OK, so this evening it was a 50-50 chance I'd go out. But considering it was dressage on Eurosport, topped by a Swedish movie dubbed to German on another channel, I didn't really have a choice.
So decided to go out and observe the mating rituals of the Zürich tribe. Indeed an interesting pastime. Wonder if somebody with a PhD ever made a degree on this particular subject?
Anyway, I was gonna report back to you that it actually exists some "normal" people. Until I met this guy.
So the so called normal people consisted of three girls exposing bare skin, singing along, having the moves. The guys in turn did some undressing like taking t-shirts off, flexing their muscles. You know. The Zürich tribe, doing the mating rituals. Just another evening out, right?
And gotta admit, I did enjoy the taking the t-shirt off thingie :)
So decided to go out and observe the mating rituals of the Zürich tribe. Indeed an interesting pastime. Wonder if somebody with a PhD ever made a degree on this particular subject?
Anyway, I was gonna report back to you that it actually exists some "normal" people. Until I met this guy.
So the so called normal people consisted of three girls exposing bare skin, singing along, having the moves. The guys in turn did some undressing like taking t-shirts off, flexing their muscles. You know. The Zürich tribe, doing the mating rituals. Just another evening out, right?
And gotta admit, I did enjoy the taking the t-shirt off thingie :)
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