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Friday, August 25, 2006

Comfort movies

Have a friend. He's very much into movies. So much that he rebuilt his entire basement (new roof and everything) in order to have a big-screen movie and surround system. This apparently makes him very happy. And indeed it is impressive.

Only, he has a shitty taste in movies. He (and the word he should give you a hint here) likes action movies, male-hero type of movies, you know, Matrix reloaded, Gladiator, Jackie Chan, that type of thing.

OK, so I'm a girl. Comfort movies for me is like Pretty woman, Love Actually, classics like Gone with the wine and Casablanca, anything really with Jack Nicholson like About Smith, One flew over the Cookoo's nest, The witches from Eastwick, even Anger Management (although the end is too Hollywood for me). And as it turned out, the wife agreed.

So, conclusion? Yes, women and men are different. Hey, what else is new :) ?

PS. We did agree on The green mile being a terrific movie though.


  • At 2:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey, I like Jackie Chan movies- they're funny (the old ones), and Gladiator and the Matrix (but only the first one) and I'm female. but i also like the other ones you mentioned except for maybe the Witches of Eastwick.
    Too much stereotyping.

  • At 2:04 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    Have to agree I haven't seen Jackie Chan or Matrix...so jumping to conclusions I guess...but hey, I am certain I wouldn't like'm.


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