Whass up?

Thursday, September 07, 2006


After the early wake-up this morning (why, oh why?) decided to take a cruise. Went out on the lake. Brilliant. Cruising, people-watching (there are some odd ones out there I tell you), but eventually got around to reading a book etc.

Late afternoon I had a meeting. And since I've learned not to ever take ice-tea (this is funny since it says no sugar on the package...yeah right) on the boat, I brought some wine. As you do. So had a drink. Had two. And you know. But I have actually learned (empirically, meaning by practice) to park the boat under the influence. Not UNDER under you understand, but after a few. I glide into my anchor place. Effortlessly...it's beautiful :)

So funny thing was, had this meeting with a suit-guy. Small office, kinda apartment-like. He said "would you like something to drink?". I said "yes, a glass of wine please"...he was kinda walking away like he had that on offer. Then I said "I have the wine if you have the glasses". I tell you, took him about 2 sec's to deliver. Two wine glasses. Perhaps i misjudged the situation. Perhaps this office is a drink-until-you-fall-down type of office. On Fridays. I refuse to think he's like that. Remember, it takes one to know one :)

Sometimes people surprise you. Didn't take him for a party animal. So guess learned something new today. Again :)...

PS. And when I said, I don't see any smoke alarms around, he brought an ashtray. Good guy :)


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