Whass up?

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Where I come from, this is almost unheard of. Coming to think of it, I think it is in Switzerland too. Which is why it's so appreciated when it happens. Unlike in the latin countries, where it's an every-day occurrence. And means absolutely shite.

It has happened to me. That I got compliments. A number of times actually. But there are two that I still remember vividly. One time in Scandinavia, probably more than 15 years ago. I had just parked the car and was walking towards the parkingmeter, looking in my handbag for change. A man passed on the street, saying "yes, I'll have one please". I looked up startled and said (unintelligently) "what?". He said "I assumed you were looking for a business card and I'd like to have one please, since I like what I see".

As it happens I was on my way to a medical center for a health check-up, and the first thing they did was to take my blood pressure. It was a bit on the high side. But when I explained to the nurse what had happened, she laughed and understood why.

The other one was given to me by my brother. He must've been somewhere around 12-13 years old. We were watching telly and saw some super-model. He said: "I think you're much more pretty than her".

Funny that. Hope lotsa men are reading this item. Lots to learn. And perhaps also we women should be better in giving compliments?


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