Whass up?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Swiss German vs high (proper) German

A few examples:

German: Guten Abend
Swiss German: Guten Abig
English: Good evening (and yes, they write all nouns with capital letters...why? you tell me!)

German: Wo bist du?
Swiss German: Wo bisch?
English: Where are you?

German: Küchekasten
Swiss German: Chuchichästli (not sure about spelling, but neither are the Swiss :)
English: kitchen cupboard

On top of it all some words are completely different like:

German: Fahrrad
Swiss German: Velo
English: bicycle

German: arbeiten
Swiss German: schaffen
English: work

Can you tell I'm struggling?


  • At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Annika,

    just a minor change: in German it's Küchenschrank, Küchenkasten is more Austrian

    Ze German

  • At 3:46 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    You see...it's darn difficult :)


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