Whass up?

Friday, June 02, 2006

Friday afternoon

As I thought, it was an interesting afternoon. Remember the blog about the Ecuadorian (yes, got told off about spelling Ecuador with a q...shame on me:), the Venezuelan and the French. Sounds like a joke already!

Anyway, was an interesting afternoon and no talk about my smoking, no trashing of Zürich. Nice to know that I can be wrong. Doesn't happen often (at least not that I can remember :)...

Good food too. Chicken a la Ecuador (notice with a c!), some Italian wine (we like international) and flambéd strawberries with chocolate cake. Not a bad lunch I would say.

And a good start to the weekend!


  • At 5:44 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    And can you believe it? Just got told off to say Ecuadorian. Apparently it's Ecuatorian. Which is why I edited the blog. Why?? It's not Ecuator, it's Ecuador. The country i.e.

  • At 6:14 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    Ah, these languages. Apparently it is Ecuadorian and not Ecuatorian after all...sigh!


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