Whass up?

Saturday, August 26, 2006


OK, so not certain how I got the logic together in last blog, but hey, it is 3.30 in the morning so gimme a break, ok?

Was approached tonight by a Swiss/Canadian guy. He wouldn't stop talking. Made me think about how things tie together. Before I left home tonight I was watching "The Office", you know the "manager". Believe his name is David Brent or similar. Anyway this Swiss/Canadian reminded me of him. Big time. Not only in personality but in body too...which is possible worse :)

Spent a whole hour (no, I wasn't counting the minutes but almost) telling me about his management style, how good he was, how much money he earned etc etc. Yawn!

Eventually I had to tell him I have a boyfriend (ok, so lying through my teeth, but in emergencies you sometimes have to drop a white lie)...and it worked! 2 seconds and he pissed off. Ah goody :)

So conclusion? Idiots come in all nationalities, races, colours, religion etc etc...

PS. I did have fun though, felt like I was playing with him like a cat plays with a mouse :)


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