Whass up?

Saturday, September 09, 2006

20 years

Came across somebody today who had a relationship with a guy 20 years ago. She even moved to another country because of love. Unfortunately the relationship didn't last, but I guess she never forgot him.

She told me she was going to visit his home city, and thought of him. This after 20 years. She looked up the name in the phone book. Turned out to be five of them. She phoned them all. The fifth one was the one.

This happened a couple of years ago. They are now great friends. Families have met, that kinda thing. Isn't it a great story? Wish I was as bold and forward. There are lotsa ex's to contact :)


  • At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good for them! Unfortunately, it's stories such as this that give some people false hope.

    Just let me say that I, too, have recently been doing the "get back in touch with the high school sweetheart from 20 years ago" thing and my story most definitley appears to be turning out quite different. I would explain more, but I promised her not to ever post anything about her again... That, in itself, should give you some clue... ;-)

  • At 1:44 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    You cannot expect every story to have the same end. Think how boring THAT would be!

    Forget the ex's and move on...lotsa nice German girls (or so you would think amongst 80 mill people :). Maybe even find somebody who isn't a prostitute? There's a thought...

  • At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, whuddaya know…? You actually are reading my blog... Try not to get the wrong impression - the whole prostitute thing isn’t really as it must appear. I’m just writing the stories that I think people might be interested in reading… There is quite a bit more to me; however the language barrier is making it pretty much impossible for me to meet any women over here – hence the trips to the red light districts. As I am sure you are aware, that stuff is highly illegal back home and I guess I’m getting a bit carried away with it. I’m the ole “kid in a candy store”…

    It is, as I mention in one of my blogs, really no more than a waste of time and money and, more often than not, ends up doing more psychological damage than anything gained by the physical aspect. I am, however, a man and that whole “survival of the species” instinct is a tough urge to fight. Not to mention that this really can’t be helping my self esteem issue…

  • At 11:45 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    There are actually German people who speak English. You just have to get used to their accent, and learn how to read between lines sometimes. Or do like I did. Take a German course. I'm not fluent but I get by. This way you will meet other foreigners in the same situation, and expand your social life.

    And when you do meet somebody, if I were you I wouldn't mention the red light district experience :)

  • At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, since you mentioned it, I will tell you that I have actually just started a German class here – the second class is this evening. I don’t know how proficient I will be able to become (I think it’s something like 30 three hour classes); however I can use any help I can get.

    As for the “red light district” thing … am I correct in thinking that it is your opinion that I shouldn’t be completely honest with people? Hehe… I’m just messing with ya… No, I understand what you’re saying. You’re basically saying that I am a subhuman life form and that I should probably keep this subhuman-ness to myself. ;-) Okay, tell ya what – I’ll try; but if I am asked, I’m not going to lie.

  • At 12:50 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    OK by me. All I was saying was that some "chicks" may have a problem with your experience. On the other hand, most women also have problems with lying men...


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