Whass up?

Friday, August 25, 2006


Something I blogged about before. OK, so here's the truth. I am tone-deaf. Totally. I used to play the flute (forced to in school), the piano (by choice, made my parents buy me a piano) and guitar (bought it myself and still have it!). And I was never very good at it. Totally loved it though. Music, passion, feelings, memories etc etc.

And yes, you can learn but if you don't have the talent forget it. Being kinda a perfectionist, I don't even wanna go there if I know I cannot do it well.

So, yes music is fantastic. And I have a funny taste in it. Like right now I'm listening to musical music. Love it. Also a fan of classic (ok, so not that strange), I even sometimes listen to "tacky" stuff like lederhosen tunes or even plain pop. Not a very hot thing to do I know, but hey! What's wrong with ABBA?


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