As you may have noticed the titles/headlines I put on my blog items do not always exactly match what I write about. I have just discovered that this may not be optimal. Since I have so many items written already, it is starting to be confusing and difficult to remember what I have written about and not. Which is why I sometimes use the "search this blog"-function. Which seldom works for above reasons. But hate to repeat myself. Then again, there may be new readers and people forget (just like I do). I hope.
So, guess I'm gonna continue like before. It's from here on to be known as "Annika's style" :)...say one thing, and mean another would be a different way of putting it. If you're inclined to be sarcastic. Which I often am...
So, guess I'm gonna continue like before. It's from here on to be known as "Annika's style" :)...say one thing, and mean another would be a different way of putting it. If you're inclined to be sarcastic. Which I often am...
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