Whass up?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


OK, so was busy today but in the early evening I thought maybe I'll stroll down to the river, where I know from yesterday there was a big-screen telly, to kinda have a look at the football fans and embrace the atmosphere. Big, huge mistake (a la Julia Roberts on Rodeo Drive).

Was packed, and I got sucked into a crowd. Couldn't go back, couldn't go forward. Got as much of a panic as I will allow myself to get. My whole body was shaking. I couldn't breathe properly. And all over the place were these rude people. All of them taller than me. Or at least it felt like.

Finally after an eternity I got out. Had to sit down for 5 minutes, trying to catch my breath, mouth dry as after a really bad hang-over.

Eventually I walked to the nearest cafe, promptly ordered a Coke and a sandwich. My blood sugar was non-existent. Felt much better after, and actually enjoyed sitting there. Not many people around for above reasons, but I felt like I had a lucky escape. So f... football, never again!


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