Whass up?

Monday, October 09, 2006


Not sure what the expression is in English, but in German (translated) they say that every medal has two sides. It's a cliché, but therefore true.

Like this course I'm attending. It is so not interesting. But the up-side is that the class-mates are. And without going to this course I'd never have met them. Always look on the bright side of life...(life of Brian, remember?).

Like today. We were bored out of our skulls after listening to somebody who presented an uninteresting topic for 1,5 hours (when he was supposed to do it in half an hour!). So we just had to go for a beer to dissect this person. One of these people makes wonders for team-building. At least for the rest of us :).

Anyway, it just went downhill after that. Ended up in my place, having a drink or two. Or three. Not sure anymore :) Solving the world's problems, or at least our "problems". Good fun.

Got me thinking about communication. I voluntarily went with two Swiss men, none of them speak any English whatsoever (hang on, it's not true, when one of them had a few beers he turned out to be pretty good in English). The other guy I normally go to lunch with. He doesn't speak any English, but I can communicate better with him than any other person in class. Which goes to show that language is not the issue.

Willingness to communicate...cannot be measured. It's all in life. Without it, you might as well go home, go to bed and stay there :)


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