tigers of Tamil

These are the guys (paramilitary and quite violent) in Sri Lanka. Meaning they think that shooting people is better than talking and using diplomacy. I do not.

Met one today. Thought he was an innocent, young guy trying to make a living in Switzerland. And of course he is.

Only, when we established the fact that he is indeed in favour of the Tamil Tigers I started to argue with him. He said that he would die for his country. I asked why. He didn't have a good reason, but I pushed it. Said "why are you here then"? "Why aren't you back home fighting"?. He said he wanted to make a good life for himself and that he can earn more money here. Hello? My point exactly.

Asked him what exactly he would fight for. It's not the land. It's the culture, beliefs, people and so forth. But here in Switzerland money talks. And after speaking to people from former Yugoslavia (since I do not have any personal experience of war) I really do believe that all that people wanna do is to have a good life, enough money to survive, to have family and friends.

Politicians have a tendency (ok, not many, only wanna mention G Bush as an example...since he's the most known) to take decisions and start wars. Think I can speak for most people when saying, war is not the solution. Never was, never will be.

And if you disagree, honestly, would you like to be North Korean?


  • At 1:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Amen! You tell 'em...

  • At 2:33 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    Ah ok, but hello? You're the one with an American passport (yes?). I'm not exactly invited to vote in America...to be honest with ya...your authorities would like a retina scan, fingerprints, and I'm sure bra size before I'm allowed to enter. Not very welcoming...

  • At 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, let's not argue over "who killed who" ... Monty Python... I MOST DEINITELY did NOT vote for that idiot George! Just because my home country appears to have a majority of complete idiots doesn't mean that we are all soulless, maniacle war mongers.

    Although I do think you are correct in your assertation about what is currently needed to enter America; but it wasn't always that way... Paranoia has clouded the minds of these authorities far more than I would have ever thought possible. Now I'm forced to live in Europe and be (incorrectly, I must say) thought of as "one of those people". I'm not, believe me ... I have NO power...

  • At 7:01 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    A goody, so we share the same opinion then. And actually, some of my best friends are American :) George however, is not one of them.

    PS. Don't think you're "forced to" live in Europe. You have a mind of your own, dontcha?

  • At 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ahhh, but that statement was completely misinterpreted. I'm loving living our here in Germany for a while! The "forced" statement was referring to the fact that the idiots currently running the U.S. have done so much damage to the American image that I get to have the wonderful task of constantly explaining to people that "I'm not one of them..."

    I believe that it used to be that us Americans were regarded as rather easy going and nice. That has apparently changed...

  • At 1:40 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    Easygoing and nice :) ?? Yes, perhaps in private, but in business? Hmmm...


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